I love the soapy smell of fresh bass but cedar has to be my favorite. i cut into a fresh US blanks today with double cedar stringers but instead of the typical sweet aroma, it smelled like bar-b-q chips. I thought I was losing my marbles but I asked my wife to smell and she says ‘it smells like bacon’. So wierd!
Cherry and maple…I do my best not to smell walnut, given its carcinogenic qualities, but I do like the smell. Redwood is pretty good too and it sticks with you.
Funny that you love basswood…I think it smells like cat piss, particularly when damp–I resaw a TON of it for HWS boards and had the stinky pleasure of resawing some of it when it was still fairly green.
Pussywillow and cedar are pretty nice.
Jim Phillips told me about some wood he had come across.
It was wood from some old wine barrels.
Bet that smelled cool!
Me, Cedar and Redwood.
I love the smell of western red cedar. There is subtle differences in the aromas, board to board, but no mistaking it for fence board cedar either.
I don’t remember what basswood smells like.
I don’t find redwood to be a pleasant smell. When I last made a lot of shavings and dust with it, it seemed to attract flying insects.
I made a FCS fin out what I now Believe to be Bloodwood. It smelled like burnt sugar. and sanded like iron.
So strong, I never bothered to glass it, teak oil only, but it is only a midsize fin
A fresh Balsa wood blank. It transports me back to a time before Foam.
I do wood turning so have smelled a lot of different wood. My favorite is camphor wood but for some folks it is just over powering. 2nd runner up is Mulang (Michelia champaca) cant really explain the smell but kindof spicy perfume . Think I will go to the shop now and smell some !
Having taught wood shop for 29 years, one of the nicest compliments that I received from a student was when I spied a random scribbling in his note book that read “Mr. D smells like wood”. Hmmm…on second thought, maybe it wasn’t a compliment.
macrocarpa for me reminds me I found a bit outside.
For me it’s teak all the way…I regularly find myself laying face down on garden/park benches just sniffing…
Cheers rich
Ipa wood, freshly sawn smells like CocaCola syrup.
I've been a woodworker for over 30 years and Port Orford Cedar is by far my favorite wood aroma. I wish I could bottle it.
I hope for your sake that it is the wood you are smelling!
May find some odd odors there.
cedar's great................reminds me of my brother's apt. on coronado av./ocean in imperial beach...........all cedar interior.
fresh cut balsa is great too !
birch,redwood,pines in general............koala trees .............all smell great as well !
my fav is fresh cut maple....................smells like popsicle sticks.
bethlehem olivewood
camphor wood
and my favorite
burning Pinon
a Redwood forest on a hot day
Always loved the smell of Oregon-Doug fir being milled…some years back , we milled a shipment of roasted European oak , to be used in wine vats …very distinctive - you could taste it while ya cut it.
Be careful with smelling too much teak wood. The dust from teak can cause lung problems. I spent 15 years in Yacht repair and painting. A lot of time sanding Teak Hand Rails and Trim for fresh coats of Varnish. Even with Dust mask I inhaled a lot of dust and would get really bad coughing fits.
Hickory smoking inside my gas grill.
one day
meanwhile for now