Fin Templates For Quad Fish

a BIG thank you to ‘Lazymodo’ , for sending me these shots of your boards , mate !

bish , oldy , others …

I hope you find these useful ! [I sure DID !]

I hope you don’t mind me posting your commentary* , mate …I found it very helpful !

I look forward to hearing the dimensions of the fins , and the placements as measured from these boards , cheers !


  • lazy’s comments : -

    "heres a few pics . feel free to post them. i will get you fin placement measurements tonight and post them. youll notice the pavel has the turbo option on the fins, thats all that curve and cant. same fin outline as the regular canard quad just with lateral concave and lots more cant.i believe its almost 30 deg on the turbos. the difference is the lift.the curve and

extreme cant create lift. its incredible how much faster the turbos are. they literally lift the board up .you feel the difference immediately. its a bizzare feeling. on bigger days its actually too much, the board wont sit in the water and corks on hard turns.

but for small days, its like night and day. incredibly fast. the pavel is new. the mandala is about three years old. youll notice the straight rail in the planshape, i dont think he even makes this board anymore without the double bump configuration. the pavel has a very blended double bump. its a great board. "

…now I just need a side-on shot of the mandala’s clear quad fins for a comparison , please , ‘lazy’ ? [you’re not really …you got onto this VERY fast , cheers mate !..MUCH appreciated !]


Here is a pic Chip…


…now I just need a side-on shot of the mandala’s clear quad fins for a comparison , please , ‘lazy’ ? [you’re not really …you got onto this VERY fast , cheers mate !..MUCH appreciated !]


Looks like Chip is onto my secret

thanks for the shot , Liguid !

How does that board go , are you enjoying it ?!

What are the base and depth measurements of each fin , please , and, how far are they set up from the tail tips , if you don’t mind ?

cheers !


heres the numbers on the mandala;

6’ 3/4" X 20 3/8 "

n 15" t 15 1/4"

wide point 20 3/8" 4" forward of center

the front fins; rear edge10 3/4 from tail 1 1/2 in from rail toed in 1/8" about 6 deg cant.

the rear fins; to the cutaway rear edge,6" up from tail ,2 1/8 " in from the rail .

the cutaway is about 5/8 inches into the fin so if you had a strait non cutaway fin( like rainbows) the rear edge would be 5 3/8 "up from tail. no toe .no cant.

the board has double concaves from about a third of the way up through the tail.

i emailed you the mandala fin side shot to you feel free to post it.

the pavel dims are on the way .sorry for the delay ive been super busy.

thanks a lot , ‘Lazy’ !…%27lazy%27s.jpg

Liquid. that looks like the quad fin set up that Eddie from Island Influence it doing. I believe he is placing the back fins about 2-1/2’ to 3" from the rail and the fins are double foiled no cant and no toe in. I have friend riding one of these boards and he shreds on it.

Liquid’s photo

                  One of my boards.. it's kind of a quazi quad/twinzer

gee, I like the red four finner , Ben !

how far up are THOSE fins from the tail ?

cheers !


Here are two more from ‘lazy modo’

thank you , THANK you !! …

pictures ARE worth thousands of words !!

You’ve been VERY helpful, mate …I GREATLY appreciate it !

cheers !


the front side fin …

the back side fin …

you guys are blessed to get such a good range of fins over there in America !

to those of you who ride quad fishes.

do you feel drag like a thruster or is it smooth like a twin. i’d like to try a fish outline with 2 twin’s up front and a couple of small conventional fins like say 2 1/2" deep behind the twins but still close.

i don’t like drag, i’m a singly kind of guy.haha.



…the one time i did ride a quad was in Bali and it had a wide swallow tail. the waves we’re okay but the board did feel noticably better than a thruster. fun!

Chip, thanks I don’t know… my notes are in shaping room… but I think they were something tike 6- 23/32" :=) that board was Evil…

to those of you who ride quad fishes.

do you feel drag like a thruster or is it smooth like a twin.

Smooth like a twin, with an added extra hold and a wee bit of thrust on a bottom turn. More twin than thruster, but kinda in between.

Obviously shape plays into this a lot, a narrower tailed quad becomes more thruster-like.

thanks blakestah

Hey Lazy,

Do you have the specs on the Pavel? I wish I could see one of these in person–what a beauty.


hi Oldy and Bish !

here’s a Wozzie one for you guys !

…I made these on Saturday at 'Hicksy’s. They are not glossed yet . (The blue ones have a layer of carbon fibre one layer in on the ‘inside’)

…I also made a wood core pair…

cheers !


wood core canards…

hmmmmm, I wonder …

to be continued …

[when / IF there are waves , eventually ???]

Just finished.

Good effort mate but as I said in the other thread, it just doesn’t look right having those fins in the front. Maybe one day I’ll follow your lead and make some. Got heaps of questions about quads - going to ask in another thread.