Fin Templates For Quad Fish



''I’ll post pictures. But, right now I can’t even see pictures. Can I post them if I can’t see them? I took the baseline measurements from a friend’s fish with the Pavel quads and adjusted them a bit to suit my board. His fish is a Coletta from Santa Cruz. Mine are glass on although I would like to get set-up with Lokbox…" . Mike

thanks for the emailed pics , Mike !

here are the resized [and closely cropped ] results……%27rooster%27s1.jpg

to quote Mike ['Rooster’s] earlier post …


This is on a 5-8 fish.

22.5 three inches in front of center, 17.5 nose, 17.5 tail, 12.5 between tips, 6 inch crack.

All four fins are 1 1/8 inches off the rail.

The rear fins are 6.5 inches from tips.

The lead fins are 12 inches from tips(rear edges).

The rear fins have no cant and no toe-in.

The lead fins have 1/8 inch toe-in and 4 degrees cant…"

…cheers Mike !


and thanks , ‘Raymark’ , for sending this one , for me to post !

cheers !


and , of course , with ALL these setups , the front and back side fins can be interchanged…

the above setup went GREAT today !

rode my mal in the morning , then this in the arvo in tiny windswell …

caught two lefts where the thing just flew across the face , even got to do a backhand cutty for a change !

fun fun fun !


sorry to bump this thread up again but i’ve finally finished my canard quad fins & thought those folks who helped with fin templates might appreciate seeing what i came up with. special thanks again to ‘rooster’ & ‘gill’ for sending me templates, i used one each guys.

took me a fair while to get nice even foil with the ply & much longer to get a nice clear halo around the fin with rovings & cloth. just lots of half-hour sessions with resin fumes & sticky fingers, then sand the next day, then more sticky fingers. fiddly, but relaxing too. i’ve always found mucking around with surfboards (even if it’s just fixing dings) is good therapy!

did a bit of templating outlines last night. hope to get into shaping soon. maybe i’ll start a new thread that follows the journey from shaping bay to saltwater. they’re the kind of threads i love the most on swaylocks.

" sorry to bump this thread up again but i’ve finally finished my canard quad fins"

never apologise for posting a thread on surfboard and fin design on a surfboard design forum …

so , oldy …great fins !

black spraypainted wood ? different !

good on ya mate !


…yep , a whole thread on your board and fins would be great …I KNOW you will take PHOTOS !


black spraypainted wood ? different !

um, nup! just underexposed photos chipper. ooops! should have opened the lens a little longer.

i’ll get around to taking some shots with a cheap digi so you can see the real colours of the ply. quite rich & honey-coloured in real life.

well, I lightened one shot to see the ‘colour’ …

So…here it IS [n’t !]…

…then I thought …

"did you use BLACK AND WHITE film , to show the nice wood colours , Nathan ??? " [geez, I tell ya what …I [nearly] pissed myself laughing , when I realised !!]

…d’oh !!!

and you are a photographer and film maker aren’t you mate ?!

heheh [sorta !]

cheers !


…maybe next time , you could use COLOUR film , so then we can actually SEE the “rich , honey colour” eh mate ??

hey, i like black & white ya cheeky bugger!

me too …

wood looks good in colour too , though, I discovered !

so … when ya do your fish , will you do a lovely coloured resin swirl …like THIS one of mine , Nat ??


anyway, who’s ever heard of black spraypainted wood fins? now that’s random! bloody weirdo wozzies!


…yep , did that …

it’s in the “archives” somewhere [no doubt the “fin photos” thread , or something equally as boring]

ben, to satisfy your curiosity for colour…

thanks Nathan !

…they look beautiful !

so …

how is the BOARD coming along now , mate ?

cheers ,


Glad to see that the fins came out well Nathan, but form the look of your last board I didn’t expect anything other than outstanding. Hope you dont have the same hassle as me with my last timber fins though. Hows this, maiden voyage of my 5’11" fish. Slightly sloppy low tide rock/reef (usually surfed at high tide), got my first wave - a screamer, board flies, comes off the bottom well, nice smooth top turns, flick off in the shallows, start to paddle back out but get pushed sideways as the water sucks out an took the halo off the top of both fins on the shallow reef. Bummer!

I kind of liked 'em in black…

thanks for the compliment gill.

mate, bummer about your fins, i know exactly how you feel. i’ve scrubbed the halo off the top of one of my fish keels in the exact same place three times in a row at a little rockshelf nearby. each time i repair the once clean & clear halo it comes out that little bit less clear & more cloudy. a real nuisance, but better to repair the halo than crushed ply i reckon.

it sounds like your quad rides well. good for you. happy surfing to you mate.

I’ve been riding my Freeline quad fish for a couple months now… when I got it they didn’t have the ‘right’ fins, so it’s set up with futures TW 1s in the back and longboard side bites in the front. I’m STOKED on it! I’ve ridden one with rainbow canard quads, and mine feel more flowy, more thruster-like on the cutbacks and easier to control. I’m curious if anyone else has ridden a fish with normal twin fins and small front fins? I’m almost thinking af getting bigger rear fins with more rake to get that solid feel… Does anyone know what other front fins are out there? I’m kind of thinking it my be hard to go back to the “old” thruster!!!

" I’m curious if anyone else has ridden a fish with normal twin fins and small front fins? "


fun fun fun

[see a previous photo or two in this thread…

