finFoil v1.1 released

Hi all,

I’m proud to announce the release of finFoil v1.1 !

As usual, the Mac users should be patient for the Mac build to be ready.

For the windows build and source code, I refer to the homepage:

A full list of features and bugfixes can be found here:

But the most important new features are:

  • Full compatibility with the web editor:
  • A minimum thickness parameter to insure structural integrity of the trailing edge
  • Multiple import/export options (outline, profile, thickness profile and STL file)
  • Possibility to force continuity on pathpoints for smooth transitions, by right clicking on the pathpoint.


I hope you guys like it!


Happy fin building,


…hello Hans, good on you; I like to code; but Im not in that level. I was started in 1983 or so stepping up from Logo, then Basic, after that with Java and now after a long hiatus I am starting with Pearl (but always as a rookie/hobbyst)

-Speaking of fins, I make hundreds of fins due to a great % of my boards use glass ons, so how do this helps? Seems for the machine…




Hi reverb,

If you’re making fins by hand you can use the generated contours as a guidance to foiling! This works really well. This is also the functionality that will be free and available for ever!

About the programming, yes it’s quite a bit of work and mathematics. But I learned a lot by programming finFoil, it’s a great experience and definately helps me in my day job. Most people underestimate the work that goes into an application like this. It’s now about 5 years that I’m dedicating a lot of my spare time to this.

Why are you learning perl? I’d recommend Python for general purpose programming, and Elixir with the phoenix framework for web programming (together with html, javascript and css off course).

finFoil is coded in C++ by the way, you can check out the code here on github.



Jrandy discovered a bug in the STL export on windows!

finFoil v1.1.1 will be released on Monday with a fix for this issue.

…C and similar iterations are the most complete and Perl is based in C. I was thinking to try Ruby too, because few months ago I met a couple that started with it and work for an international corporation from their home with language; anyway, the gal offered me to teach me in an easy way; but I think that not have the power to create things like C or the other biggies. But may be for my amateur usage whichever could be good enough…

Also, I do not have enough time.

I just released v1.1.1

The STL export should be fixed in this version!

Happy finbuilding,


The STL export function of the desktop version 1.1.1 is working fine. Thanks again for the upgrades Hans!

Pic is of the ‘stock’ finFoil fin, modified to be 6" tall and asymetrically foiled with a minimum thickness of .04"

The picture is from the STL output read back into FreeCAD.



Some more pics of finFoil 1.1.1 output

Foil: the stock ‘finFoil’ fin set to 4" high, flat one side, thickness .250", minimum thickness enabled (want to say .04")

Base: Gearbox (also compatible with Probox and the three-lobed AusfinCo and Culprit plugs). Designed in OpenSCAD output as STL.

Layout: foil and base were combined in Meshmixer, which was also used to mirror the 2nd fin and force the nest to fit the material. I added tabs and output NC code in MeshCAM.

Stock: leftover 3k harness satin carbon fiber +RR epoxy+really solid plywood reclaimed from a high-end shipping crate. They were vacuumed bagged with perf film instead of peel ply to avoid a dry lam.

My plan is to sand, 2 x 4oz glass cloth +epoxy on the wood side, fill coat, etc.

Pics: back of lam machined, front, detail of minimum thickness feature, front/back together.

Hans, I just wanted to thank you for this program, 

I break fins like a maniac as I run aground often. 

I recently aquired a 3d printer (for other projects) Although useless for structural parts it’s application for quick blanks for  mold making or making cores is fantastic. My head is spinning with all the stuff I can build with this when combined with some good composites work. 

Hardest part for me is the 3d modelling I haven’t used a cad program in 15 years.  They’re much easier than the used to be and the presence of online tutorials makes learning much easier  but I was still struggling with how to get a tapered foil like that of a surf board fin. 

After dicking around with the cad for an evening I had a garbage looking fin…  I used search function on sways.  and had a printable fin core in under 5 mins…  

Cutting the fin in in half I can get some blanks for a mold with an inside foil. 

Aces my friend.  

wish I had a CNC like jrandy. 



Thanks massive_swell,

That’s exactly why I created finFoil, lowering the entry level to fin design. I’m working on lowering it even further.

I hope to see some pics of your molds and creations in the future. These pics (together with donations) are what keeps me going.



Hi Hans, 


can you please let us know what’s the actual development for adding fin base for example fcs or standard US etc etc


thanks for all your job.




Here’s my first trial being built. Way to flexible for general use Will show results when I get something usable I’ll either make molds  or figure out how to skin them so the base thickness is dimensionally accurate enough to fit in the boxes tight after skinning. 


Also. Mattel just announced a $300 printer the “thing maker” I’d easily spend that on fins in a year

Massive, some days I wish I had a printer too…

3D printed mold are considered a viable prototyping technology: short lead times, lower costs, and a bunch of parts get made quickly with the intended material if using injection molding.

I have machined a couple molds, best result was from a nicer plastc cutting board as the mold and epoxy resin as the material.  The tech worked but the design was weak. It might be time to try it again.


I’m working on that. With the next major update to the web editor, this will be available. I’m not rushing this as no one is paying me to do this.


Have you heard of There no need to own a printer. I’d only advice on buying one, if you’d like to learn about the process.

Hi Hans, 

I know no one is paying you, but I’m pretty sure if you add this feature you wil offer an excellent tool for fins design for people not so confortable with cad programs. Till now I’m still usign Moi 3d for designing fins, blendercam for tool path and arduino+GRBL+Universal Gcode sender for cnc. 

Thanks again for your job even if it’s for free.

I’m pretty sure if you add this feature you wil offer an excellent tool for fins design for people not so confortable with cad programs.

That’s the idea indeed.

Till now I’m still usign Moi 3d for designing fins, blendercam for tool path and arduino+GRBL+Universal Gcode sender for cnc.

What’s the reason you’re not using finFoil for designing the fin? What are the shortcomings? The finbases can be added easily using your tools, so that can’t be the reason?

Hi Hans,


the reason is simply I started in this way and I have all the profile and all the outline in one file with even FCS tabs. The only reason why I’m not using Finfoil now is that the output file is STL and I can’t import it in Moi 3d, I can import it in Blendercam, but i don’t like to manipulate file with it, I still prefer to do it in Moi. If in the future will be able to add even FCS tabs in finfoil, I’ll start using it because I like it, but for now it’s not perfect for me.

Just finFoil and OpenSCAD…

Initial result look promising, I need to machine some to be sure.

I looked for a cutting board at various stores over the last two days. I finally found one at the grocery store that was just right.

I made a small adjustment to the OpenSCAD file as suggested by Hans and prepped this part.

Red and blue pics are water+food coloring. Each cavity is just under 1 1/4 fluid ounces (35ml).

I will try epoxy resin and cloth over the weekend.