finFoil v1.1 released

Cheers, I only found this now.
Having a crack at printing this using a base layer of PLA and then bioFila (PlaTech) ‘SUN’ for the rest.
I hope the printer works with this filament, it’s a bit expensive to waste on failed prototypes.
If it works, it should be stronger than regular PLA, and most importantly it will be heat resistant. No melting in the car.

Is there a way to set the minimum thickness so that only the trailing edge is affected by the setting?
I ask because setting the minimum thickness to about 1.3mm seems required for 3D printing, and even more/thicker may sometimes be better.
But then the leading edge ends up with a flat part that needs to be sanded a little bit.
It turns out I was way too hasty with the creation of the Wavegrinder BLEF version. Minimum thickness is way too thin, causing weakness and instability during printing, because the fin starts to wobble on a <1mm thin ridge. And I added the tubercles in front of the leading edge, so that the surface area of the bumpy fin is larger than the WG2 surface area. That will make it much harder to compare their performance.
Also, the thickness distribution was wrong, compared to the WG2.
I have made a better approximation of the WG2 fin and I’m trying to print that, for purpose of comparing it to the original and for fine tuning before I try another bumpy version print. It has no winglets yet. I think it is too much work trying to replicate a WG2 fin, but I want snap-in functionality for swapping fins in the surf. I might just get the drill out and install ball spring plungers into an original WG2 fin, rather than try to print with winglets.

Not winglets, just stabilisers to prevent wobble while printing:

Hi Hans,
if it’s not too much trouble, could you please render this one in high resolution?:
It has many small tweaks compared to the last one.
The ‘Drag an image here’ function was again very useful to adjust the fin’s shape and area. I dragged a sceenshot of the WG2 approximation onto the tubercled version and then adjusted the tubercles so that they are nicely aligned and the area is 194.755cm^2 (vs 194.764cm^2 for the smooth version. 0.00004% smaller, close enough I think!

Hi Mik,

Refresh your render for the hi-res version:

Unfortunately enforcing a minimum thickness only on the trailing edge is not possible with finfoil. I’ve been trying to implement it that way, but it is very hard, because people are allowed to set sharp leading edges too. I’ve been thinking about minimum edge slope, which is would be simpler, but still not trivial and could confuse the user.

Kind Regards,

I have a prusa printer on order and I thought I would down load fin foil to have a play with, however I’m a bit of a computer numpty, I down loaded the program but I cant see a exe file or anything to install it, are there any down load instructions I cant find any, can anyone tell me what I need to do to get it going on a pc?

Go to:
Click on the windows logo, download the latest zip file, extract it on your computer and double click the exe file.

You can also start by using the online editor, the files are compatible with the offline application.
However, more features are available in the offline editor.

cheers got it to work the exe file did not say exe so was a bit lost.

are you exporting the stl and then adding the fin bases on in another cad program?

many thanks

Thanks, Hans!
This shows an overlay of the tubercle-Wavegrinder and the standard Wavegrinder (or rather my approximation of it, it is not exact).

Export an Stl file from finfoil, then import it into Openscad and add a fin base.
You need to resize the finfoil file after importing it to Openscad (or Slic3r). In Openscad I use resize to the actual size in mm, and in Slic3r I use scale 100000.

total newbie here trying to get my feet wet. I have some fins designed in finfoil. i would like to add fcs bases. i have open scad and have seen the fin bases here but i am not sure what i am suppose to do to load into open scad. do i copy and past that code? when i do that nothing happens in open scad.

once i get the tabs to show up(hopefully with yalls help) i would like to merge the bases and add cant if possible? can anyone help me out with this. I am looking at making some fcs bonzer side bites.
thanks all!! will post pictures of my results once i get a little boost from the sways family

Here is a link to the OpenScad cheat sheet: OpenSCAD CheatSheet
You need to use the resize([x,y,z],auto) and the import(“….stl”) commands at least.

Then (and that means placing another command above the the one you want to modify) you move it around and rotate it around any axis until it sits where you want it to be.
Do the same with a fin base

Does the console in OpenSCAD show an error message?
Sometimes the code on GitHub needs additional files saved to your ‘lib’ folder.
Learning to draw a single FCS tab, moving it, and drawing another is a good exercise in OpenSCAD.

no error message, nothing happens when i past the code in.

You need to click the “preview” or the “Render” button for anything to show up.

deez, I think you need to read or watch some beginners guides.

ill peep the videos. i did say i was a total newbie! used to drawing things up in sketchup. When i press the preview or render, i do get some messages about missing files in lib folder. thanks guys

I’m trying to design and test High Aspect Ratio Fractally Tubercled Fins (HARFTUB Fin for want of a better word.
The idea is to use many tubercles at the leading edge, 26 in the first version, with high frequency and low amplitude each.
In the next step, the individual small tubercles will be arranged so they form larger tubercles, hence ‘fractally’ tubercled. I hope this will result in a fin with low drag but very high lift at low speeds, and a predictable and forgiving stall.
I need to know if the rendering resolution can be made so fine that all the mini-tubercles appear as intended, nice and round all the way down to the fin base, without crashing OpenScad or Slicer later on. Hans, could you please make a very high resolution stl file of this file so I can check if it works?

And this is the next stage:

Or perhaps this will work better?