Fish for my fins, ideas, then build thread

so i came into the space under a building at work where my gear is stored for the school projects we have been getting into our recycled board stuff.

to my utter dismay i realised where the freshly sealed blank was stored was under a deck and not a floor, there had been some heavy dew or a cleaner had hosed off the deck.

the blank was dirty, i am not sure if i can really clean it. its been sealed with epoxy. i have already cut the cloth but maybe i should roll it up and try to clean it. I gave it a light sand, but i’m super worried that there could be all sorts of oils and crap on it.

any tips???

Also realised my half decent shears were at home so i have used the worst scissors in history.

So I have given the sealed blank a scrub with some soapy water, and a rinse with straight water, the stains are still there but that’s fine I will be laminating with a white pigment in the resin anyway. Will let it dry for a few days or more just to be sure.

But I wanted to share this cool carbon tape with you. Its not woven into a cross thread, its unidirectional, held together buy a super thin substance.

I got it through sanded Australia, seems pretty rad.

Anyway I will keep you posted.

And a sunrise pic taken on the last day of the state titles for Queensland state school just ‘cause sunrises are cool.

I considered a picture of our new rescue dog, a 7 year old chocolate labradoodle, cause everyone likes puppies. but i decided against it.

Dog photos are good…

ok you forced me;{)

Bottom lam done with some of WIZZ’s ashes in there as a free falling drizzle. Of course wizz didn’t make it easy for me. But can’t say I have ever worked with someone’s cremated remains. Weird, but cool. Can’t wait to surf with you wizz.

White pigment for the rest.

No less than half a dozen full size house flies and a bunch of other bugs committed suicide. Goes with the gritty bits of ash and fragments of a life well lived.

Hi sk8ment. I did a buddies ashes this June with a friend. We did a black and white swirl in epoxy. Just a few grams of ash in the white pigmented resin. It worked fine. The pieces of bone sanded down nicely after curing. I paddled it out at his paddle out. Surfed it a couple times. I’ll post pictures after this weekend if you are interested or pm me if you have questions. Mike

glad i’m not the only one who has done this… yours in probably way cooler. seems just like an earthy smudge. did it in clear on the top.
pics of the top later.

Pics of the deck. Tried to show the concave in the deck.

And the tea strainer I used to keep the biggest bits of bone fragments out of the resin.

seriously, i reduced them down to about 700 kb for the entire 4 pictures and they still turn them upside down

Dunno if this will work

It’s a time lapse of glassing the deck.

I’m on my phone so I just cropped them a bit, seems to have solved the problem.


The out line is doing my head in a bit,
The left hand side of the nose looks a little wider than the right. But when I measured it before glassing it was like 1 mm difference and I didn’t want to mess with it anymore.

This will be the first time I have done glass on fins so it will be interesting.

So I have sanded back the laps and given it a solid sand all over, taped up ready to do the edge and the glass on of the fins that started the entire thread.

I was working in my mates factory, using his makita sander polisher, BY GOD IT WAS GOOD TO HAVE A QUALITY TOOL, my sander polisher is a cheap one, it has a solid wobble in it, resulted in hassles by the hundreds in my last few boards, this thing was a dream.

I think trying to do the same job with a crappy tool has made me better at the job even if I take a bunch longer. The moral of the story is “good tools make everything better”.

Had a little issues with the rovings, first time doing glass on’s, resin kicked before could get the edge done so it will come later.

Yes there are a few bubbles but hopefully I can get most of them out as I sand then fill then sand then fill.

I did not pay attention earlier, but I do like the fins.

Outline looks beautiful to me. I’m not seeing any unevenness in the nose area. Rad fins. They remind me of Burt’s stuff. I also like that the Aussie sunrise pic came out oriented properly for those viewing it from the northern hemisphere.

Just out of interest, have you ever posted on The wood surfboard making forums?
You should also look at the “evolution of fish from mini mal” thread. Let me know what you think?

Thanks for the positive thoughts about the fins, I saw something on here about the extra cutaways helping them reduce turbulence or something, maybe that was Burt? I’m not sure. I am heading into my mates factory this afternoon after work, hopefully get some filler coat happening.

hahah on the sunrise comment.

Wet sand with 400 to finish off. Just a pro finish to go this afternoon.


Done. Rough as but will surf ok. Learned a lot. Glass one are a mission… sanding sanding!!!
But I finally have a fish for my fins and wizz and I will surf together again…