Aloha Wouter, Surfding and others
There is an amazing collection of information there. Take your time and every now and then read a section. Every name and document is linked so you can slowly get acquintated with all the players and you will see how they all fit together.
There are still many holes to be filled but the basic outline is there. Study more, and make up your own minds after that. But there is little question anymore that the American Public and world at large was lied to and continues to be lied to. This now clearly exposes the powerful and invisible cabal that really drives things. Think that is too conspiratorial? JFK himself didn’t! JFK Secret Societies Speech. If they didn’t exist, who the heck was he talking about? Sadly a couple of years later he was killed by those whom he hoped to expose.
Some of the information on the JFK site needs to be updated. Several of the major players involved have made confessions on their death beds. Rosselli, Giancani, Hunt, Marcello, Chauncy Holt and many others. There is little question anymore that something big went down and it wasn’t the lone gunman theory.
A more recent book covers much of this new info.
“Legacy of Secrecy details the secret attempts of Robert F. Kennedy and his aides to expose his brother’s killers, while protecting Commander Almeida. It shows how RFK continued his war against the Mafia by focusing increased attention on the Mafia bosses behind JFK’s assassination, until his own murder. RFK’s associates continued his quest, almost exposing the truth several times. But like a deadly, high-stakes chess game—at the height of the Cold War—they were blocked each time by three Mafia chiefs and a handful of CIA operatives. Legacy details each step taken by mob bosses Carlos Marcello, Santo Trafficante, and Johnny Rosselli to hide their involvement in JFK’s murder, and the tragic results that followed. The long shadow of secrecy surrounding both JFK’s murder and the coup plan set the stage for the murder of Martin Luther King, ultimately driving two Presidents from office, and bringing about the murders of five Congressional witnesses in the mid-1970s.”
These Secret Societies have not stopped working toward their particular goals and the recent economic crisis is all part of their plan. Sadly, few in our news media are willing to expose the players and their motives. You gotta work hard to find the truth cause the Mainstream Media isn’t going to tell you what you need to know to make the best decisions for yourself and your family. Thank God for the Internet! It many be the only “Free Speech” media left. Sure there is a lot of garbage there and you have to be careful what you put your faith in. But you can bet that there are forces desperate to “control the Internet”. When you see legislation to do so, get ready to kiss your butts goodbye.