Friends of Cleanlines

For those of you that have learned something from the post of a fellow Swaylockolic called Cleanlines ( Rodger Brucker ) or have seen his video “Master Glasser” now is a good time to say a little prayer. Rodger suffered a heart attack and is on a respirator in critical condition. Details are real sketchy as of now, but I will update his condition when I get in contact with his 80 year old parents.

Man that’s bad news, sure hope he makes it OK. He’s taken the time to personally reply to questions from me and others and he seems like a world class individual and one of the best and most open sources of info on Swaylocks, let’s all try to send some good vibes his way.

Dang! Prayers on the way. Mike

Mr. Clean is one of the stellar individuals that gives more than he takes. He’s shared more correct information in 2 years on how to pro glass a surfboard, than most could learn in a life time… A true gem. If we had more Mr. Cleans the world would be a better place. I’ve never met him, but if there’s anything I can personally do, I’m in 100%

Get well Rodger.


geez , that’s heavy …

thanks for letting us know , Tuna… you can be sure that as a community our prayers , thoughts , and best wishes for a speedy , complete recovery are with Rodger .


thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out to both Rober and his family.

I have not met Roger, but watched his Master Glassing dvd many a time.

He has been a fabulous source of knowledge both through the DVD and here on Swaylock’s and hopefully will continue to do so. His post have always reflected a kind, generous stand up guy.

Thanks Roger

Terrible, terrible news…I’m speechless…Prayers for Rodger and his family.


That hurts! A prayer will indeed be sent up before I go to bed tonight. Roger (Clean man) is a class guy with a wealth of experience and knowledge. You might consider starting a new post with a less vague title to get everyone’s attention, as I almost didn’t read it. Thanks and please keep us updated.

Howzit Tuna, Very distubing to hear that, even though we’ve never met we had a connection. Roger is one of us old time builders with knowledge to pass on, which he was able to do through the damacus video and here on Swaylocks. Hopefully in this age of advanced medicine he will pull through this just fine. I wonder if Jim Phillips has heard since they are long time friends. I will be throwing positive energy his way in hopes that it helps. Please keep us updated on his condition and if there is an address we can send get well cards to. Aloha,Kokua


Mr. Clean is one of the stellar individuals that gives more than he takes. He’s shared more correct information in 2 years on how to pro glass a surfboard, than most could learn in a life time… A true gem. If we had more Mr. Cleans the world would be a better place. I’ve never met him, but if there’s anything I can personally do, I’m in 100%

Get well Rodger.

This echos my thoughts exactly. Just yesterday I was thinking how much help he’s been and I wish he posted more often.

prayers for cleanlines and his family in hopes of a full recovery…

Tuna, Thank you for passing this information on to our community. My sincere prayers go to him and to his family. Do you know if he has a wife and kids? Doug

Oh man! Even though I’ve only really “met” Roger through the Master Glasser video. He’s taught me so much. Please pass on our well wishes if you have the chance and let him know how many people appreciate the knowledge he has passed on to all of us.

I’m shocked by this news.

Roger is one of the best of the best original guys here. His words and wisdom contribute more, and are always a cut above the rest.

GET WELL MR.CLEAN! You’re the dean at Swaylock.



Truly sad news!

I will pray for his recovery as well as the strength his family and friends will need to get through this.

…I was not conected in a few days, and this is the first thread that i found…

…i dont meet him, but its like an old friend for us…i really like the pace his got…

i hope he s go better…

Dang! It’s always the good guys, isn’t it? Keep us posted Tuna…

We’re all pulling for you from around the world.

Get well Rodger!

Get well R.B. … I won’t buy any more planers from you until you are at 100% … Coral sends her love and prayers …