Gases released during hotcoat sanding

Hi, when sanding a recently cured hot coat, I can smell a lot of resin smells through my dust mask (North mask with dust filter). Am i breathing gases when sanding resins, and if so, would it be better to use a vapor mask with dust over filter?

The very thought of sanding a surfboard, makes me release gasses!

possibly consider a new hobby or switch to full on use of eps and epoxy products. I am waaaaaaay more green than you just by switching to EPS and epoxy. By doing so I make posts like…“why am I smelling cinnamon when sanding my green room resin and not chemicals?” or…whilst working on a fresh blown EPS block…“I love the smell of pentane in the morning.”. EPS and epoxy resin ,with proper ventilation, means OPTIIONAL dust mask with electric planer or sanding block on EPS foam and I wear no respirator in my well ventilated glassing station. Sanding with a quality dust mask is all that is necessary with a dust collector on your sander.
Your past posts of environmental concerns of how the blank was made and what chemicals are given off and now this one can only give you the option of EPS and epoxy or hollow wood builds. Your family and neighbors will not even know you are making boards because of noxious smells and seeing a dude walking around the yard in a respirator.
PU blanks and PE resin is nasty dusty and very stinky period.
Attached pic of minor teenager performing filler coat of epoxy on board. No smell except for bubble gum the he was chewing. His parents do not allow him to chew bubble gum. I made him drink 3 pints of beer to hide smell of gum. success.

Helter. Get a new mask. I don’t smell anything when I use mine even when laminating the smelly stuff. Mike

I never had you down as someone full of hot air Bill :smiley:

“I made him drink 3 pints of beer to hide smell of gum.” - PMSL :smiley:

I have two types of mask/filter setups. One is for dust. One is for vapours. I use dust mask when sanding, vapour when lamming/hotcoating. My question is about whether the dust mask is suitable for sanding the hot coat or whether vapor mask is needed with added dust filtration, in other words, are gases released by sanding the hot coat?

If you can smell it, the molecules are in the air. Sounds to me that you’re sanding the board while it is still a bit green. Easier to sand, but also easier to bugger it up. Are you at some elevated risk? Most likely not. Remember, ‘‘Life is hazardous to your health.’’ You don’t need to suit up like the boy in the bubble. Simple air flow/ ventilation, is all you need to deal with your concern. Or, step away from the sanding room.

Helter, I use the same mask for both purposes. My work space is ghetto and does not have good circulation. Mike

My wife refuses to enter my work space. She said, “It’s a toxic waste dump in here”! She hasn’t been in there in years and I like it that way. Mike

It’s unlikely that vapour is being released from cured resin. Poly is a catalysed cross linking process, not a solvent evaporation one. Particles can smell, too, especially aldehydes and indoles (witness skatole).
But be safe and use the respirator. It will do the dust and solvents.

Thanks, what sort of mask/filter do you use, vapour i assume?

That’s great info thanks. When you say use the respirator, I assume that means the gas filters?

I find gasses released during sanding are a lot worse if I’ve had a few beers the night before. Fortunately dust extraction is strong.

dust extraction is strong?

Made my day with this one. Thank you!

Helter, I use a 3m 6001. I alway use 3m because resinhead says so…I do like the smell of polyester though. Mike

Vaguely reminiscent of model glue. Never misused or abused it but the smell goes with crafty hand work.

When you’re sanding wear a dust mask.

But a real one, not one of those cheesy paper and rubber band jobs. Those are only good to “filter” out the big chunks. The fine, microdust, the stuff that tends to float and hang in the air a bit, is what will give you COPD when you’re old. And believe me, having seen it up close, you really really really do not want to get that!

Here’s a start on finding one that actually works