Gloss Coat Problem

Sand hotcoat always to #100, wash off with green sponge pad, doesn’t matter if my FH gloss resin is warm or cold, brushed on thick or thin, I’ve been getting separations, a couple of long ones per side, maybe 5-6 inches long. Usually happens after about 10-minutes into drying time, then I have to re-brush, which sometimes gets iffy, before it starts to hardened. Any ideas???

Too much resin on the board for how slowly it’s going off. Reduce thickness of gloss coat and use more catalyst.

even thin, it separates…I’ll try using more catalyst

I was taught that it should be gelling 10 minutes after you brush it out already. Hotter, faster.

mine starts gelling after about 15-minutes, too much time really, it only takes 5 minutes to brush out anyway…

Sonds like some kind of contamination to me…quite likely from that ‘‘green sponge’’ you describe.

Seperations will occur if the pre-glossed surface picks up any hint of wax or silicon.

Polishing compound for e.g is a BIG no-no.Check your stands and racks for wax transfer…

I always take boards to be glossed outside and using a wax free stand,give a thorough wet-rub

by hand with 240 gr. And a good 'ol hosing down…this also helps remove bits of crap you might not normally

spot…and make sure your hands are clean and non-greasy…

If I didn’t read it, I’d say right away that the gloss is put on too thick or stayed ‘wet’ for too long.

Or that particular batch of gloss is not formulated properly, maybe with too much solvent.

When I deal with steep rails that I think will tear a gloss, I add about 20% Hotcoat resin. The HC

resin is diffferent in its behavior, and tends to firm up sooner and more gradually. Having HC in the

gloss allows a gloss to stay “heaped” on inclines, giving just enough time to let the gloss catch up

and start to kick.

Downside to adding HC to gloss is supposedly it won’t rub out to a high lusture. I haven’t found this

to be true. I believe most true gloss resin is chemically different to a high-styrene hotcoat, so

perhaps some may find rubout and polish to be not well-matched to one’s routine.

I shoot the glosses hot as the conditions will allow, usually about 20-25cc catalyst, and the gloss

starts to kick within 10-15 minutes.

Personally I never wipe the board down with any kind of sponge, rag, or other device, I use my

‘clean’ hands. I use my hands like tack rags and clap the dust residue off of them by clapping my

hands. I actually feel little bits of dust on the sanded board. The ultra-small ones won’t be able

to protrude through a good gloss. Blasphemy, I know, but it has given me the most consistent

great gloss coats ever. A lot of times I ‘scrub’ a taped-off board with 100 grit just prior to glossing

just to remove any contaminants like handling or rack marks.

In order to run those glosses so hot, I also only gloss when the temps are kind of cool or I know

the temps are dropping. They are VERY unstable when shot this hot, just walking by one too

quickly can create disturbing air flow.

i have a few questions before i can start to try to solve your problem.

  1. are you doing one board at a time, or a group of boards.

  2. what kind of brush are you using and what technique are you using to brush(walk out the board)?

  3. are you doing it in a place with high air flow or no air flow?

  4. how much resin are you using per side?

You know I had the same problem awhile back

I dont think it was the resin and I use uv cat

it was spliting as soon as I was done tipping out

when it was gelled good I went over the rails with a very wet brush as not to pull the base layer

took a little more sanding but it beets stripin it off

I bought a gallon and that was the first one out of the gallon

I’ve done two more gloss coats from the same can and no problems

so Im thinking “contamination” or “temterature differance of resin and board”

I always take a board outside, use a Scotch-Brite pad with slight car soap (to get rid of any grease) then a real good garden hose rinse, strong nozzle. One swipe with a clean towel, leave in sun to dry, always use latex gloves too…

I think resin temp has a lot to do with it

IE cold resin

AAHHHHHHH, just sand it,wipe it down…no soap, no secret wash tricks, just sand and gloss. Your probably putting it on too thick, and your not kicking it with enough cat. It’s just gloss, cook the hell out of it, put it on thick, pull it all off, and tip it out. It should be kicking off in 10-15 mins max. As your cleaning your brush the gloss should be gelling.

I bet all you slabbing is happening on the deck, around the rails…big ol busting off the polar ice cap N shit, pulling all the wax off leaving a big ol fisure the size of the grand canyon…all tacky n shit.

As resinhead says and as I’ve been taught,

sand, dust off (wipe with fresh white linen) do not rub hard when wiping

I even use my hands but I make sure that I have coated them with resin dust as to keep them oil free

“…big ol busting off the polar ice cap.” Ha hah, LMFAO!

great mental picture, still laughing (as long as it doesn’t happen to me).

AAHHHHHHH, just sand it,wipe it soap, no secret wash tricks, just sand and gloss. Your probably putting it on too thick, and your not kicking it with enough cat. It's just gloss, cook the hell out of it, put it on thick, pull it all off, and tip it out. It should be kicking off in 10-15 mins max. As your cleaning your brush the gloss should be gelling.

I bet all you slabbing is happening on the deck, around the rails…big ol busting off the polar ice cap N shit, pulling all the wax off leaving a big ol fisure the size of the grand canyon…all tacky n shit.

DING DING DING DING!!! We have a winner!!!

well i find it interesting you like your glosses to bang of hot. im more of a just right kind of craftsman. i learned to gloss from dave higly, who learned from wayne miata.

resin head how much surfacing agent are you using?, how much catalyst are you using?

resin head how many glosses do you do a day,… a week?

how many sides can you get out of a bucket of gloss?

im sure you glosses go off fast and dont sepo but do they shine ?

are they easy to polish when they bang off hot?

are they dull from all the surfacing agent added?

its easy to bang shit off.

it takes time to tune into how to throw a perfect flat gloss that polishes well dosn’t use to much sand paper and isnt dull from diluted gloss resin…ive taken the time.

good luck everyone and ill make sure not to answer anymore questions on how tos cause i dont know what im doing. lmao

peace out,


I’m a backyard hack that doesn’t know nothing except from what i’ve learned along the way. When I do a gloss i do one, maybe 2. I got a real job so I don’t have to make a living at glassing, and making surfboards. I’ve been around, but obviously not as around as you.

I’ll use something like 35cc to about 12-16 oz of gloss. I use the ready mixed pink stuff, Pour it on, spread it on cross ways twice, tip it out twice. Walk away and close door. Clean brush, walk back in 10 mins. Pull tape, put on rack to finish cooking. They polish out shiney…but probably not as shiney as yours. That’s my secret

What’s your? I’d love to know what I’m doing wrong, so I can do it better.


Hey Vader

if not anyone else I certainly would like your opinion on what makes the fishers (spliting) of the gloss on the rails

or any other resin related issues that arise. I consider you one of the new master’s of resin aplication

and I would love to mind melt with you (in an intellectual way)

so nevermind the others opinions as some of us do guess from lack of experiance and knowledge

please keep shareing your wisdom…please

Lord Vader,

I’m with Kensurf. I would love to get your input on all aspects of glossing! Prepping, taping, resin, any extra styrene or wax, amount of hardener, pulling tape, brush work etc. BTW are you LOTM?



so the directions on the side of the FH Gloss Resin can is pretty much worthless?

70-80 F 15 drops per ounce 14cc per quart

60-70 F 20 drops per ounce 18cc per quart

heck I use 14cc per 7oz!! gotta go hotter I guess…