HD foam - BalsaComp - Building Class

So I was on a bike ride this morning, I check out the surf around the Monterey Peninsula then surf Sunday morning, When I saw Rooster and friends watching the new swell coming in. I stopped and talked for a while about the surf, and why they wern’t out!, our board making and… They asked when they could come over to watch some VacBagging. I’ve been asked that before and how to glue up HD foam, etc. I’ve been thinking for awhile, since the start of the Cerrritos Classes in SoCal, that we need something up here in Central/NorCal!

My expertise is Chiropractic (I"ve also been a pro triathlete, potter, massage therapist, middle school teacher)… BUT I"ve been making my balsacomp boards for four years now. I know that doesn’t make me an ‘expert’ shaper or glasser but I do have experience that I think a lot of backyard board makers would like to see/hear/learn about when it comes to balsacomps.

So, here’s the question…

How many people would like to come to Monterey, Sat. Dec. 15th this year? I’m thinking one day… meet/register 8-9am with coffe and donuts, class 9am to noon, I provide pizza and drinks (nonAlcoholic) for lunch, then back at it 1pm till we finish. And If you stay we can all go out surfing on sunday! I’ll have raw material, blanks in different stages of completion, and boards in different stages and I’ll show how I progress from 4’x8’ HD foam, glue it into a blank, shape it, vac/bag balsa, perimeter rail (cherrywood!), hot box cure… to a finished board. YOu should have enough info to keep you going full blast at least through the winter!

Cost… $50?

Let me know what you think? Will you be coming? Any suggestions?


Edit… If I get enough people for this one (20 max) and enough interest for another date… I could do another class sometime the first of the year so let me know the date that would work best for you.

Edit…Location, location, location! The Class/Demo will be held! I have the use of an empty warehouse next to my office.

      425 Orange Ave. Sand City, Ca    Follow this link for a map:   <a href="http://maps.google.com/" class="bb-url">http://maps.google.com/</a>

Hey Les,

I would love to come, but unfortunately I won’t be in Norcal until Dec 18th. If you did it the week between Christmas and New Years I’m sure I could sneak away from family for a day or so…

I’d make that day. Especially since I had to go out of town over the big sur weekend. Anyone else from Santa Cruz thinking about it? I’m always happy to see how other people are doing things. Right now I’m on day 5 of applying rail strips 1/8" at a time up to 3/4".


I would love to come up for that. I could do it almost any other time of year but have to go to the east coast for inlaw duty

Lets do it! I’ll provide some beer for after the class. Mike

Sounds good Mike! Looking forward to seeing you there. I’ll send out more info on where, etc. the week before.


I want to be there, I was hoping some one would put together a class up here.

Id definatly be keen if there was one here in New Zealand…

Just about to get into my first compsand, would be very usefull…

Sorry Tomo! Sure would be nice if I could plan on a holiday over there wouldn’t it!? …who knows?


hiya Les!

i’m interested.

it’s in my dayplannner.

looking forward to it!


I would love to attend a class like this! I might even be passing threw MOntery on my way to Marin for the holidays.

Please let us know if it comes together.

HI Chris! Good to hear from you. How’s the ‘free’ blank coming along? You’ll get alot from this class!

And…YES Monkeyshines the class is on! I figured that if I got 10 people I"d have it at my house (in the process of cleaning out my garage Chris) and if we got the max (20 people) then we’d have it at my office. The warehouse next to my office of vacant and should be able to get it at a decient proce if not free.

As it gets closer I’ll let everyone know the exact location.


well, a ticket from Israel to US is way too expansive for me at this stage of my life,

but if sombody could take the whole thing on video , I would be glad to pay 50$ for a copy ( no editing ! I wanna feel like i was there :slight_smile: )

I’m positively sure I’m not the only one…

what do say?

Thanks Lee, I’ve been wanting to video tape my construction for quite awhile. That would be fun! I have a CD Video camera available with a tripod. I should be able to get a friend to control it. And… CHRIS! You want to bring your (wife’s) camera and take a few close-ups to add to the works?


i would buy a copy fo sho !! i was almost thinkin of doing the 16 hour drive down there from canada.


sounds great Les.

i’m looking forward to it.

I would like to attend. Please keep me informed

what are the cerritos classes you are talking about? i’m moving so socal in a year or so and i mite be interested in taking some classes on shaping and stuff if cerritos offers them…

yes les,

like i said, i prob won’t make it for your class, but would be interested in learning more about the cerritos class as well.

Hi Les -

I am scheduled off work that day and plan to be there. If there’s anything I can do to help out, please let me know!