Hey Ambrose,WildDog................................

…Got a solo ticket for Christmas from my family,no dragging the luggage around,YOU KNOW.Howz March or april sound ?I’m in need of a tropical vacation,BADLY !!! Herb

Howzit Herb, OK now all you have to do is get on the plane, I've got a comfortable couch that has your name on it if you so desire. Within walking distance of Tunnels. You're always welcome .Aloha,Kokua


I’d go sooner,but I’m in the middle of selling a regestered caca-California assault rifle + xtras to a friend in Arizona.(it can’t be transfered here in this state anymore).I stand to make a lg., clear profit on this one.So,I’ll have some spending money too!Anywho,I’ll keep you abreast of my situation(s).All looks great for those months stated.Herb

…here today…gone to Maui…naw…you know where…

Don’t forget Cannons is only a few steps from Tunnels.

All my friends still have their old HK’s, FN’s, and Armalites. I switched to pistols, as I can alway expropriate any long arms with them.

Sometimes, it’s better to wait a while before heading for K, as rain there can last 20 days straight, and April is the beginning of the letup.

Yeah Lee

,I know,that’s why May might be the ticket.

I’m selling my Arggie Fal.It’s a triple proof receiver ,(supermatch upper),select supermatch tapered, barrel,and sniper grade lower w/a 4.5 lbs pull trigger.About 5000 rounds of various 308,inc.glazers,ap,tracer,nato ball on strippers in bands.Not to mention 30 or 40 mags,6 thermomolds in metric,and some rare 30s++++++++++++.I got what I need,past that.Herb

Good stuff, have a great trip over…

I even joined the USArmy to shoot a few, blow sum up, and learn call’in

Don’t need it anymore, but somedin to go thru once in life.

Crowded days, log Why so Slows, don’t touch bottom.

Howzit Herb, After living here for over 30 years I can say that it can and will rain any time of the year. There is no real rainy season but there is a swell season and May is at the end of the season. We hold our Pinetres longboard classic in April to make sure we will get waves. One year it had to be in May due to scheduling of other contests and it didn't happen because of no waves. I'd suggest no later than April to make sure there's waves on the North Shore. Aloha,Kokua

mothers day is the end of the Kona winds and I have a coupla guns with the hair triggers polished one’s a strada in the shed burried way back one’s a mango model ones 8’4 all are unregistered and ready to wax…ambrose …you know whereon the highway yellow building can’t miss it

no offense man, people have different interests and passions, but i just would like to know why someone would want to own an assault rifle?

no offense man, people have different interests and passions, but i just would like to know why someone would want to own an assault rifle?

To protect their loved ones and appropriate food when necessary…

“my cold dead hands”


let me ask you this…

…does your vehicle drive faster than 75mph?

…Yes,then why do you need that vehicle?

…we should ban all vehicles that have more than 2 cylinders and drives faster than 75mph.

…And while we’re at it ,it should only come in the colors black or white.

…After all driving is a privilege,not a right.

…Gun ownership is a right.

…Better yet,let’s jump on the senator’s bandwagon and ban all guns to private citizens…that way only she’ll have a gun in her purse.

…the antigunners just don’t want sporter/assualt type firearms…they want them ALL!!!

…So,when CAN we pick-up your car,and guns ?

…To me a firearm is in the same line-up as a automoble…

…they’re beautiful,functional,and a mechanical wonder.

…by-the-way…before you say bla-bla-bla about guns,Vehicles kill more people daily,than firearms in this country.Herb

…living well…is my best revenge…

Shores,guess you didn’t have to live thru the LA riots.

I lived in LongBeach near downtown during the last riots and in east LA during the first…guess what neighborhood didn’t get ransacked?

…You know what the police told me when I called them about the market on the corner getting broken into?

…police reply:you’re on your own ,buddy…nuff said


…My gun control is…

…my index finger…

Yeah K,

Like 80 inches a year in some spots,correct? I guess that’s why it’s called the garden island.

…I would like to surf the north shore,since I never have on that particular island…I was thinking more south shores if I go later in the year.I remember a couple,what you guys call junk breaks over there on the south shore…been awhile.Herb

Howzit Herb, Those riots in 65 were something else, I was living in HP less than a mile from the curfew boundry. The police basically contained the city and if they saw the wrong people in town they would either arrest them or escort them out of town. Now if you want to surf both sides of Kauai then May might be a better choice since there is a good possibility for surf on both shores. Aloha,Kokua

Wow,I lived in H.P. too,during the 65’ riots, Seville and Randolph.Herb

ps. I remember truck loads of angry people driving up and down the street.Herb

Howzit Herb, I lived on Gentry street, the shortest street in H.P. it was only 1 block long from Gage ave. to Clarendon st.Aloha,Kokua

I know that street,

…Had a gal friend of mine that lived towards Gage.This was a few years later in the early 70s.If my mind serves me correctly she/her house had an “egg shaped” pool…spainish style home…geee…like there weren’t loads of that style homes in that area.Long before this time our family moved had to “Randolph place”,it was as short,and was the south/west boarder street to Bell and Maywood,right down the street was the Dow factory on Maywood ave.

…You attended Gage jr.High if I remember correctly?My friend from that era is now the principal of that school.Herb

Hey Kokua, Ever surf the lighthouse ? or the wave just a little east of that ? hard to access but good waves… DR

Howzit Dronai, Could you be a little more specific as to where the lighthouse you're talking about is. Do you mean the surf spot Rock Quarry? There is a light house in the area near the Quarry but it's a lttle ways away.It's a spot that blows out when the trades blow so you need different winds but it also is a spot that can be surfed when it gets to big at Hanalei. Aloha,Kokua