hull hazzard

I remember hanging around the old Liddle shop many years ago in Tarzana (home of Edgar Rice Burroughs - author of Tarzan of the Apes.) I went to jr high school right around the corner.

There was a typed memo about his boards on the wall with pricing on various options and an explanation that his boards would turn once you learned how to turn, cutback once you learned to cutback, etc.

That said… most of us know now that “hull” riders are kind of like fly fishermen…

They take a basically easy activity and by introducing some purposefully bizarre equipment, turn it into some sort of esoteric feat of difficulty so they can all hang together and be smug cuz they are the only ones who learned how to do it.

You guys know who you are. Consider how far along your surfing would be today if you had just come aboard, joined the team and surfed on regular boards all these years.

“Esoteric” - Esoteric knowledge is that which is specialized or advanced in nature, available only to a narrow circle of “enlightened”, “initiated”, or highly educated people. Items pertaining to esotericism may be known as esoterica. Some interpretations of esotericism are very broad and include even unconventional and non-scientific belief systems.

not from a picture…but up close and personal you can see/feel the differences as small as they might be, they are there…

Matt: i was afraid someone would say that.

JohnMellor: l loved that one.

ah gee john, i don’t think i want to advance my surfing skills any further along.iv’e ridden “typical” boards and personally just don’t like how they feel on the wave.honestly, all i want to do is hit the bottom, fly up into the pocket and go as fast and as far in trim as i can jonesing on the feel of the board in the wave…it’s really simple, clean surfing that feels so bitchin’. i know it’s not radical , vertical etc. but it’s all i want…keepin’ it smoooooth…

I ride all kinds of boards but there is only one that has a unique feel to it. And that, to me, is the main reason I keep coming back to hulls, if only for a session or two. I’m addicted to the feel. My surfing wouldn’t be any better or any worse from riding hulls but I would be worse for not riding them.

I really don’t give a rat’s ass what other people think about my boards or my surfing. It is what it is. But, if I can turn someone on to the feel, then I guess I’ll be happy being labeled a smug esoteric.

Hear hear again, Lee

There are different experiences available in surfing. Attempts to measure or rank them may be–just might be, mind you–in vain.

Where’s that new Hullohollic website I heard about?..

Speaking of hulls… and since this thread has gone slightly broad

I bet these guys know a thing or two about hulls:

One or two of these cross-sections had occurred to me–“sponsons” for example… after looking at surf-kayaks at REI

Alright you smug esoterics… (where’s KP anyway?) - don’t get your BVDs in a wad. I jest!

I even have a Liddle plus a couple other boards that have more belly than any Liddle I’ve seen.

Of course the fin on the G&S Hot Curl transition board is 1/32" too far back so it probably doesn’t count as a hull anyway.

That post is worthless without pics! :wink:

i feel, feel, feel, the need to peel, peel peel, down the line for a 300 hundered yard burner. not vert, no slash, no need to be a turner…go, go ,go faster further…

Hi Janklow -

OK, here are some pics. Note authentic “period” sticker. This board is 7’8" X 23" X 18 1/2" X 16". The belly shown at mid point is 1 1/2" from level across stringer to rail apex.


Killer, bud!

Where's that new Hullohollic website I heard about?...

This is Spencer Kellogg and Paul Gross’s site, seems pretty much Spencer is public face. So far the forum isn’t working or at least I can’t get in and Spencer emailed me that it needs fixing and he has been too busy w/ other work so far to get to it. BUT my new hull is finished and curing until I can get down there and pick it up. Will report…

If I could type like I talk , youd all be in trouble! Matt I like that poem.

I was just kidding, I did not know they had a site. I heard they were going by the name of Hullabaloo.

That’s what i’m talking about – with the level across the bottom like that. thanks, JM. would love to see a pic with a modern next to that.

matt draws smooth lines with a board and a pen (keyboard)… would be interesting to see how you drive. ( that tells you a lot about someone)

Where's that new Hullohollic website I heard about?...

This is Spencer Kellogg and Paul Gross’s site, seems pretty much Spencer is public face. So far the forum isn’t working or at least I can’t get in and Spencer emailed me that it needs fixing and he has been too busy w/ other work so far to get to it. BUT my new hull is finished and curing until I can get down there and pick it up. Will report…[/repl]

p.s. just reminded by Dale S that Fynn Wilson is major part of iShapes. Does a lot of the machine work.

I did… yesterday… on some very weak tiny waves… and the hull cruised along nicely… even did a little pop off the top of one. :smiley:

I had a lot of fun yesterday on my 7’4" Liddle extreme pointbreaker in small (but clean and offshore) peaky windswell… Mostly drop in, bottom turn, trim a few seconds and pull out of a closeout. Still fun though.