"I missed this class" 10'6" Quad fin gun

Fuhgidaboudhim Ace - your daughter has probably found a new high on the DadOmeter even if she doesn’t show it.

And look on the bright side - he might get that hold down training.


Excellent Looking Board Ace. Now how about a little info on the board What are the dimensions, rocker, bottom contours  just tell us all your trade secrets ( kidding ) is the glass an epoxy or ploy?  

Poly glass. Used the 10’6" gun blank straight out of the can. One of my “trade secrets”, you paid for the blank might as well use most of it. The rest is magic pixy dust and grumpy old farts.




The board has passed hands and ended up with Andy Carter a few years ago. He has put it into some heavy ones. Recent photo from Puerto Escondido…Andy is 6’10" tall to put everything into perspective…


…‘‘The proof is in the pudding.’’ Quite a wave, eh? Well done, Ace.

Aloha Ace!
Just goes to show ya
“knowledge IS power”
intentional play on words, as always…
Aloha Nui

I tried to find photos of 10’6" in question… went through hundreds of photos on Ace’s photo account… this one of P.E. was all I could find and it doesn’t show a whole lot.

Photos disappeared? Try these might be to small…Have to hunt em down…

One more

Muchas gracias Senor ACE!

This old board has taken a licking and is still ticking…Andy Carter at Todos Santos a couple days ago…

I’ve tried to follow this thread in the past and for awhile at least, could not find any pics.  They’re in there now and this is a good one. 




beast mode!