Hello Swaylockians,
I have been lurking around here for several months enjoying the serious wealth of information that is this BB. I’m not much of a surf craftsman, shoot, I can barely fix my own dings, so I have never had much to add on the highly technical design threads. But I was hoping to pick your brains on a subject that effects us all as watermen/women.
I’m writing a guideline style article about surfing etiquette for a website. My goal is to create a resource that beginning surfers can refer to as a guideline for proper behavior, action, and attitude in the water. Since many of you are extremely experienced and knowledgable surfers, I figure you guys and gals are a great resource for gripes/suggestions/ideas for an article of this nature.
So far I have 4 tips in a bullet style format, with a paragraph beneath each explaining the reason behind each idea:
- Be Patient and Watch the Surf
* Do not overcrowd an existing lineup/surf zone
- Never use your cell phone while looking at the surf
*Your leash is a convenience NOT a safety device
I’m going to include about 3 to 4 more rules/guidelines and am hoping this thread will stir up some good stuff. This will be seen by many wannabe surfers, so this is your chance to form the mind of that beginner sitting next to you this spring/summer. Thanks everyone!
PS. I realize the urge to post “quit surfing” is strong, but this most recent horde of newbie surfers is a fact of life. I believe it is best that they are educated properly, for our safety and theirs.
Peace all,