Is it too soon to start thinking about Swayloholix 2011???

I’m looking at a training seminar in The Bay Area on a Monday-Wednessday, and if it worked out that I could do it right after the big party… Well, enough said.

think about early October… very early October…

I know I can be dense…  Do you mean about as early as  possible in October, like the very first Saturday…  Ya know, with out giving any specific dates away???  Ha!



Time to start lighting the candles…  Ha!

       Aloha Keith, I think it is a perfect time to start getting things together for the annual Sways get together and this year I hope to make it sincethings are going good for me now and I willbring my 12 volt Blender so I can at least eat some food. Might even buy a inverter that puts out some real juice and run a microwave with it and bring my good blender also as a back up. It wouldbe great to meet more of my fellow members finally after 10years of membership. Aloha,Kokua

I just checked the website for reservations and reservable sites are going fast.

Five camp sites are still open as of now. I got Sep30-Oct 2nd at #41, sorry for the crazy kids in advance.

good loyd…  If I can, then I’ll beg and pitch in the back of my car…

The stoke is alive and well…

Viva La Sways!!!

Es numero uno!!!

       Howzit John, I sure hope the spaces are being taken by Swaylocks people and what is the website for making reservtions? Aloha Kokua


Five camp sites are still open as of now. I got Sep30-Oct 2nd at #41, sorry for the crazy kids in advance.


It looks like we have the site right next to you.  We'll see who has the craziest kids.  I also apologize ahead of time.

I’m in.  Just reserved site #27 but only for Oct 1 and Oct 2.  Wife hates camping, so I’ll have room to share.  Anyone P.M. me if you need a spot.

maybe “week before jade festival” is the new rule.



[img_assist|nid=1058129|title=sways 2011 group shot|desc=just a few of us|link=none|align=left|width=66|height=100]Ready or not here I come.   I just shared my VISA number with the world wide web and I am so excited.   I am going to be in site #26.   If I remember correctly it is big and flat and has room for a small army.   Cant’ wait to see you guys there.   I need to get shaping quick though…  Darren 

[img_assist|nid=1058129|title=sways 2011 group shot|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=425|height=640]The uploading of photos is not hard only for you old farts.   I struggle sometimes too. Darren 

What campground does swayholics take place at? its in CA right? sorry for the noobness

It’s in Big Sur CA, Plaskett Creek Campground. link to reserveations above.

PS: The Beach looks good I may head out soon. I know we're gonna have some fun......

shoot i have class at 1. ill check it out after class around 230. usually on a green longboard or orange hobie single fin egg