It's alive. Oh, it's alive, it's alive! IT'S ALIVE! Surfboards from Dr. Frankensteins lab...

So anybody who knows me, I always have surfboard projects in various stages of completion. This year is no different. So I thought I would post some photo's of this years projects. All of these boards I glued, handshaped, airbrushed, and glassed. Many started as one thing and became an other. With three more months left, I may squeeze in a couple more.

Dissect Series

A couple of years ago, I began a new project. I started to cut up some perfectly good surfboard blanks. Cutting and re-gluing them into an entirely different shape than they were intended to be. I began to call these boards "Dissects". As in dissecting them into pieces. Just like that frog you cut up in Biology class. Only I put them back together. For example, some started out as a long-board blank, and became a gun instead. Others were a gun blank and became a fish.

Missing from this thread are, Race Paddleboard, Aysemmetricals, Agave boards. Maybe another thread.

Gotta respect the total package builders. You are the exception in that you do it all very well. Very inspirational as usual.

Super cool stuff Barry. Glad to see someone who is having fun making boards for a living instead of complaining. Keep up the awesome work and the cool posts that inspire us all.

nomination for the

repurposing academy

award.I just wanna

mispell kudos just once,

and make a visual joke,



for them that

can enjoy an obtuse joke…

clik save

even though it has

nothing to do mortal souls.

Could we be a wittiness to the reincarnation of Tesla as a builder of Boards?

Barry - always nice stuff, top notch, its a privilege to have you here sharing at swaylocks, great pics!

and this is a…GUN!

Good stuff. I need to pop in one day. I drive right past your shop every week. Check em out in person.

…and they called him Mad…because he wanted to create new life!!

Damn, those are nice boards, especially that little rounded pintail (bonzer?) with the kind of exponentially progressive spaced sections.

Is that wide stringer agave?

Exceptional.  Thanks for sharing!



What an inspiration!!! Awesome!   How the hell did you do those rails that flow from orange to lime back to orange. Understand if that is a "trade secret"!  Simply awesome! 

Wow Barry, just wow. Exceptional craftsmanship. Surfing them all in my mind now. Would love to see them in the flesh. inspiring stuff indeed!

Ha thats no secret - you buy those online. They have all these awesome printed carbon patches these days. I know makes some similar to those

Shushka, You are wrong there…

I know the process Barry used on that, or better yet Ill assume he is doing what we do to acheive a similar effect.

Inlayz doesnt print carbon… they print thinks that LOOK like carbon.

All the stuff you see printed is not carbon, its usually just on a cotton or silk substrate. people use different stuff.


Okay, to provide Barry with a laugh, I'll give it a guess.  Did you mask off rails at pin line, acrylic spray fade lime to orange, lam carbon/glass rail tape, trim masked edge and pin line?

Looks awesome!

Nice investigative work there martymo.

Yeah, that's all I did.

I love to mix airbrush tricks in when I can.

Been painting boards for 30 yrs.

Fades just are not done much these days.

That carbon was a bitch to cut. I think it was 8 or 10oz stuff.

That board has no wooden stringer, so that cloth really stiffen it up.

Thought I'd throw a few more in too. Last years projects.

Thanks for all the complements.

I see what you did, here. Reminds of back when Morey/Pope won the "Golden Doily" award for their Slipcheck pattern kits.

I like it.


 …good on ya , Barry !

  you are  one  of the handful here who let the photos do the talking , and make sways an interesting place to visit ! talk is cheap , so photo threads of boards , fins and surfing , keep me coming back here . 

  keep up the GREAT work , and don't forget 'THE PROJECT ' , eh  big bazza ?   [ I **will **keep reminding you , don't worry !!  :wink: ]

  cheers mate !


Good to hear from you Ben. How's things?

We need to see some of your beautiful surf photo's.

And some more of those cool fins you make too!

Cheers mate.


 cheers baz !!


  if one person [you!] is interested then maybe that's enough [to warrant photos] , eh ? or not ?


I guess , over the years of posting shots here [chipfins/ fish/ chippy61 / stubs / now , 'fins' ] the old , overly vocal "locals" [ha!]  grew tired of it …


… so , as you may have noticed , when I was unable to post photos or comments at sways and facebook [some computer / ? sites ? glitches] , I took a nice break / rest from it .

  Since moving , baz, I have pretty much been hibernating ,  through this long cold rainy southern winter.


  but now , it's spring [at LAST !!] …


  yes , some fins HAVE been worked on , since my move to Vicco …


  they just haven't been surfed , yet …


would it be 'blackmail' to ask ?   " if you make 'THE PROJECT'  [heehee] , then …I'll post some fin photos ?? "    :slight_smile:




… it's been QUITE a few MONTHS now , hasn't it , since you were the ony guy here , out of thousands of talk talk talkers , who actually is going to MAKE  it ! [I&#39;m patiently trusting <em>you</em> at your word , unlike other ficklers here&nbsp; haaa !!]



   we need "kokua" and bill barnfield , back on here . And gee , I STILL miss Shipman's creativity [R.I.P., Ben ]

 … it used to be  FUN ,  here , once …there used to be lots of creativity , and photos , and people used to be encouraged for giving things a go [imagine THAT , eh ?!  THERE'S an idea !]


 … once upon a time … till the old grumpy "know it all , done it all, seen it all " pricks / internet bullies took over , and pissed on creativity . sad days indeed , now …


  thank goodness that the [all too rare] photo thread still survives here , to share the stoke  / feed the fire !


    cheers mate !



  Just for YOU , Big Bazza !




 ( as professor [frink ? ]   julius woulda said …


" allll  becarse yoooo askkkked for IT !"  ,  eh ?! )



 cheers !
