
On my next board, when glassing, I’m going to try the colored rails. I know that you tape down the area you don’t want to get resin on, but when do you remove the tape and such and how do you cut your glass?

Howzit Joelyboaly, If you are just doing the rails it seems to me it would be a lot easier to air brush the them. Aloha,Kokua

Remove tape when resin just gells tacky. Cut with single edge razor, or double edged if you like to commit hari kari. I pull the tape AS I cut, so it’s a guide.

But if you are doing just rail colors, you have to color the rails on the foam first, before lam.

I was going to do a resin swirl. So would I remove the tape when the Lam is jelling?

When pot is solid gelled, cloth is semi dry tacky still. Timing is personal preference, seems longer I wait, better but harder it cuts. If you cut too early, you stand to pull the laminate out of place, causing future problems of delam or weak spots.

True that with the De-Lams. I’ll be making sure my timing is right, thanks a lot LeeDD. I’ll be posting some pics in the near future of my creation.

I cut glassed laps by first lifting the tape as vertical as I can get it, and then, rather than cutting down with the blade I am able to cut across, parallel to the deck, and avoid any possible cutting into the foam.

pull and cut at the same time it works pretty good amd when the lap is dry take a roller and mash it down into the foam si it is flat and ready for overlap

I don’t quite understand how you’re explaining the cutting of the laps to me. Would it be possible for a diagram to be shown, that would be ver helpful.

just cut the laps at the outline of the tape…while you’re cutting pull the tape up…this will help everything come away cleanly…

So, while you’re pulling up on the tape with one hand, you’re using the other hand and cutting the LAM?

I am suggesting that instead of cutting vertically with your blade, you first partially lift the glassed tape from the dry edge all around the board. This will lift the glassed lap off the foam. Now at some point maybe half way, cut the tape up to the lap itself. Now you have an opening, lift the tape again but don’t pull it from under the glass, and cut with your blade, horizontally, peeling back tape as you go. You will cut the lap sideways so to speak into glass (and thin air instead of foam…).

I finally understand this process, but wouldn’t it be awkward and difficult to cut the Laps since the Laps would be upside down and you would have to go underneath the board? And tricks for doing this?

When the resin starts to kick, it kicks in the bucket first, the flat surfaces next, and quite a while later, the laps where the tape meets it.

Flip the board over when the flat surface cures dry to touch…the laps are still wet.

Use wax paper to keep stands from sticking to board.

Horizontal cut is the advanced method. I’d suggest you try a few before going fully horizontal with the blade.

Try to cut no deeper than 1/8", but you will slip sometimes.

So, needing a very sharp blade for this task, what do you guys use or recommend to cut the Laps?

So, needing a very sharp blade for this task, what do you guys use or recommend to cut the Laps?

Something razor sharp, like uh, a razor, or a scalpel. I use a new single sided blade per board.

Like the ones you use for a planer or hand plane?

Howzit Joelyboaly, Single edged razor blades are what you use for cutting laps.Aloha,Kokua

CB is right.As for the actual tool for cutting it is a single edge razor blade.You can bend them also.CB…is that you Clay???

CB is right.As for the actual tool for cutting it is a single edge razor blade.You can bend them that you Clay?????

No, my name is Chris…