Leash loop fetish

Leash loops are rad,

here are some from the archives…

oooh yeah, that’s the stuff!

"i used half a brass ring as a support for the glass strands. "- MarkE


I love 'em too! I can’t remember the last time I used a leash cup, don’t even consider them as an option anymore.


Do you have any more pics of that redwood fish?

i love em too, but there’s no way i’m going to share pics of mine after the ones above. they are awesome. i especially like jensen’s wood core one. such care & craftmanship. beautiful.

What about those leash loops that are made out of black rope - like the rope you use to tie your leash to the board? How are those done? I’ve searched the archives and found nothing, nor have i ever seen a pic of one on here.

I’ve seen loops made of yellow plastic rope. Maybe the same thing? That was done, as far as I can rember, by setting the rope in the foam and glassing just the ends into the board.

good thread, rhino.

got a pic of a rope embedded?

Loop from last board.Cut a solid glass panel into shape.Drilled hole,applied waterbased

ink and glassed whole thing onto deck.

I can’t outsmart this thing.

here is my glass leash loop (sometimes called a “roving bridge”)

from my HWS. nice and thick and wide, set onto board just after cloth went down before it set, for strongest bond between the two, I have heard of loops being ripped off if they are applied AFTER the filler coat (hot coat)


Can you give some details on how the “roving bridge” is made? That looks awesome. Nice and strong.




here is my glass leash loop (sometimes called a “roving bridge”)

from my HWS. nice and thick and wide, set onto board just after cloth went down before it set, for strongest bond between the two, I have heard of loops being ripped off if they are applied AFTER the filler coat (hot coat)

I actually made a fibreglass bridge sorta like an oversized version of your roving bridge for a longboard, I also put some laps over the edges for strength. I was afraid a “simple” roving leash loop wouldn’t be strong enough for a longboard. Any folks here have experience on LB’s/Leashloops? The fibrebridge is ugly, won’t even bother with a picture… really, it’s grunt-ugly…


Can you give some details on how the “roving bridge” is made? That looks awesome. Nice and strong.



  1. wet rovings & lay over pencil, cover with a couple of hour-glass shaped strips of 4oz (ps: i trimmed these rovings by about a good inch after the photo was taken)

  1. slide pencil (wrapped in masking tape) out before it kicks

  1. sand to size & shape before moving on to fillercoat & glosscoat

more stuff in the archives. that’s how i learnt.

Beautiful stuff Oldy, and perfectly explained.

Thanks oldy.

Do you need some sort of release agent so that the pencil doesn’t stick or is that what the masking tape is for.



no release agent ant. yes that’s what the tape’s for. just pull the pencil out once the resin has begun to harden sufficiently.

Try using a plastic straw (a handful from your favorite fast food joint is pretty cheap:). They pull out nice once the resin is kicked…

I asked an old crusty shaper for one, and he cut out some fin plate extras and drilled a big enough hold, glassed it on, and smoothed it out.

There is HEAPS of advice in the archives on “glass leash loops”, do a search!


I wax the pencil up with board wax. Mike

OK, may I add my 30 threads of roving rope? I made this one yesterday. And although I had torn the rope thoroughly in a resin pot, I still have a few bubbles left. Life is hard. But then, it’s life…