Lets see your Rice Paper logos.
…I see lot of discussion lately, about rice paper…let me tell ya that rice paper is a thing from the past; yes, still many guys do the logotypes on this paper, but is not in this way that the pro marketed board are made.
Seda paper is the paper
I think you better let everybody in Calif. and Hawaii know. Shapers and Glassers don't usually throw out four or five hundred dollars worth of lams because of what some guy on the internet says.
…hey Mcding, if you think that I do not know shit, you better go and see what top marketed boards use for their logotypes…
BY THE WAY, where s your work?
Here we never see any of your work…only blahbling, so seems that you are the some internet guy not me, fella
F-it. Sorry I started the thread. Bunch of wankers wanting to have a penis measuring contest or swordfight.
It’s good though, heaps better than watching T.V, like the ‘Days of our Swaylocking lives’. Reverb’s made an excelent come back!!..tune in later to see if McDing-a-ling can out shlong this situation?
Here’s mine, it’s far from impressive, I need a new design this one’s a little bit retro looking.
I have no idea what the material it is printed on is by the way, I assumed it was rice paper? But it’s not as thin or transparent as the stuff which comes from art stores so?!
Yo Marsh, Retro is back in! looks good , and if retro goes out, just wait another year it will be back in again.
Let me see if I can download mine. The first spine and one of the fin tips was cropped for some reason and so I usually trim it. It’s a roosterfish done by an artist friend in exchange for a fin repair. I use rice paper run through my printer backed with printer paper. Sometimes I just lam it on using printer paper, but I certainly don’t recomment it. I aint no pro. Just a guy goofing off in his garage. A lot of times I don’t bother putting it on a board. I do think having a logo improves the resell ability of the board.
Reverb, what are you using for your laminates? Mike
I should add that if I laminate it using printer paper the lam goes over the deck fiber glass and not under. That way if it f…ks up I can just sand the thing off. So far I have not had to do that. I just don’t want a new guy to try it and get a big ugly mess. Mike
…Mako224, Im not into any penis whatever, I put a valid info about this thing, if you think that is not valid, well, feel free of use computer printer tints, rice paper, etc; but that is not the pro way; please, close scrutiny top brands in a surf shop and compare with the hacker ones, then you ll see what I m telling here.
-Rooster, re read first comment.
I think the thread objective is for members to post “logo graphics” rather than debate printing materials. I could be wrong.
Zippers up gents.
I just picked up $300 worth of lams from the screener. All on rice paper. Of course the set up cost add even more to the first batch because I never was able to recover my screens from a now defunct screener in Carpenteria, Ca. PJ's Silkscreen. For those of you in foreign lands; Carp. is a bit North of Rincon. The lams I picked up were on rice paper. I guess here on the West Coast we're just behind the times. Or "retro" as you say. I thought about attempting to post pictures again. Truth is I'm just not internet savy enough to master the technique. What's more I probably won't because I don't care enough about the sexual gratification some of you seem to get from tooting your own horn. Guess I'm just "retro" and "hetro".
If you can design and lam a logo graphic, you can post a picture on a forum. I just do not have a logo to post.
Upload a jpg, tif, gif file of your graphic to a hosting site (photobucket, flickr, et. al.). Right click on the hosted full-size image, copy the image URL, click the "tree image box" in the toolbar above this forum's text box and paste.
If you can design and lam a logo graphic, you can post a picture on a forum. I just do not have a logo to post.
Upload a jpg, tif, gif file of your graphic to a hosting site (photobucket, flickr, et. al.). Right click on the hosted full-size image, copy the image URL, click the "tree image box" in the toolbar above this forum's text box and paste.
Tree picture in Toolbar above this box:
I am messing around with logos that are just done by hand with rapidograph pens on paper. Rice paper seems to be kind of rough and fragile. I just primed some white so maybe it will stiffen up. Any ideas on this? I can sign a board with ink on the hotcoat and gloss over it but I like doing new things.
What is Seda paper anyway?? I have some logos done by a pro screen shop that are done on (I think ) ricepaper but it’s pretty thin. This company does the majority of logo screening for builders in Florida.
Maybe McDing and Reverb are talikng about two different type of logos. Printed versus silk screened?
Retro to me is a black wetsuit…clear board…no logo… a van with Hendrix on the 8 track…a rolled joint…and the pervasive smell of Purple Waxmate.
Mr. Zogs
Sorry, Back on topic …
…hello Mr Cleanlines,
seda paper is like roller paper (paper for cigarettes …or joints) but thicker.
Yes, I talk about silkscreened logotypes.
-McDing, I never mentioned the word retro
Ahh, purple Waxmate. Smells can take you back.
Rice paper seems to work so why not?
That is interesting. I had these logos made 8 years ago and the paper does resemble rolling paper. Thinner and a different composition to some ricepaper we just bought at the art store. I bet they are the Seda paper you described. Problem is that I stored them incorrectly and the paper has turned a bit yellow. The ones screened on a white background are OK.
I am back in to board building on a small scale after an 8 year break and it’s like learning all over again.What started out as a little part time deal has morphed in several thousand dollars. Still addicted to board building after doing my first one over 40 years ago.
Hey Reverb I think this has got lost in translation. The english word for" Seda" is Silk. The kind of “rice paper” used by most pro shops is called “Silky” rice paper.
Silky Heavy Rice Paper**
** . . has been used by the surf & screen print industries for over 25 years.When applied with resin, Silky papers become invisible leaving graphic image.
Create your own laminates with your printer. Other applications-
marble decals, shoji screen, invitation inserts, collage.