lis fish restoration project

FINALLY, im all done

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[img_assist|nid=1066676|title=lis fish resto|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=489|height=722]




























[img_assist|nid=1066677|title=lis fish resto|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=489|height=330]













i know the pic doesnt show it well but its says shaped by Steven Lis, glassed by Toby sullvany    ( AKA Rich Pavel) side note, i heard  a story about how Rich got that name and apparently a teacher of his in school for some reason thought his name was toby and called him that all year and i guess it stuck

the board is a 5’5 width- 16 3/4, 21 1/2, 16 thickness-  2 1/4, 2 1/2, 1 1/2


Beautiful work SD, purty enough to be the star on top of the OB Tree…

i dont know, that tree was looking kinda haggard last year, hopefully we get a nice one this year

Thats cause the bongo beaters never let the tree sleep.

waaaaaw very nice work.