long island

anyone surfed long island, new york? looking for some good non-touristy beaches…

anyone surfed long island, new york? looking for some good non-touristy > beaches… teddy teddy teddy, unfortunately, the rumors are true, long island has no surf

teddy teddy teddy, unfortunately, the rumors are true, long island has no > surf i felt bad after this post – we do have surf – but giving away the local spots would not be fair – join the masses and get clued in that way – the “touristy” spots or at least popular spots can be pretty good

Teddy, Listen to Tim… but I’ll add that almost anywhere in Long Beach should be fine. Lincoln Blvd. is often a zoo, if you go there just be polite - or pick another road / jetty and you’ll find waves and no crowds. There is about 100 miles of Ocean shoreline on LI - drive and see - it gets good this time of year! Where are you from? Eric J>>> i felt bad after this post – we do have surf – but giving away the local > spots would not be fair – join the masses and get clued in that way – > the “touristy” spots or at least popular spots can be pretty > good

i live outside of philly. i consider my home break in o/c, nj. just looking for some diff. scenery.

LI can get epic. http://content.surfline.com/sw/content/travel/surfmaps/us/new_york/index.jsp

it’s a drive for you - watch for the N/NW winds. It’s often a mess - but with a low and the right wind - the waves clean up nice.>>> i live outside of philly. i consider my home break in o/c, nj. just > looking for some diff. scenery.

i thought northern winds would be good? offshore?

Sorry - that’s what I meant. I must be speaking Aussie/Irish today. N/NW wind cleans up the waves beautifully. See you in the water.>>> i thought northern winds would be good? offshore?

Teddy, If you want to avoid the crowds and the locals who don’t want to give out their favorite spots, drive about haveway out on LI. There’s Smith Point Park at the end of William Floyd Parkway that has miles of beach breaks. On the way there, just south of Route 27 on William Floyd, on the right, there’s Woodies Surf Shop. Stop in there and ask for some good spots. Go a little farther out to the Hamptons and go out on Dune Road. On the west end of Dune Road there’s another county park, Cupsogue, which also has several beach breaks. Head to the east end of Dune Road and there will be several areas to park and you probably won’t be hassled this time of year for a parking sticker. The areas I just mentioned usually hold a break at low to mid tide so check the tide tables for the dates you are going. For the best surf, go all the way out to Montauk. There are some beaches with with rocky bottoms that hold good waves when there is a swell. Parking can be a problem though. If you ever come down to Jacksonville Florida, I’ll let you know where all the good spots are, and then some. Have fun. Oldsurfdog.

Teddy,>>> If you want to avoid the crowds and the locals who don’t want to give out > their favorite spots, drive about haveway out on LI. There’s Smith Point > Park at the end of William Floyd Parkway that has miles of beach breaks. > On the way there, just south of Route 27 on William Floyd, on the right, > there’s Woodies Surf Shop. Stop in there and ask for some good spots. Go a > little farther out to the Hamptons and go out on Dune Road. On the west > end of Dune Road there’s another county park, Cupsogue, which also has > several beach breaks. Head to the east end of Dune Road and there will be > several areas to park and you probably won’t be hassled this time of year > for a parking sticker. The areas I just mentioned usually hold a break at > low to mid tide so check the tide tables for the dates you are going. For > the best surf, go all the way out to Montauk. There are some beaches with > with rocky bottoms that hold good waves when there is a swell. Parking can > be a problem though. If you ever come down to Jacksonville Florida, I’ll > let you know where all the good spots are, and then some. Have fun. > Oldsurfdog. What ever became of these LI 70’s rippers, they came out to San Diego in the mid-70’s and outripped everybody!

OSD - For real? All the way to Smith Point? I surfed very good waves a few weeks ago - western LI, on the weekend, with about 3 other surfers, for hours. The trick is - when you see the crowd - and you always will, many surfers are sheep - take a minute and look just a bit east or west and you can often find virtually the same waves and no crowds. Of course this does not work everywhere, especially at some spots out east, but on much of the western end of the island it’s jetty after jetty. I learned this lesson about 20 years ago standing on the boardwalk at Lincoln, a spot in Long Beach used by many non-locals (like me), and watching about 50 people scrapping for jetty lefts which were nothing special. Then seeing some locals come up and laugh and proceed to walk one jetty east where Franklin blvd comes in, and go out to surf much better waves with no crowd. another few beaches down - same set up with no one out. I’ve done this so many times since and the results are fine. If your alone and want to surf with others (sometime I look for the crowd) - you’ll find them, in droves. If you don’t mind going solo or you’ve brought your own crowd, just look a bit further, I cannot believe you won’t find the space around here. The deal is to keep your eyes open. Even on a good day in Montauk within view of a very well known and zooed out Left, I’ve surfed uncrowded - or empty - breaks, often of better quality than the spot with the crowds - just a walk away.>>> Teddy,>>> If you want to avoid the crowds and the locals who don’t want to give out > their favorite spots, drive about haveway out on LI. There’s Smith Point > Park at the end of William Floyd Parkway that has miles of beach breaks. > On the way there, just south of Route 27 on William Floyd, on the right, > there’s Woodies Surf Shop. Stop in there and ask for some good spots. Go a > little farther out to the Hamptons and go out on Dune Road. On the west > end of Dune Road there’s another county park, Cupsogue, which also has > several beach breaks. Head to the east end of Dune Road and there will be > several areas to park and you probably won’t be hassled this time of year > for a parking sticker. The areas I just mentioned usually hold a break at > low to mid tide so check the tide tables for the dates you are going. For > the best surf, go all the way out to Montauk. There are some beaches with > with rocky bottoms that hold good waves when there is a swell. Parking can > be a problem though. If you ever come down to Jacksonville Florida, I’ll > let you know where all the good spots are, and then some. Have fun. > Oldsurfdog.

Not sure about Oppenhiemer, but Rassmussen, I think, was shot in the face during a herion deal and died. Seems like a lot of pros that travelled got into trafficing/dealing.>>> What ever became of these LI 70’s rippers, they came out to San Diego in > the mid-70’s and outripped everybody!

OSD - For real? All the way to Smith Point? I surfed very good waves a few > weeks ago - western LI, on the weekend, with about 3 other surfers, for > hours. The trick is - when you see the crowd - and you always will, many > surfers are sheep - take a minute and look just a bit east or west and you > can often find virtually the same waves and no crowds. Of course this does > not work everywhere, especially at some spots out east, but on much of the > western end of the island it’s jetty after jetty.>>> I learned this lesson about 20 years ago standing on the boardwalk at > Lincoln, a spot in Long Beach used by many non-locals (like me), and > watching about 50 people scrapping for jetty lefts which were nothing > special. Then seeing some locals come up and laugh and proceed to walk one > jetty east where Franklin blvd comes in, and go out to surf much better > waves with no crowd. another few beaches down - same set up with no one > out. I’ve done this so many times since and the results are fine. If your > alone and want to surf with others (sometime I look for the crowd) - > you’ll find them, in droves. If you don’t mind going solo or you’ve > brought your own crowd, just look a bit further, I cannot believe you > won’t find the space around here.>>> The deal is to keep your eyes open. Even on a good day in Montauk within > view of a very well known and zooed out Left, I’ve surfed uncrowded - or > empty - breaks, often of better quality than the spot with the crowds - > just a walk away. I just thumbed through a new issue of either Surfers Path or Longboarder, and I believe they had a whole article on L.I.,pics included.Looks like it could be fun,and sounds like you really have to be committed to it in order to get their.ie, traffic,subways,etc.

for the city people and anyone to the west of the city that is so true (hard travel to the beach). On LI and even from Westchester and parts of CT it’s not too bad - mostly highway driving. For committment remember those who drive in and surf through the winter. Changing in the parking lot - or even in your car - Dec - March here requires commitment - and a healthy lack of respect for sanity - at times. Sometimes I go down to the beach when the waves are good in the middle of winter… but only to watch. Too many days of trying to open the car door with keys pressed between the palms of hands that cannot grip because of the cold. I’m getting too old for that. Either the parking lot, or the water, must be at least warm for these bones. And yes, surfing can be very good here.>>> I just thumbed through a new issue of either Surfers Path or Longboarder, > and I believe they had a whole article on L.I.,pics included.Looks like it > could be fun,and sounds like you really have to be committed to it in > order to get their.ie, traffic,subways,etc.

Eric, thanks for the detailed info! Quite timely as I am headed up your way this weekend (from northern NJ shore) and counting on getting some surfing in. I’m staying in East Hampton, hoping for waves. So how bad is the rock situation? I haven’t decided if what board to bring yet…

thanks to you too, oldsurfdog

I think you’ll find mostly sandbars in the Hamptons - but take your leash anyway… there is some variety in the area. I’ve seen Bridge Hampton with some really nice A-frame peaks, and there are some more well known spots in EH and Ammagansett (sp?), one of which is quite rocky, that I’ve never managed to catch when they’re ‘on’. Out on the East end there are rock and reef points/coves very worth the effort but often crowded. I don’t think there is much swell on the way this weekend - maybe Sunday from the weather that is coming in. It looked pretty good earlier in the week. Clean. Wish I was off from work! Hope you get a few.>>> Eric, thanks for the detailed info! Quite timely as I am headed up your > way this weekend (from northern NJ shore) and counting on getting some > surfing in. I’m staying in East Hampton, hoping for waves.>>> So how bad is the rock situation? I haven’t decided if what board to bring > yet…

Check Surfline… http://content.surfline.com/sw/content/travel/surfmaps/us/new_york/index.jsp

i live outside of philly. i consider my home break in o/c, nj. just > looking for some diff. scenery. Teddy; If you are looking for some new scenery did you ever go to Assateague Island in Maryland? Since you stayed at the KOA in OBX I assume you have some camping gear. There are 2 campsites just 8 miles south of OC, Md. One is National and the other State. I have surfed in front of both and there is a little sand bar off shore. You can also check you OC, Md. There are 2 draw backs to the campsites, #1 there are wild horses there and they roam through the campsites and eat all you food if it is left out. The other is, it is the worst place I have ever encountered Misquitoes. If you take RT. 13 down to Rt. 1 by Rehobeth you can check Indian River Inlet also. Have fun. Frank