Furthermore, why are DrLee, Halsose, Meecrafty, Halcyon, Keith Melville and others allowed to continue to post when they have repeatedly broken the ‘no personal attack’ rule,and why do we have to be subjected to the Burger Spamatorium which breaks the ‘no advertising’ rule? What about the ‘check your spelling’ rule: it is obvious to me that several members on this forum don’t bother with this.
BTW I have been reading this forum since Roy joined.
Emma Stewart
The Good,the Bad and the Ugly:
Roy made good posts , bad posts, was argumentative, was friends with other, and ‘nobody could tell him what to do’.
Which he reminded us of on a semi-regular basis, the last of which was someone relating
the Surfing Rules sign posted at Beaches with Nat Youngs imprimatur.
i.e. Roys quote was ‘Nat Young doesnt tell me what to do’.
Perhaps he should be ordered back!
Well he is temporarily banned, I would think coming back onto the board with a New Identity immediately makes
it officially permanent.
You coulndt reply to one of his posts or disagree with him without ‘circular arguments’ going round and round.
He had a Chip on his shoulder.
He never knew how to ‘agree to disagree’ and any disagreement with his thoughts would
generate a flurry of argumentative defense.
He stretched my patience and others, pimped his products, pumped his ‘Longer and Heavier’ surf design philosophy and personal thoughts throughout this board, reaching into virtually every thread,( an admitted exaggeration)
but to such an extensive level that no one else had even approached including the Fat Penguin Boy.
On the other hand, others liked Roys posts and they were helpful to them. Many of them blissfully ignore
the bad decorum, vibe and agitation present in many of the not-so-good posts.
It all comes down to this, RoyBoy needs his own personal Blog Site and Forum.
Maybe it would improve his Bliss to have others banished with him, afterall it is what he is requesting.
He wants his ‘equality’ anyway he can get it!
Maybe someone will find , in the balance of things, since he used a Spell Checker that he’s not so bad
Frankly that ‘Surfing Rules’ thread with BlindBoy, etal was unnecessarily very argumentative on Roy’s side
and he even criticized the Good Ole USA and it could be succesfully argued that he egged people on to
argue with him in it.
– I was wondering how much further Crapola he was going to get away with
when I saw that criticism of the Good Ole USA mixed in with his argumentative banter.
We Bleed and our sons Die and Bleed for other peoples Freedom and Our Way of Life.
BTW, I’m a Veteran.