Member banishment announcement

Halsose, Roy is not posting under another name. I am a real person, Emma. Hello. I like surf photography.


Halsose, Roy is not posting under another name. I am a real person, Emma. Hello. I like surf photography.

Roy, with this Emma stuff, I’m beginning to feel sorry for you.

I’m done with this thread also.


Who do you think took all those surf pictures of Roy? He didn’t take them himself! Don’t insult a woman, you mere male! Emma.


Yeah, maybe. But my question would be is who gets to decide that someone isn’t behaving properly and needs to go on probation? The thin-skinned moderators? A vote of the overall readership? This thread has shown that those two don’t necessarily agree.

Sure, Mike started this forum and probably pays more of the bills. But once it becomes a public forum, the owner shouldn’t rule over it as he sees fit. He gave up that right when he opened the forum to the general public. This is Internet 101, guys. Instead the public should deal with its “problems” out in the open. We don’t need one person deciding for us that another member’s posts aren’t appropriate for us to read.

Maraslim, I completely disagree that this is a public forum. It is open to the public but it is Mike Paler’s forum and he can do with it what he will. Mike appoints moderators who decide what is appropriate and what isn’t. As you state, Mike pays the bills and if you want an “anything goes” forum, I suggest that you pull your own wallet out. By the way, for all of those people carrying on about censorship & free speech, look at it from this point of view: The moderators do what they need to do to keep Swaylocks healthy. (I’m not talking about Roy or anything specific at all here). If Swaylocks was unmoderated it would spiral down into non-stop circular arguments and the people who impart fantastic knowledge would no doubt leave. For me, I’m glad that there are moderators and Mike Paler and am thankful for the quality info that is found on Swaylocks. Kind Regards, Matt.

What was the saying?

“Nat’s Nat and that’s that!”

Well I guess you could say the same about Roy.

I’m sure we all agree that Roy’s definitely a unique individual with some strong opinions. Unfortunately he seemed not only to have but also want to express his opinions on just about everything. Good or bad I don’t know maybe just a little too much unhealthy time infront of computer in my opinion. Roy ya gotta get more water time!

Some times ya just shook your head at some of his stuff, but hell its just a computer/internet forum not life and death here. Roy was Roy… But I guess Swaylocks is Swaylocks too.

Somehow I’ll miss the humor Roy brought in his comments whether he intended it that way or not. Plant some Koa trees for us Hawaiians Roy and maybe build an outrigger canoe or two since your boards are just as big…

And believe or not if he’s addicted to his computer as he seems, Roy will surface again…That’s what happens in internet forums, names change but you’ll soon recognize the writing style.

Till later Roy

Aloha no from Hawaii.

i couldn’t agree more, matt. the anonymity that is allowed by internet communication is dangerous, in that it creates an environment where people are more likely to attack one another because there is no fear of embarassment, rejection, or getting your teeth knocked out. many of us would never think of saying the things we say online in these kinds of forums directly to someone’s face. it’s just too easy to get carried away. we all have egos. we are humans. i found this forum because it was referred to me by a fellow surfer who was also tired of the circular arguments and attacks which tend to dominate other forums. surfing is play. it is fun. whatever mike paler wants to do with his personal contribution to surf culture in order to keep it the good thing that it is, cool. i don’t know roy and i am not taking sides. peace and good luck. nellyda

the anonymity that is allowed by internet communication is dangerous, in that it creates an environment where people are more likely to attack one another because there is no fear of embarassment, rejection, or getting your teeth knocked out.

This may be true. But what you guys are missing is that it also means that there is no fear that you will actually be harmed by anyone “attacking” you. It is not a face to face interaction. You needn’t be angered about or worry about anything said on a computer screen on this forum. Because of the way internet forums work, you can show a level of tolerance that you wouldn’t show in a face to face situation.

As for us all being here at Mike’s mercy, you’re right. But there is a certain social contract that one enters into when they create a public forum. This is a time honored tradition on the internet. I guess a few of you are willing to ignore that. I’m glad several others posted against such censorship.

perhaps mr. paler received a large number of requests from members here to do something about roy.roy was given a chance to mellow, and he didn’t.i personally found his posts interesting but did tire of his inability to accept anything else but his word as truth.

Slim, if I may,

Attacking someone, be it in electron streams or in person, in public or in private messages, that violates the ‘social contract’ we all signed on to by being here. Being on the sidelines of this, until now, but aware of much more than is expressed on the public forums, I have to say that there are bounds that have been exceeded. Be it in electrons, words on paper or face to face - no, that doesn’t cut it. This, Swaylocks, that’s not what it’s about.

Mike, I have reason to know, has been more than a benevolent overpresence. He’s allowed or tolerated, as have the other moderators, things that I would have killed early, including my own blatherings on occasion. There are those who I have bickered with, disagreed vehemently and not entirely kindly with. That’s one thing. But truly vile personal attacks and threats via private messages, well, those ain’t gonna cut it. Nor the pitifully disgused ‘return of roy’ postings via surrogate identities: ‘Dragon’ and such. He broke the rules and continued to do so. And indeed, continues now. I expect his next pathetic surrogate identity to come on denouncing me, in private messages or in public forum.

Well, Roy, up yours. With the nearest thing to a prickly pear cactus that the Antipodes can offer. You give me grief in a private message and I will happily post it to this thread as evidence of your malfeasance. Warnings to be civil haven’t worked, censorship hasn’t worked, but perhaps exposing you for what you are will. You have viciously and vilely attacked good and kind people, my friends here, whose purpose on this forum is solely to help others, not some nickel and dime twisted personal agenda. And banishment may be the only way to deal with you. Civility is a basic tenet of what we do here. And you have gone far, far beyond the pale.

HalSose said it well, if I may quote him: "It all comes down to this, RoyBoy needs his own personal Blog Site and Forum. " … and not this one. He’s got some issues that he needs to deal with. But not here. There’s other places to do it.

Hey, look, I have been on forums and newsgroups where it’s all about personal attacks. So be it there too. I’m still on some of 'em, but I play different there. That’s not the ground rules here, its about freely exchanging knowledge and honestly asked questions, in the hope of good answers. And I dearly hope that this will continue as just that. Without the aggro that Roy has brought. It’s beneath us.

I’d usually say ‘hope that’s of use’, but in this case I’m defending something that’s truly worthwhile, so frankly, I’m pissed off and be damned to those who would damage it. Not you, Slim, nor all those who have defended that ____ , 'cos speaking freely is important to me. But there are truly bounds that ought not to be crossed.


Before anybody starts blaming Mike or Keith or “the thin skinned moderators” let me say that I placed the temporary ban.

I have supported Roy repeatedly when the moderator discussions involved the general unrest in which he often found himself. I have pointed out that he is usually polite, informed not to mention correct. I have had numerous design oriented private messages with Roy and have always appreciated his input.

I also supported Tony (the Fat Penguin guy) but had nothing to do with his ban. I have to admit it has been a better place without the constant barrage of Fat Penguin promos and the flak that seemed to surround them.

In Roy’s case, I felt that there were simply too many argumentative posts that had nothing to do with surfboard design or construction and that he was again raising the level of hostility for the sake of being confrontational. This has been going for a long time with a lot of people over a lot of different subjects.

Mike and the moderators have received numerous complaints from numerous individuals and the common denominator was… Roy. He had been warned in the past and toned it down for awhile but gradually the confrontational tone returned. The most recent complaint finally wore me down and I hit the “ban” button. If you have a problem with it, blame me but don’t start taking shots at Mike or the other thin skinned moderators because they had nothing to do with it.


Doc, I am actually Roy’s wife. There is no surrogate identity thing going on. My name is Emma Stewart, and we have been married for 17 years.

wow I just read this whole thing!!! and did I ever get a lot out of it? Yes I did,ollie.And now I would like to bring up Queen Emma who had a beautiful Garden in Lawai well as My FAVORITE Emma Of ALL time Mrs. Emma Peel ,one of the original Avengers AM I RIGHT?..nice girl kinda like a brytish Barbara Feldon without the modeling backround. now to this courtship stuff its ok but if you are serious getting married should be discussed with the Vicker or the Priest if you are Catholic,and the rabbi if you are of the Jewish pursuasion. Courtship shouldnt be taken lightly if the father of the girl ,or boy being courted takes offense at the courting of his daughter or son it could all be over so forcing courtship on any one including on the internet is just a bad Idea…and announcing a courting ban could work and reduce the solicitous nature of my mothers E mail about that mushy stuff…ambrose …I have nay been more insulted in me short life than I have been here on the walls of the alamo , a manmade conyroversy about Umberellas from cherebourg ND believe you me bob I WAS THERE AND LOST A PAIR OF KNICKers. or were those Knickers…ANNA way. ambrose… I Know Lets have thirst ammendment that only I vote for…ok everybody drink water! and come back with e to the atmospheric holding pen

“Emma”? Uh huh. Right. “Dragon”? A bloody image of vengance. How subtle.

So now you`ve become a “wife”?? Oooohh thats really clever ROY. No one here will ever suspect its still YOU.

Doc, You said that Roy has made vicious personal attacks and threats on Swaylocks private message boards. This is slander. With Roy’s permission I have posted every private message he has ever sent on Swaylocks. There are no vicious personal attacks or threats in there. Emma

Hi, I think that your site and fin system looks great, it’s none of my business really but I notice that you are completely anonymous and that (unless I am mistaken) your site does not say what country you are in. Of course this makes no difference to your product but I feel a little alienated by this impersonal approach. I am no business expert though, I got to wondering because you mention a National championship and I’m going hmmm, I wonder who that is!

Cheers, Roy

Hello Mark,

Thanks for your message. We sometimes experience those weird ‘coincidences’ which you describe and which are not really random events. I am sure that they are part of something bigger and they would have to be a sign of being in tune. That quote from Frank about journalism cracked me up!

Regards, Roy

Yes Please! Let me know what you want me to do. I would like to be able to add some writing and so on from time to time. Can I still do this after you have done your bit, maybe by buying Dreamweaver later? Go for it anyway Grant, and use your creative genius wherever you feel like it. The present site was just a first attempt.

Hello Grant, yes it would be brilliant to get rid of the popups. What will that entail? Is it possible to do this without buying coolpage or starting from scratch with new software? I wouldn’t mind paying to improve the site but it is not possible right now as my budget is tighter than a whatever’s whatever. I am reluctant to buy coolpage because I have to send money to the US and I am not at all sure that they don’t have more advertising weapons up their sleeve. We were getting 300 to 500 hits per day, with the popups it is down to 50 to 150. Are those figures respectable or not?

Thanks for your help (in advance)

We are lumberjacks and we’re ok! etc


As a matter of fact Herb, I neither drink, smoke, or take drugs, so you guessed wrong!

changed my mind. So what? Halcyon said publicly that he would not post anything on the speed surfing thread, and yet he is doing so. You are not hassling him. Why hassle me? Mike did not prevent me from posting. I only wish to discuss surfboard design and have little interest in mud slinging.Go away.

Thanks for your reply, actually James is a very conservative surfer, and couldn’t be called radical at all. I just wondered if maybe I had been posting video in my sleep! I have tried to giveup this posting business with little success. Please let me know if you find a cure. Regards, Roy

What do you mean by ‘My son surfs more radically than yours’? I am completely baffled as I am not sure how you have been watching the surfing of my five sons.

Dear Mr Burger,

I notice that you refer to me in a post in the ‘More Fin theory’ thread. That thread was not locked solely because of my input, it was locked because there was considerable personal attack going on, and you were one of those attacking and using foul language. All those involved in the discussion which closed the thread have to share the blame. Do not single me out as being the problem. That is unfair. I have not been butting in on your discussion so please do not take shots at me behind my back, it is cowardly. I don’t talk about you behind your back. R.S.

Thanks Mike.

Thanks Patrick, I’m still around via my website which is in the archives if you want a yarn anytime. Roy

Cheers, Ambrose

Hello Mike,

just for the record, here is one of the supportive messages which I have been receiving behind the scenes.

Hi Roy,

I am a long-time reader of the Swaylocks website, and I wanted to write to you. I was glad to see that you are still posting (today is July 21 in the states, July 22 in New Zealand). I was very disturbed by the shabby treatment that you had received at the hands of some of the other participants on the site. Your contributions have been very positive, your explanations detailed and clear, and your position very generous. The reception/reaction by some of the others has been pretty difficult for me to understand: maybe you are treading in an area that is proprietary in their eyes. But their manner has, I think, been inexcusible. I’ve seen it happen before, some guys, very knowledgable and extraordinary, have just dropped out after being on the receiving end of the invective.

It is an odd time in America. If you’ve not been here, it is a culture that is increasingly aggresive. I have visited New Zealand a couple of times, and in contrast to the kiwis, Americans are pretty blatant in their rudeness and mean-spiritedness. My fiancee and I, in fact had looked at moving to Mount Maunganui, but the job I was up for in Tauranga was won by a Brit.

So good on you, Roy. I’m glad to read your contributions. Keep up the work, and the lifestyle. I think that in a lot of ways, you are just ahead of the curve. If more people followed your way of living, the planet wouldn’t be in the imminent position it’s in environmentally.

Take care,

Bill Apgood

Hello Mike, I would like to participate in your new marketplace. Regards, Roy

Halsose, The silly and argumentative troll cap fits you better than it does me, so wear it along with your dunce cap.

Hi Hicksy, I have got about 20 minutes of video all of the same board but it will be too large for my site. I could put it on a disc, or I might just do short clips and change them around now and then. Tweedledum and Tweedledee have been keeping me busy on the speed surfing thread, but we managed to finish laminating the 8’1" today. Have you plunged into that resin job yet?

Hello Laconic, I was thinking about your tunnel experiment. The best be is to put the tunnel as far back as you can and thus as close to the rails as you can. If you do it in the back box with side fins in there will be all sorts of opposing forces. If you do it without the side fins you need a whopping big tunnel and it will sideslip at low speeds. Do you have a single finned board? If so you can park a small tunnel directly behind the single fin and it will work really well. The tunnels are very easy to install, they only need to be set in about a quarter of an inch because of the way the two entry points are supported by each other. So a fin box setup is not necessary. An old board is good, you just make a little groove for each side of the foil and glue it in with no fillet. Regards, Roy.

I answered your post buddy. Go and read it.

The cool page did the job until it started popping those boxes up. Nasty little men! Cheers, Roy

Jedisurfer, if what you really want is speed then I have set of plans for a board which will blow all opposition into the weeds. Roy

Hello Ambrose, Or a Burlington Bertie Backside Burleigh Barrel Blaster

Hello Gadget (UK), there is a link to a speed run (25mph+) on a piece of average slop posted on the ‘Speed surfing challenge’ thread. Analyse it frame by frame if you don’t believe me. :O) Regards, Roy

Hello Hicksy. Would it be correct to say that a screen of the higher resolution will see my web pages as I see them on my screen, and that only those with screens on lower resolution wil have to scroll? Thanks for your help. I see that Halcyon, Blakestah and co. are now happily chatting about fin planshapes again. Good show! Roy.

I appreciate your reply, Laconic, and your advice about the ability to ignore is sensible. My Grandmother often said that I am an iconoclast! I will proceed with more caution and attempt to ignore personal attacks.

Regards, Roy

You’re the boss, Mike, so I am not going to argue with you. I have been personally attacked on your forum many times, in fact I have been openly mocked and sworn at. Why are the people who do this (including Keith) not themselves banned? Is it because they are your friends, or because you think that I deserve the abuse? How many times has Halsose abused me? Go and look at DrLee’s posts they are 66% personal attacks upon myself and I have never initiated a conversation with him, ever. I should also add that your friend Keith spent quite some time telling me that I am one of the world’s environmental disasters because I have a large family. You can’t get more personal than that! Never mind that my only brother died before he was two or that my wife and I have no other family, Keith knows it all! Yeah right! What about Meecrafty saying repeatedly that I am obviously uneducated (a comment which I ignored)? I think that you are being unfair and inconsistent. I have never complained to you about the way I am treated on your forum, but I could have, some of the members are boorish in the extreme, and on top of that a lot of them can’t even spell!

Hello Lee, thankyou for your reply. Roy

Ok Mike, sorry to have bothered you, Regards, Roy

Dear Mike, If you or your moderators find that I have violated any of Swaylock’s rules then please eliminate my membership immediately. Yours Sincerely, Roy Stewart.

Hello Laconic, I am not a confrontational zealot, but I won’t take abuse. Those who disagree with what I am saying can either present a reasoned argument or opinion, or ignore me. Unfortunately some have chosen to swear at me instead.

Dear Mr Vanderhurst,

I imagine that your position as a moderator at Swaylock’s requires that you act as an impartial umpire on occasion. However, If you have read my posts you can surely see that I have only deviated from the subject at hand where I have come under personal attack.

Today, for example, Mr Burger revived a dormant thread with an abusive statement towards me. This was his first input, and I have had no communication with him prior to his outburst.

Am I to take it that personal comments are to be made about me with impunity while I am not to be allowed to defend myself?

Please notice that I am still being abused on the same thread upon which you posted your ‘move on please’ advice? Please take a look

If I am expected to put up with slanderous attacks then please block my subscription to Swaylock’s.

Yours Faithfully, Roy Stewart

To Hicksy: Aha! Will do as you say. Many thanks.Roy

Thanks for the tip Hicksy, I tried to build the pages so that they didn’t scroll at all, and just made them as big as I could on my screen. Can I just make the pages narrower? Roy

Cheers Hicksy, I’m used to it. My 13’9" took 8 months to build also.

Hello John,

I had a feeling that the board might have had a fair dose of rocker. It looks good. Breaking away from the strict noseriding rocker allows a better all purpose board. I will see what I can do about the wax, and will organise buying a ticket. Dollars are a little thin on the ground but I am sure I can come up with a few. I had better after taking up so much file space!

All the best, Roy

Hello John, those are the surf-o-planes alright! You and your friend look like you mean business with those big boards. Nice clean outlines, how’s the rocker? Regards, Roy

To Halsose: No bubs, you got it wrong

To Halsose: Oi! Don’t call me ‘Boy’

hello 007, If I start yapping about flex publicly today I am probably going to have to defend myself against garbage attacks all day. I am happy to give you info on private message forum anytime. Basically flex stores and releases energy from vertical movement. You can then drive a horizontal underwater surface with startling results (think dolphin tail) Without the foil flex is still nice but is less effective. Roy

Hello Keith,

thankyou for your reply. Apology accepted. Now I would like to refer to your argument that all of us impose on the environment in different ways. I don’t believe that this argument is neccessarily correct. It is possible for a mammal to live in symbiotic relationship with the environment. It is not the case that simply living implies any imposition on the environment. Simple organic farming practices, for example, show that mammals can live in such a way that they contribute positively to the environment. What seems to be forgotten in all this overpopulation talk, is the fact that man is only another mammal. It takes little more to sustain a human than it does to sustain a cow or a pig.

What follows from this is the observation that people in the ‘first’ world consume 6 or 7 times as much as their ‘poorer’ cousins. The excess consumption which those in the first world enjoy is also far more of an imposition on the environment than the simple food, clothing, and shelter requirements of a simple life.

Those who maintain that it is unrealistic to expect people to consume less are behind the times. Lower consmption occurs as soon as the correct mental attitudes are in place. My family of eleven live on less money (a basic indicator of consumption) than is deemed to be possible by the New Zealand Government. We are so far below the official ‘poverty line’ that the Inland Revenue department periodically refuses to believe that we can exist on our declared income. Nevertheless our family doctor says that our children are the healthiest that she has come across, and we are energetic and productive. I see lower consumption as a mark of success.

People in ‘developed’ countries would do well to realize that in many respects their behaviour is backward, and inefficient.

I have a suggestion for those who advocate zero population growth, and that is that they could eliminate themselves from the world’s population and make way for those with better ideas.

Sincerely. Roy

Keith, I would like to know why you think that you can attack me in the most personal of ways by publicly criticising the size of my family (albeit backhandedly) By doing so you are commenting on my religious beliefs, my sexual behaviour, and my closest friends. The last person who said something of the sort to me soon learned the error of his ways. If you know people (as you claim to) who would “give me a very hard time on the subject” then realise that if they tried it they would experience a spirited defence which would be unrelenting and immovable.

Sincerely, Roy Stewart

Hello Gray, I hope you don’t mind me asking but if you are a Perth resident maybe you know of an old friend of mine who is ( I think) over there. He is a surfer and his name is Neil Scheltema. Thanks, Roy

Hello John, would you mind letting me know if you got my reply to your tunnel talk? My sent messages box isn’t showing anything but I think it got sent.Thanks, Roy

Hello Cheyne I posted some information on fins at swaylock’s which I thought you might be interested Sorry Dean, I just saw your name on your next post!

Sorry Dean, I just saw your name on your next post!

Hi Dean, My family moved from SA in 1960. My Father’s family were from Pietermaritzburg and Mum’s from Capetown and East London. I don’t think Dad ever really got over leaving SA. My great Great Grandfather was chairman of the Johannesburg stock exchange for over a decade. Some people adapt and some people are just Africans to the bone, I think. I had a strong SA accent for years, and have never blended properly with kiwis for some reason. Regards, Roy

Hi Keith, sorry I put a post up re. the enquiry made by water rat about paddle/surf boards but I answered your post by mistake. I wasn’t trying to instruct you! oops. Regards, Roy

Yikes Dale! You are braver than I am (but then they have my address!) I have no wish to Maori bash but . . . where I live they own most of the land, and have massive orchards which they seized under the Treaty, and where the fruit falls to the ground but they will not sell it, nor do they eat it, as they eat mainly meat. They also get a massive amount of Government subsidy. I was rejected for a small business grant recently but was told that if I had been Maori that I would have come under a ‘cultural’ category, and would have gotten it. We are also forced to endure the term ‘Pakeha’ on all official government forms. For the most part though, they leave us alone.

Hello Dale,

Thankyou for your welcome message. The term ‘Pakeha’ means ‘outsider’. It has come to be used on legal forms as ‘European’, but ‘outsider’ is what it actually means, and it is certainly used in a derogatory sense (MR T, who was being polite, did not use it). The really annoying part as far as I am concerned is that new immigrants from non European countries are not given this ‘outsider’ label. Fortunately my wife and I both have Chinese blood, so we avoid the issue by electing to be Chinese!

I am certainly blessed, as you say, and any hardships which we endure are really quite instructive.

Cheers Josh, I think you are right about the yanks. It has finally stopped raining here and I am going for it to finish my Paipo/Kneeboard which I am going to sell. Our bus isn’t roadworthy, Iv’e got another one lined up which I hope I can score. I am looking forward to hitting the road! All the best, Roy

Hi Dale,

Thanks for offering encouragement, it is much appreciated. Actually I was rather like a lawyer from ‘day one’. I did a degree in Philosophy at Auckland (where I probably did as much lecturing as the staff) and a year at law school. I can’t help myself, I find it hard to let things pass if they are not right, and I do like a good discussion.

Hopefully I am learning how to keep out of trouble!

Regards, Roy

Hello Matt, Iv’e got plans here, but Paul’s the man to talk to, unless you feel like picking up a saw yourself. Or I will build you one and knock off the value of shipping it. Wages are lower here so it’s probably just as cheap to get one from here. Also we’ve got lots of lovely plantation grown redwood.

Hi Swordie, I have to put in a plug for the Power Surfboard range of plans. The boards truly outperform all opposition! I can also provide full sized patterns if you wish, and can do custom plans also if you have a particular board style in mind. Cheers, Roy.

Hello Surfdaddy,

I might be speaking out of turn but working on the theory that insider information is useful, I thought that you might be interested in the property which we are presently living on and which is for sale. The place is in Welcome Bay, and is only five minutes from the beach and town. There is eight acres of land with a three bedroom house, pool, and double garage with extra bedroom. The place is looking scruffy, but is essentially beautiful with a lot of trees, including half an acre of kiwifruit and a feijoa orchard. The owner needs to sell, and the place could wind up being a bargain for a buyer who strikes at the right time. This area of Welcome Bay is one of the last semi rural areas close to town. The property uses a bore for water, and the water is of very good quality. Being independent of the town water supply is a big advantage as the town water is quite foul and is full of additives. Geothermal hot water can be tapped here also. We are living on a portion of the land which was once a small caravan park, and is no longer registered as such but has a toilet and shower, phone line and electricity, and is privately situated away from the main house. If you are at all interested I can zoom around and take pictures and video discreetly. It is of course in my interests to find a buyer for the place who is amenable to continuing our tenancy, which brings in about NZ$10k per year.

Regards, Roy

Hello Surfdaddy,

The property is in Mount Maunganui,Bay of Plenty, and is at the back of the Tauranga harbour. The house is quite new, and the pool and spa are in working order.The property is for sale now (it has been on the market for a week) and the asking price is NZ$449k. The property is sheltered and nestled into the foothills of the Kaiate falls reserve. Welcome Bay road is an attractive scenic rural loop road which gives access to the main Tauranga town centre to the North (10 minutes), and the Papamoa beaches to the East (five minutes).

Surf wise, the area is very well off. All the surf pictures on my web site were taken at the local beaches, where uncrowded waves are always available. A short boat trip across the harbour is Matakana Island (Puni’s farm), a 26km long Pine plantation. This is the place for perfect beachbreak barrels. The Tauranga harbour, behind Matakana Island, is a beautiful area for boating.

The owner of this property, Mr Tony Bagley, is very anxious to sell for financial reasons. Tony says that an offer has been made, lower than his asking price, but no deposit has yet been paid. I have seen two parties inspecting the property so far.

I have taken some photos and published them on my web site at

The photos were taken in the early evening. Most of the trees are not yet in leaf.

Yours Faithfully, Roy Stewart

Congratulations on your Barnacle status, Lee.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Slim, I would also post less if the surf would come up! It’s been one of the longest flat spells on this coast which I can remember (about 2 months), and it follows a couple of poor swell seasons. the West coast has been pumping but it’s a bit of a mission to get the whole crew over there.

As one academic Philosopher to another, I must say that the general poulation has less stamina for prolonged intellectual debate than those of us with a philosophical bent, but that this also applies to most of the Philosophy students I have known! (but not all).

I don’t know about you, but I think I might have sent a couple of my lecturers to the funny farm! (just kidding)

I hope that your family are all well. I remember you have young Akira, who must be around seven years old now?

All the best, Roy

Hi Hicksy,

That looks good, it looks like a bought one! It’s a good idea to depersonalise things a bit as you are doing. Thanks very much. Still no surf here, it’s been over two months now, I’ve lost track! Scott Hulet at ‘The Surfers Journal’ has invited me to send them an article, and I have just done a 'How to build the Star Board article for ‘Slide’ magazine. Also we have a ‘Building the Star Board’ article at ‘Longboard Magazine’ in the USA, they have accepted the article and say they like it very much but are waiting until they can get a couple more board builders to do ‘how to build’ articles along the same lines to go in the same issue. I hope they have a bag of mothballs as I imagine that they will be waiting a while!

Thanks for your help.

Cheers, Roy.

Thankyou, Monkstar.

A button for photos/ videos and another for boards sounds good. We are going to label our wax so no hurry with that one. I will also email you the complete Star board building instructions as done for ‘slide’ as the stuff on our site is incomplete. Thanks, Roy

Hello Retroman, I think that Richard Mc’s wall hangers are Boring, and that he is a pontificating person who pumps himself up by offering unasked for advice.

Hello Retroman, thankyou for your message. I think that there is nothing wrong with a vigorous exchange of ideas, but there are some people who can’t handle it. I had a rather torrid time on swaylock’s for a while and copped a surprising amount of abuse. I think that the idea is to remain calm, stick to your guns and never give up! I’m glad that you like my spoon design. It is very conservative for a spoon, being an inch thick on the bottom, but I think that they look cute, and the benefits of a spoon are there even if the bottom isn’t wafer thin. I noticed that the earliest Greenough spoon was a scooped out solid balsa board, not a glass bottomed job like those which came later. I will be interested to find out what a ‘cat’ board is.

Cheers, Roy

Hello John, that fin looks very slick. You are in uncharted territory, good luck!

Chipfish, I was just wondering if you happen to know an old friend of mine, Neil Scheltema, otherwise known as Blinkie. He made windsurfers in Perth for a long time, I’ve lost contact with him. I think the boards were called ‘Windsong’. Just wondering, Cheers, Roy.

Mike, I would very much appreciate it if you would point out to me which Swaylock’s rule I have broken, because as far as I can tell I have broken none. I have simply got my own ideas about surfing rules. Please show me one post which I have made in the last week which justifies barring me from the forum.

Regards, Roy

Hi Slim, Keith has actually had me barred from the forum! What a tough guy. Just goes to show that intelligence is no match for herd behaviour.

Cheers Slim, actually if he keeps it up he will be arguing with dragon (my wife) and James (my son) who are both members. Then there are a few others as well, just wait till he meets my dog coco! BTW I like your van. Roy

You’re the boss, Mike, so I am not going to argue with you. I have been personally attacked on your forum many times, in fact I have been openly mocked and sworn at. Why are the people who do this (including Keith) not themselves banned? Is it because they are your friends, or because you think that I deserve the abuse? How many times has Halsose abused me? Go and look at DrLee’s posts they are 66% personal attacks upon myself and I have never initiated a conversation with him, ever. I should also add that your friend Keith spent quite some time telling me that I am one of the world’s environmental disasters because I have a large family. You can’t get more personal than that! Never mind that my only brother died before he was two or that my wife and I have no other family, Keith knows it all! Yeah right! What about Meecrafty saying repeatedly that I am obviously uneducated (a comment which I ignored)? I think that you are being unfair and inconsistent. I have never complained to you about the way I am treated on your forum, but I could have, some of the members are boorish in the extreme, and on top of that a lot of them can’t even spell!

Mr Davidson, You assume too much. I chose the name Dragon because I was born in the Chinese year of the Dragon (1965). Yes I am really Roy’s wife! I have borne him nine children. I have a degree in Geology from Tufts University. I met Roy in the newspaper office at Waikato University in New Zealand during 1987. I married him 5 weeks later. Please do me the courtesy of recognising that I exist. Thankyou. Emma.

i believe you mrs stewart! i enjoyed many of mr roys quik witted replys! too many people take offense too quickly these days! and roy did go on and on a little… as you well know being his wife. im sure roy is in the background reading your posts and the inevitable replys so tell him i will miss his sense of humour and i will ignore most of the childish banter that goes on here. its time comsuming weeding thru the stuff thats not relative to design… thanks john for taking a stand for that part. everyone lets carry on being surfers not americans!

Sigh. I wasn’t going to enter this discussion, but then just had to say something that’s on my chest. It really saddens me that there are those out there in Swaylocks who I respect and I have learned a lot from who let themselves be sucked down into arguments and anger. It surprised me the as most of us are past the age where we are less able to control our emotions and erupt in bouts of anger when disagreed with.

I’ve been reading this forum for quite some time, since a friend turned me on to it. I remember the Fat Penguin wars. I remember how the forum got very quiet for a while when everyone got sick of the vibe and left. And I remember being stoked as the information began to flow again. I only just officially joined recently when I felt that I could ask some reasonable questions that I hadn’t found answers to elsewhere. I’ve received a lot of help, suggestions, encouragement, and aloha. Participated in several super interesting threads that got me excited to see what had been added since I had last logged on. I’ve even gathered some quite good information from Roy - he was always helpful and encouraging to me, and even answered some questions I had for him directly. I have to agree with one of the posters above - it seems like we should all be old enough to censor in our own minds what bothers us, without having others have to choose what should be allowed and what shouldn’t. (No offense meant or directed at the moderators - I do believe they have their place here.) I’ve come across a thread here and there, and not always including Roy (and several pre-dating his postings here), where perhaps things got a little ugly. I was a bit bummed by the ugliness, but just gleaned what information I could and felt valuable for my own knowledge, and then headed to a different thread. No sense getting angry or annoyed. Everyone has their own opinion and their own right to it. If I don’t like it, I don’t have to listen to / read it. Simple as that.

The beauty and sometimes the curse of the written word is that it can sometimes be taken multiple ways. And not all of them friendly. Sarcasm is one of the most difficult to convey in the written word, without clues to identify its presence. I’m not referencing any quotes nor am I implying certain posts should be read that way. Just an example of how the ‘feeling’ of a sentence can get lost in translation between the writer and the reader.

I don’t doubt Emma Stewart’s existence, and have no reason to disbelieve that “Dragon” is actually her. I find the choice of name interesting (Dragon), but it doesn’t concern or bother me. I guess you could say I was interested to read her point of view of the whole situation. Although understandably biased towards her husband (may we all have others who love and support us), I feel she has a right to her point of view as well. There are always differing points of view in every disagreement. And those of us not directly involved can believe who we choose to believe and perhaps should leave it at that.

I hope that those who have expressed their desire to leave the forum due to current events will change their minds and continue to enlighten the rest of us with their current and future projects. Those of us that aren’t interested - well, we don’t have to read the posts if we don’t want to. Those of us that are interested, we all increase our personal and collective bodies of knowledge. I’ll leave it with that for the night…

aloha to all…


as well as My FAVORITE Emma Of ALL time Mrs. Emma Peel ,one of the original Avengers AM I RIGHT?..nice girl kinda like a brytish Barbara Feldon without the modeling backround.

ambrose, you remember Emma Peel (Diana Rigg)?? there was this mag with a bit of her body every week and I could not rest till I had her stuck in life size on the wall. wow, did she get my phantasies going…

Hello Roy, eh um…I mean “Dragon”

Since I didn’t attack you I wont retract anything I said.

I did try to psycho-analyse you and concluded that that you are a delusional megalomaniac…which you incorrectly defined as a lust for power…as often, you are wrong…it means that you are extremely arrogant…delusion of grandeur…its the same ailment “President” Bush suffers from…its very common. I remember when you were accused of a list of things similar to Fat Penguins and you rebutted with a list of how others are guilty of the same things…the difference between you and them is that you are guilty of all of them simultaneously plus other flaws inlcusing getting youre rocks off with relentless argument.

Im done here…


You have got to be kidding me…I clicked on to the post to see how silly it had gotten…and see this?? Care to explain this little gem FD ???

“everyone lets carry on being surfers not americans!”