meyerhoffer longboards

what about them is so special?

Hi -

I have no arms and no legs.  My so-called 'friends' throw me in water, laugh at me, and call me 'BOB.'  I bought a Meyerhoffer surfboard that broke.  Please give generously and... oh yeah, god bless!


what about them is so special?


Is it the peanut shape?


what about them is so special?


They are not 13 ft, 17 ft, or 19 ft long.

hehe nice, bill!

btw the wunderbrah you have in mind “opted” to quit T2S, and the place is mellower now-- este, for now  " )


yo pricks, i wasnt looking to hear from a couple faggets like yourself. i was hoping for a striaght answer. fuck off

Well, well… Another disgruntled noob has tossed his sippy cup on the floor in a tantrum!!!

The Meyerhoffer design is “special” because it’s a source of wonder and fascination for people who know nothing about surfing. It has been hyped and talked about in circles not typically related to surfing and is just another crackpot idea that generated buzz because it is weird.

As a serious answer to a fairly uninformed question: there’s nothing special about them.  The shape has been done long before (and arguably much better) by people who know a lot more about longboarding than some noob from Silicone Valley.    

I dunno if the disgruntled reply was directed at me, as the first to reply to the original post, but no disrespect to the o.p. was intended.  The question was pretty vague, and I gave an honest answer based on the wording of the question.  What about them is so special?  The peanut shape.  Other than the shape, I think the rocker, rails, tail, fin, length, width, thickness, materials, etc. are all pretty mainstream.  Based on photos and video.  Never rode one, or saw one in person.

BTW, there is an interesting board in a recent issue of surfer magazine in the Borrowed Boards Ireland article (great serial).  While it looks related to the Meyerhoffer, it actually has its design roots in snowboard shapes.  There are some pics of it in use, and a vivid description of its performance.  Looks to be a legit shape.

Yo! Yo! “striaght” answer yo!

Here’s what special about them…

The Ebay price…

Especially the $300 9’3".

All the people who paid $1000+ AUD for them last year must be pretty stoked to see those ads.

They’ve obviously clogged up GSI’s warehouse pretty badly. Which is ironic when you consider that there planshape most closely resembles a tongue depressor.

The current prices now reflect the true costs involved in popping them out of the Thai factory they were made in.

Hope this helps, yo!

I did not know they came in a two-piece version!!

The Meyerhoffer bisect…the Pope’s will be straight onto that patent infringement.

Though it looks like their fastening system still needs some tweaks.

Is this the one you're referring to?

9'2" Meyerhoffer Longboard
Genuine Product, Modern Longboard
Price: AU $300.00

Item specifics
Condition:  Used: An item that has been used previously.
Brand:  Meyerhoffer
Length:  4'7' and 4'7" Colour:  White
Width:  almost the same as it is long
Material:  Epoxy
Broke on second surf:  Surf was small
Weight:  too light apparently
Meyerhoffer 9'2" longboard two weeks old, broke clean in two on the second surf. Surf was about 3'.0 and not powerful. This board should have stood up to much much more than this one did. Pretty ordinary I reckon. Was told, sorry mate,  no replacement, bummer.

Hi Huck,

That’d be the one…oops…I mean two!

The nose would make an interesting incut mini-simmons.

I’d better be serious now or I’ll be told to f…  off.

Though with my geographic location I think there’s no further I could f… off to! Yo!

Youse guys are being kinda hard on poor ol' GSI. They have some inventory they need to unload, and it's cheaper to ship the 2-piece version.


what about them is so special?



The special part...or I should say the "hard part" about owning one is having to tell your mother that you're gay.

No waves for you today grom................back to the beach.

Dad:  “Colin, what the fark is that POS doing in my board rack?”  

Son:  “Dad, I have something to tell you…”

Dad:  "Dammit, I knew it.  Well, I can tell you one thing; **I’m **not the one who’s going to tell your mother.  This is going to break her heart.  "



Mom: “Oh Henry, where did we go wrong”.

Dad:  “Margaret, I told you not to buy that Stewart for the boy when he was 15.  I guess I didn’t get rid of it fast enough.”    

Mom:  “Don’t blame me, you’re the one who was always pushing on the boy to man up.”

Dad:  “All I was trying to do was to teach the boy how to do a proper bottom turn.  I never dreamed he’d interpret it as encouragement to turn into a proper bottom…  The next thing you know he’ll be hanging out with the bears over in the SUP lineup and then I’ll really lose my spot in the pecking order.  Dammit!!” 


kiss your mother with that mouth when she tucks you in at night, sonnyboy…?