Mini Simmons

Luis, I feel your pain man, I really do…

I put more length and foam in the ones I have made to suit the conditions up here. I don’t know any one up here who surfs less than 6’6" of foam. We have 200 yard paddle outs just in 4’ beachbreak, we have swell conditons that give you 30 seconds to get through the impact zone and out to the line up.

All of the designs you have made using the software are just about right because with these craft, only Baugess and a few others have all of the details-and they ain’t sharing. I copied my own from other DIY shapers who shared info on dims, etc. Look at the Simmons that Zamora is doing, he has enough of them around to see how they go, even up to 9’0".

I am getting started on a 7’6" for myself, another 12" of foam over the last one so I can deal with the 4 hour session at our local 100 yard point break. (I am old…)

The rails being parallel, you can simply add length, all other things being equal. The MOST important thing in keeping with the design is the rail shape and foil, IMO.

Just shape it, it won’t sink!

I would think they would paddle pretty well depending on how thick and wide you make it. I’ve used the fattest Bumble Bee Bonzer MC ever made and it’s 6’4" (riding this well north of central Oregon) long but it paddles just like my 9’6" longboard. The 15" tail on the back of it also really helps it catch waves. I do significantly less paddling to catch a wave with that board than I do with my 9" tail longboard. It’s really all about the volume.

my simmons is one of my best paddlers.

the width and the long low rockered bottom make them similar to paddling a board twice their length…sometimes even easier.

their tendency to be pretty high volume also helps this equation.

Well… I´ve been today in the water for 3 hours stealling the waves never stoping, but it was a Long 9´2" with 3"… everybody´s mad at me…

but if I was with a 7`trhuster I wouldn´t make 3 waves easily…

I´m really tempted to make one of these to have real fun by the speed and manoever, by the line of the wave…

I´ll post one “final” design of one board…


The mini simmons are just an interpretation of what Simmons was making, and his boards varied greatly in length. He was an experimenter for sure, so don’t be afraid to make it whatever length you want. As others have said the important aspects are the rail profile and the lack of rocker in the tail, along with the parallel outline and slight pull in about a foot from the tail. I’m going to give afoaf’s a go pretty soon here. Shape whatever seems best to you. Go past six feet and make a “midi” simmons.

“Midi Simmons”! Thats the ticket!

Luis, just shape it out, if its too short or too long, sell it and make another one.

I went from a 10’0" log to a 6’6" ‘midi-Simmons’ and it felt totally comfortable in terms of ride.

I am going longer in the future but thats just me, I am all about the glide some days (like when I can’t find the Geritol).

I read this the internets, so I could be way off. The article talked about how Simmons had two preferred lengths. One around 10 feet and the other around 8. So even though it might not be mini anymore, I think you’ll have fun no matter what length you make it.

tell me what you think:

More parallel in the back half of the board, if not the whole thing. Also, maybe thicker farther towards the tail. Just my opinion. Check this outline out.

Also, wondering if anyone is building regular old “Simmons” boards. Like ten foot ones?

John Cherry and Terry Martin are two names that come to mind.

Cherry’s done them in full balsa as well as foam.

Sweet Jesus, that thing is beautiful.

Tyler, what are your thoughts/refinements for your simmons board? I have some thoughts that I’d be willing to share if you are looking for opinions on it. Hope to see you this weekend.

I’ve been talking to Spence about it…

Per his suggestions, I’d like to bring the hull back further and go flat out the tail…this should make it a little easier to manage from the middle.

I would also like to keep the straight rail in the front, but rear of midpoint, I’d like to round out the template and bring it in to a tail that is narrower by an inch or two.

As for the tail itself…square like it is now or possibly arced.

I had no experience with the XPS…it’s a little more buoyant than I was expecting.

I’d probably keep the width the same…possibly shave off a 1/2"…but I’d keep the thickness the same, but use a heavyweight stringerless ICE9 blank with a heavy glass schedule on the deck for the knee punch.

I’m still trying to finagle a way down to AB3…honestly I might just throw all my hulls in the truck and bring the baby down just to go hang out (and buy a Griffin shirt).

Is there belly in the tail? That’s what it looks/feels like, but I haven’t brought a straight edge out.

I agree, about 1/2" reduction in width mas o menos. I’d probably also scoop the nose more. Of course these are just my opinions/thoughts for what I’m imagining to make in my head.

I was thinking the opposite, to round the front part of the outline a little (just a little) more, and keep it parallel in the back half till the last bit. I think I’ll go that direction with mine and then we could compare.

I’m thinking of doing the whole light core, balsa railed/skinned route when I find the cash to make my own.

Hope to see you Sunday. You cool with me taking it down?

This is what I envision when I think “Simmons,” with maybe a bit more parallel back half.

Taken sans permission from:

I was wondering where he got that Hullabaloo board from…that picture is classic.


When you got your Simmons from iShapes, did you create the file in AKU, or did Spence? I’m working on one right now and I’m itching to have it shaped. That way I can make sure you get yours back…I am seriously having so much fun on the thing. Also, I’m looking for the generosity of someone with a vac bag…A six pack or two in exchange for a little time with one?

Spence did the AKU work…it was rather interesting…outline from one file, rocker from one, rail slices from a third…trippy stuff.

I have a bag and like to drink beer…are you thinking of skinning it or do you just want to get fancy with the lam?

I’m going to Oceanside on Saturday…should I bring all the alaia to Newport on the way there or on the way back?

7’0" Casper for a big guy…1 inch tail rocker and a bit longer fin base but otherwise identical to my other ones.

More at the blog thing…here

This is my 6th, I have shaped them from 5’8" to 7’0".

My own personal is 6’10" and surfing it is like skating a pool.


Lots of speed.

And that speed lets me go where I want to on the wave.

If you are so inclined, I will be around Saturday.

I am thinking of skinning the board. Not sure yet the foam weight or skins.

My first thought is an “open faced sandwich” more or less like this one:

with alterations as necessary to make it possible to have it machined for me.

Surfinghigh: YEAH!!! That thing is unreal. I love your boards, they look really good.

Totally unrelated, kind of: I was reading a blog about a simmons board, and there was a comment from someone upset about a “Casper” copy, claiming the only person who should shape them is Bauguess. I think his boards look awesome, but come on, the guy is just replicating Simmon’s work, so to call someone else out on making one is BS.

I think that may be some of RK’s posse trying to keep their names at the top of the pile in relation to the Simmons revival.

The open face is the haxx…this is very similar to what I’m noodling on for my summer doldrum projects too.

We’ll be in touch re: Sat…I think I might be able to get in the water in the next few days.