Moon Rocket Flight

he’s starting to look more like Pat Curren everyday.

Yeah, epac, I saw that too. Not to mention without gloves and sanding without a mask.

Hey Hicks, I hope those were just for the photos. You know, so we can see for sure that you & Platty are different guys. :slight_smile: I know its epoxy, but still…

edit: Didn’t mean for the post to be all critical & stuff…The board is very cool and I, like everyone else, am waiting with bated (but not masked, sorry) breath for a session review.

LOL, i didn’t realized!!!

If i glass without gloves i spend then several minutes cleaning my hands, i don’t want to figure glassing barefoot! (by the way i have a pair of shoes with and acid splash that i’ll put on Ebay once i find the way to polish them…)

…I guess we just figured our brains can’t get much more damaged …speaking personally , 30 years of inhaling resin has damaged not much me all at, think I ! [wouldn’t agree you ?]


Hey Guys,

I don’t breathe while I’m sanding or glassing, it’s something my brother taught me.

As for barefoot, can’t stand wearing clothes and shoes, I only cover up so I don’t scare people.

Us West Ozzies are a bit feral at times.

Affected us hasn’t time over…

I love the board.

Do you have a close up of the logo ?

Did you guys mess with a glitter effect like we talked about before?

Thanks for all the photos ,jokes and stoke !


I’ll field this one …Grant used up all the glitter while playing “dressups” [aka ’ karaoke’ ?] a few weeks back. Luckily , THAT day he kept his clothes on … [I kid…surely I kid …sometimes , I’m a kidder …though this may perhaps surprise some of you !!]

[these are the bottom of the board’s logos …the deck logo is a different colour scheme …have to get a shot of that before the wax goes on …

For a comparison , here’s a handpainted logo from the hollow wooden “stubbie” Grant made … (Grant , was this done by your wife Jo’s steady hand ? )

Get a decent sander mate . those things are worth their weight in plastercine when it comes to saning a boadc. sander polisher is a great investment.

Like Chipper said, I am guilty of using all the glitter dressing up with my 3 girls doing karioke on the PS2 Sing Star with the lava lamp on. What a top night, stayed up until midnight!!!

I’ve scored the work didg for the next 3 days so I’ll take a good piccie of the top logo before I wax it over.

Can’t wait to ride the thing…

Hey Stingray

Here’s a piccie of the logo on the deck…

It was the night before launching and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even Rex…

And the exciting build up to the launch,

Was in the water an hour later…yaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooo…

Well now it has been christened…

Took it out with Chip yesterday and spent a couple of hours in the water, 1-3’ light offshore lumpy beach break/closeout.

First impressions, it’s really fast to paddle, takes off on anything with only a couple of strokes, turns well considering it’s length, very smooth and did I say it was fast, probably does 28.3mph but it’s hard to tell without a GPS… (sorry, couldn’t help myself)

Very happy with it’s performance and well worth the wait. Really stoked. Chip bought along a waterproof disposable camera so we took turns riding and snapping…should be a few good ones on that roll…

Chip will let you know what he thought of the launching day. Couldn’t get the smiles off our faces…

… well, I got one little righthander that held up . And two semi-sucky drops… [lefthander pigdogs] into little closeout “barrels” [to steal the boogers high pitched squeally expression]

I was more worried about snapping the board and / or ZoSurf’s single keel , as it was extremely shallow that morning .

The large amount of nose rocker prevented pearling , which was handy . [I’d like to have ridden it today at scarbs , as it was headhigh with some shape . But I had the "bonzer " today out there , so it’s all good !]

The 'rocket paddled REALLY well ! Fortunately, we didn’t have to dukdive it .

It felt funny having a foot or two of board BEHIND where my feet were , when I was paddling [especially after having my feet dragging in the water when I ride my 5’7 “stubbie”!]

Taking off at an angle was essential on yesterday’s waves , as Grant discovered more than once yesterday. [pity the dalai wasn’t there to help him !]

ZoSurf , that single keel went GREAT !!

It definately held the tail in on every takeoff !!

Our other choice of fin was going to be the winged keel . I’m glad that we didn’t use that this time, because it would have hit the sandbank a few times , and maybe ripped the box through to the deck ??

Plus , this was the first time I had used ZoSurf’s fin …I REALLY wanted to try it out , that’s for sure !! [Thanks again for that fin , Zo !!]


p.s. - Grant , did any of the shots of ‘Rex’ with the keel come out any good ?


Glad you liked the fin as it looks very much at home in the mOOn Rocket!!!

I am super stoked it worked out for ya!!!


Board looks great!


Think you could get some action shots of the fin in action?

Take it easy guys,

Hix, again that board is awesome!!!

Yeew! Now we need pix. Cool stuff! What about a ‘Gull Wing’ on that board? try lots! and see!


PS… Is that D Longbottom or Andy Campbell in your new av hixy?

hi Zo !!

it was too shallow / breaking on the shore to risk underwater shots of the fin riding a wave . But I could try just some paddling ones , if you like . I actually said to Grant that we should get those shots for you …and then promptly forgot , once I went paddling for waves to catch ! [ yes, the 'rocket covers lots of distance , fast ! ]

Josh , don’t hold your breath waiting …sorry mate , but I’m not sure we got any ‘useable’ shots . I really think we need to take the board out one weekday / sickday after the school holidays are over , at MY local , as it should have a rideable wave to photograph the board on . So far , I haven’t seen ‘Mullaloo’ [yep , REAL name …weird , eh ?!!] break with any sort of rideable looking shape.

The other alternative may be a day trip to Lanno, Hicksy ? … not easy things to organise with a wife and three young kids , I’m sure !! [I’m more a dawn patroller]

… anyway, we got it wet , I guess it’s now a ‘surfboard’ , not a wall hanging , at least !


Hey Josh

Yes that’s Dylan Longbottom off Shipsterns, top wave that, hope he wins the monster tube comp…

I’m pretty sure I got about 5 good pix of Chip during the morning, was great fun, haven’t taken water shots before.

Yeah Chip, it’s now a board, it’s got some pressure dents on the deck so now it’s starting to build character marks.

No cracks though, just depressions, I love epoxy…

Lanos sounds good, just got to get organised with Jo and the girls and Jo’s work schedule.

Careful not to “talk it up” too much , Grant …you know what happens then …

“W.A.” …wait awhile …


“…Our other choice of fin was going to be the winged keel …”

( this is it , on the 7’2" 'Morning Star " )

Just need deeper water, we put that one on to start with and it really looked the part but pretty deep for the waves at the 'Loo.

Zo’s fin worked a treat. Held on like sh!t to a blanket.

I might work on the wood one this week and see how that goes.

We’ll have to try that one next weekend.