Moon Rocket Flight

Hicksy waxes !

hicksy struts

hicksy checks he remembered to put a fin in …

“Okay , all systems are GO , Thunderbird One…”

hicksy turns and paddles for a wave …

hicksy “springs” to his feet . I could hear the knee joints creaking… wow, this is nearly as dramatic as an episode of Grant’s favourite , “The Bold And The Beautiful” , eh ?

one that got away [ I always see these when it’s my turn with the camera !]

hicksy’s cheer squad… [Ainsley , on the right , looks suitably impressed !]

Unreal Chip, thanks for that.

Absolute proof that I exist, can get onto 2 feet, stand up and that I do have something else to wear, even if it is a wetsuit!!!

OK where are the piccies I took of you?

…I can’t seem to find any …you SURE you took some ??? (tehehe…)

same “drama”…

chip paddles” …etc…

chip sits on board

chip wonders " what do I do next , so I can be a “surfer duuude” ??? "

If you see any piccies of my left nostril, they were ment to be of you, I had the camera facing the wrong way.


this is the ONLY shot you took a bit late Grant !! [still, at least this wave broke !!]

8’10 is a LOT of board to try to fit into the curve of a knee to waist high wave !

THANKS Grant , for taking these shots , and for letting me ride the ‘rocket’

…Hopefully we will get it out in some quality waves a few times this winter ?

[ It made a nice change from being BEHIND the lens the whole time, too !!]

 cheers mate ! 


this was Grant’s first ever roll of water shots …I reckon he did a good job , eh ? [especially since his vision is worse than mine [!!] without his glasses on … “the Magoo brothers” , for sure !!]

Awesome stuff Chip, yeah you’re right about the Magoo Bros, bit hard to take a white stick out with you, maybe a flag on the tail, with a sign saying Blind Surfer Beware.

Mind you people would be scared off just looking at the board and all those pointy bits.

Thats one of the reasons I usually paddle out alone, without my lenses in my sight’s not so good, after abot 15ft thing start to get blury, makes it hard to spot your friends in the line up, i try to ifentify people by the boards their riding.

I don’t think i’d have any trouble potting the moonrocket though.

Hey Hisky be careful taking those close ups, thing in look a lot farther away through the viewfinder than thaey actually are!

those photos have come out a lot better than the ones I’ve taken on those camras, I showed mine to a mate, He thought I was trying to be “arty” . It’s just hard to get the timing right.

Gave it to my mate to ake some photos and he didn’t get a single one of me standing up, but surprisingly there were a large number of photos of female surf’s, I think next time we need to have words

Take some more next time its out.

two more I forgot …

Grant …

before [tentative ?]

after … stoked / relieved it didn’t snap ?


[note the fourth use for the booger …keeping sand off the nose of your new board!]

Looks way cool,

nice shape Hicksy, the board mate not you! Looks like you had the same sort of waves over there as I had here last week but better luck catching them than I had. That’s a nice colour scheme too.

Jase (MMM)

Thanks for that Jase,

What is it about ageing when blokes start to look like a 44 gallon drum on 2 legs after age 40?

Sure to get many more piccies over the next few weeks.

hicksy who cares about us old men!i’m 49 and and still have the stoke,i have never owned a longboard,my friend who’s 12 years younger says i get better every year,especially after getting a forstall!!!


What is it about ageing when blokes start to look like a 44 gallon drum on 2 legs after age 40?

For the married ones , the “six packs” get swapped for kegs [too much good home cooking, not enough exercise …sit down jobs …all of the above , perhaps]

For the unmarried , unemployed ones … the six packs become six visible rib cages . We spend money [?] on boards and board stuff , and forget to buy food…

Dunno mate, I’m still 9 months off 40 and trying to convince myself that my Fatbaslardass name is just a joke and that really I’m still 9 1/2 stone of taught muscle and wirey athleticism. I am!!! (Note the conveniently placed surfboard in my pic).

Cheers bud

Jase (MMM)

Here’s some piccies of the wood fin Chip made for the Monn Rocket.

I used the mold suggested by PlusOne that Chip and I have setup.

Couldn’t think of a way to get the whole thing straight in the mold so I used the tips of toothpicks to hold it while it set. Petrified toothpicks, sucked in the resin, rock solid…

Used a drinking straw pushed into Blue Tac sitting in the base of the mold for the front hole. No drilling involved, perfect.

And just for Zosurf…

Hmmmmmm, lip smacking good…Rex loved the taste of the fin…

well done Grant !!

cheers for posting those shots !

So, that base is now the RIGHT depth … “BE-YOOTY MATE !!” [you’ve started someting [good] now !! ]…beware future ‘wood fin bombardment’ !

I’m not sure about the toothpicks , but I guess they’re hidden in the box , eh ?

I LOVE the photo of Rex and the keel !!

…did you feed him “Shmackos” before you took the shot, or something ? …what a GREAT shot !!

Next… some fibreglass side fins for my fish and bonzer boards, using that mould . And , if you HAVE to use the toothpicks [and can’t pull them out before the resin gels ?? ] , maybe I can pigment the bases for you / us in future ?


I’ll sand and gloss that wood fin for you next time I’m up . [It would be good to do the other smaller fin too]. That [smaller wood fin] will be my back fin for the “bonzer” , then I’ll make two matching side runners as well…

Yeeeeeeew! its awesome!

Hey Hicksy have you had any more good surfs on it?