Moon Rocket Flight

Hey Josh,

Unfortunately not, my eyesight is very poor without glasses, blind really, and I’d be putting others at risk if I went out.

Got an appointment with the Optometrists on Wednesday and getting fitted for some Barz prescription goggles. Not too bad for $350.00 considering my usual specs cost $550.00

Then everyone will be safe!!! And I’ll be happy…

that’s GREAT Hicksy !!!

good on ya mate !!

it will be great to finally get to ride some of those boards you’ve made , without worrying about your previous lack of vision any more .

Come to brighton with the moonrocket one day , and I’ll get some shots of you .


It might be a little late to say so…but that board is just sexy.

Good work man.


Hicksy good luck with those specs, it will be great when your back in the line up.

My Dad always wears glasses but is still pretty well eyesighted in the water however its good to know there are prescription specs just incase.
