Shared a peak up here in the NW with a couple of late 20’s surfers a few days ago, riding some interesting epoxy boards one of them had made from scratch. We got to talking board design and construction, I asked the surfer/shaper if he spent any time cruising the Swaylocks forum to pick up any tidbits to use.
He shook his head. “Not anymore. I did when I first started shaping 7 years ago. Now days it seems like the guys who really contributed to board building have just moved on, and what’s left is mostly just a bunch of guys arguing more then anything else.”
We got to talking board design and construction, I asked the surfer/shaper if he spent any time cruising the Swaylocks forum to pick up any tidbits to use.
He shook his head. "Not anymore. I did when I first started shaping 7 years ago. Now days it seems like the guys who really contributed to board building have just moved on, and what's left is mostly just a bunch of guys arguing more then anything else."
classic !
did you ask him how , if he visits 'Swaylocks '
" "Not anymore..... [I did when I first started shaping 7 years ago. Now days it seems like the guys who really contributed to board building have just moved on, and ] he knows that ....
" what's left is mostly just a bunch of guys arguing more then anything else." quote our very own 'Kenny' [not you , kensurf] ,
"well, that makes about as much sense as a nun at a rock'n'roll concert !"
.....maybe I need to stop posting so many argumentative photos of fins ? :)
cheers !
"....cain't please all duh people ALLL duh time .... "
Arguing? That’s the internet… Seriously though, anonymity lends itself well to speaking freely, perhaps sometimes too freely, but where some see argument, others see unvarnished assessment unimpeded by the niceties of societal norms. Sure things go to far, sure some things get long in the tooth, but stick around enough and you get to mine those nuggets of gold from the mounds of dirty data.
Swaylocks is a treasure trove of information and in many ways, patience for answering the same questions over and over.
Anything and everything related to building a surfboard is in the archives,between them and living less than 5 min from Foam ez,this backyarder is covered! All the thoughts and rants are just extra fun to read ! People shouldnt take all this so seriously eh?
mybe you should ask the inner circle why they want a closed forum
by the way the deep dicussion has been done long ago’’ thats a never increasing circle
and just maybe people should learn to use the archives more?
cheers huie
I hear where you’re coming from Huie, but seeing as Swaylocks still has a lot of PUPE discussion, I’m surprised there isnt a larger proportion of “newer tech” talk as time goes by and we develop. BTW, I’m certainly not dissing Sways, I thinks its an awesome depository of info. I did a trawl of the archives a few months back for quad fin placements and ended up with a huge table and a diagram with all the different rear fin options people had suggested over the years. The diagram was very telling with extremes of McKee, Greenlight, Hannafin, Rusty etc etc. Where else could you gleen such gen?
Respect to the Swaylocks family, and especially to the likes of Huie who are givers rather than takers. “Mostly a bunge of guys arguing”? Thats not really the big picture I’m seeing.
mybe you should ask the inner circle why they want a closed forum
by the way the deep dicussion has been done long ago’’ thats a never increasing circle
and just maybe people should learn to use the archives more?
cheers huie
I hear where you’re coming from Huie, but seeing as Swaylocks still has a lot of PUPE discussion, I’m surprised there isnt a larger proportion of “newer tech” talk as time goes by and we develop. BTW, I’m certainly not dissing Sways, I thinks its an awesome depository of info. I did a trawl of the archives a few months back for quad fin placements and ended up with a huge table and a diagram with all the different rear fin options people had suggested over the years. The diagram was very telling with extremes of McKee, Greenlight, Haneifin, Rusty etc etc. Where else could you gleen such gen?
Respect to the Swaylocks family, and especially to the likes of Huie who are givers rather than takers. “Mostly a bunge of guys arguing”? Thats not really the big picture I’m seeing.
Shared a peak up here in the NW with a couple of late 20's surfers a few days ago, riding some interesting epoxy boards one of them had made from scratch. We got to talking board design and construction, I asked the surfer/shaper if he spent any time cruising the Swaylocks forum to pick up any tidbits to use.
He shook his head. "Not anymore. I did when I first started shaping 7 years ago. Now days it seems like the guys who really contributed to board building have just moved on, and what's left is mostly just a bunch of guys arguing more then anything else."
It's OK to disagree....and then start a discussion..............and talk about why you do things one way and I do things another way...........
inner circle.....too funny..hey Huie...we love bitter old man....ha ha.....can you break GhettoRat out of hiding?
I'm here to have fun....and guess what???? sometimes watching people argue over non issues is is harsh.