My first fully shaped blank, not 9lassed yet

Looks like you discovered the answer to your own question about paint “bleeding” …  has a lot to do with your choice of tape, search ‘3M 233’

and a 'very' sharp blade....

flames can suck, I was airbrushing in the late 80's, early 90's and every 3rd board had flames...


Looks like you discovered the answer to your own question about paint "bleeding" ...  has a lot to do with your choice of tape, search '3M 233'



cheers bud, i used 3m tape got from the local hardware, but it was only a small hardware shop.  Will make sure I get that tape you mentioned for the other side to compare with what i used.  Thanks again  :)


and a 'very' sharp blade....

flames can suck, I was airbrushing in the late 80's, early 90's and every 3rd board had flames...



jeez mark, airbrushing in the late 80s, what havent you done when it comes to making surfboards mate.


Have you made your own fins yet out of interest.


Im going to get a new blade for the other side, wasnt terribly happy with the way the blade cut and I think this had more to do with it than anything else.  Can you use posca after we glass to add a black outline, has this been done before as I know nothing about this.  Im thinking it may not look right to do this and may just leave it like it is.  A friend once told me never to chase mistakes and I think that was a very wise piece of information given to me.

spraypainted the other side.  I know the weather wasnt right to do it, but I was a bit impatient to try a different method, took the advice given, tried a different tape, a different method in spraying, a brand new blade.  I stuffed up the template so I had to free draw the flames so not exact but better result than the other side for sure.  Hope you like, I do and so does my boy.

Glass it and get it wet. Tell fong to stop fishing and just do it!! Nice work digger, what's ya next??!


Glass it and get it wet. Tell fong to stop fishing and just do it!! Nice work digger, what's ya next??!



test riding, to see how the boards go,  Then thinking of shaping one for my mate, then looking at making a 2 +1 for noosa points for me and fong.   But for now just sit back, listen and learn for a while.  Take stock of what Ive done and do heaps of research.

Missus has told me I cant spend anymore money till Febuary, so I can build my glassing stands, damn it, so bloody frustrating to try to get set up fully.  The costs are climbing and Im running out of patience.  Ahh I must breath and relax, stands will get here and once done can start glassing.

Missus has told me I cant spend anymore money till Febuary, so I can build my glassing stands, damn it, so bloody frustrating to try to get set up fully.  The costs are climbing and Im running out of patience.  Ahh I must breath and relax, stands will get here and once done can start glassing.

Hey Dig,


How bout just taping a couple of short ( shorter than your shaping rack span for lapping )blocks of 4 x 2 pine onto your current stands - some cutoffs from your friendly building site chippy will do  ( creating a level raised height so u can wrap the rails ) and throw and old t shirt over your racks , a roll of masking tape over the shirt ( yer ask how i know that one ) and your good to go , $1.50 drop sheet and few pairs of gloves your away …


Hey there dig.

Ive just started making  few boards, on number three now, the learing curve is unreal ay!!

For my racks, i got 6 big plastic buckets without lids, filled them up with sand and stones and stood them on top of each other (3 each side) then got two more empty buckets, cut a u out of each side so you can lay the board rail down, and cover all the edges in pipe insuation foam, then tape it all down with duck tape then cover with masking tape. Costs about five quid!!

Your boards are looking great by the way, much better than my first one.

I found this guy in the link below really helpfull when i started out, good ways to do stuff without spending a fortune, loadsa good tips too.

Take it easy...

Looking great mate, get it wet!

you can see the massive lap I did on the board, bit ambitious for first attemp but I wanted to make it hard for myself so I could learn from mistakes, I know that dont make much sence but thats just how I work, I learnt lots.  The other two shots are of another shape I am working on at the same time.  You can see near the nose where in the last 9 cm I cut inside the template line and stuffed up, this was caused because I was using a jigsaw, got near the end and sneezed, end result, cut inside template line.


Im gonna finish it and glass it with the mistake as a constant reminder to never use a jigsaw agian and I will have to purchase a handsaw to use just for cutting blanks out.


Lol, beginners mistake

beerfan, I hope my boys board is finsished soon, has a lot of rookie mistakes but learnt heaps from it and hopefully next board I shape and glass wont have so many aviodable errors

Ive finally managed to get all the stuff together for glassing, have done the bottom of the board 2 weeks ago, only get mondays off to do the board for glassing and its not been perfect weather yet.  Hopefully this monday if it doesnt look like raining I will do it then glass on the single fin, hot coat, sand and its finished.