My wife passed away on sept. 22 2007 at 12:20 pm

Greg, You and your family are in my prayers… My condolences go out to you.

Greg your a good man, my thoughts are with you, you have my deepest sympathy.

I’ve always looked forward to seeing the boards you’ve put up here, they’ve always been of such a high standard, I was sadeened when I first learnt what you and your wife were going through, I know how tough it can be, I’m amazed you’ve managed to contend with that and continue running the business with such civility, your a better man than me.

Shaping and surfing can be great therapy, but don’t let work get too much, give yourself time to grieve and heal, and don’t take any shit for customers, thats the last thing you need.

She’s crossed over into the great mystery.

Find her in the breeze and in the sunsets and her favorite songs.


Take it one day at a time, its gonna get better, slowly, and know her spirit will live on through you and yours…


Greg, what a difficult loss. You were there for her till she passed. How fortunate for her that she had you to help her through such an unfortunate time. Pure, unselfish love. Hope you can find some solace soon.


Greg, my most sincere condolences, my thoughts are with you.

When people pass on, they leave a legacy . . . for each person is a unique face of an Infinite God that created them . . . I’ll pray for you . . . Greg. It was beautiful to experience the lady that is your wife.

…just saw this by happenstance…don’t know you either, but I want to commend you for being a caring and loving person that would lay down next to her and let her spirit know forever that you are with her.

I wish we were all so lucky.

Greg, sorry to hear of your loss. I don’t know what I would do if I lost my wife, or if my kids lost their mom. I lost as close friend, who gave me his surfboard because he knew he was going to die of cancer. He had been diagnosed over 35 years before, and beat it with good medical care on the east coast. Then he moved out here to Cali., got cancer again, but the horrible medical system out here allowed his HMO primary care physician to tell him it was a case of stomach ulcers. After months of insisting that he was positive that he didn’t have ulcers, they finally allowed him to get an x-ray, which didn’t prove anything. More months went by, and he insisted they allow him to get an MRI and a cat-scan. Finally, they found a soft-ball sized cancerous tumor in his stomach, that claimed his life two weeks later. I feel some of your pain, brother. I know what it is like to be losing someone, knowing there is nothing you can do about it because it is out of your hands and in the hands of medical politics. Stop by if you are ever in Carlsbad. There’s a cold Guinness waiting for you down at Tom Giblin’s Irish pub just down from my new shaping bay.


She would still be alive today . A doctor came in and mistakenly pulled her out of treatment without really looking at what was wrong with her.

No one will take the case but all say that Kaiser really blew it.

I would really like for a news show do a piece on this because it was really bad and should never be allowed to happen again.

Thanks to everyone and may this never happen this way to anyone.


 medicine is not an exact science, it's not like fixing a ding or adding numbers to get an irrefutable answer.

every person has a slightly different version of whatever ails them and responds differently to the same treatment.

 Get a second opinion, third , fourth or fifth, even sixth. Do what it takes, whatever you can, travel, search, find experts but know that there's an end, eventually, for everyone.

Is someone's passing the end of their joy or the end of their pain…

We should all hope to have someone who will hold us close in our final hours and make that final journey filled with love.

 But don't wait for the end, tell the people you love that you love them today, tomorrow, and every day.

be the Giver…love, smiles, patience, strength.

It's not about money, but how much love can you give every day.

 I miss my two sons.

I am so sorry that life's cruelness has burdened you and your wife for an interminable time.

I offer my thoughts, prayers and support to help you through your moments of grief!  God bless you and your wife - may she rest in peace and may her lasting spirit forever fulfill your life!

So sorry Greg.

We've never met.

But my heart goes out to you.

Can you feel the love here?

All of your fellow surfers here care.

Condolences to you and your family.

Barry Snyder