I have a picture that I am unable to identify. this is an original picture (on the original photo paper) and it is signed by the surfer or photographer. my grandfather bought it from a surfshop in hawaii in 1975 for $20. I am unable to identify who it is in the picture and the signature is ilegible for the first and last few letters. I can tell you it dates between 1953 and 1975 and was taken in hawaii. i know it was taken post 1953 because the picture wa sold w/ the pen that the surfer or photographer signed it with. the pen is a 1953 “century” by cross which went into production in 1953. the picture has since changed frames b/c the old one was rotted out. it originally was ina shadow box w/ the picture and pen tacked in. If you can unravell this mystery PLEASE post the name of the surfer… it would be a tremendous help.
Scott, the surfer facing the pipeline is Greg NOLL. The signature is John SEVERSON, founder of The Surfer Magazine.
This photo has got to be the most famous of all surf photographs…
Jeez! You only have one of the most famous surf photos of all time! Greg Noll at pipeline taken by John Severson, founder of Surfer mag, and famous surf artist. If that is his original signature you could really have something. If so you need to take that to a reputable framer who can properly mount it on acid-free mat board to preserve it.
Are You Guys JOKING? I got it re-framed at hobby lobby like 2 years ago. guess ill get it appraised and re-framed. Before I make an ass out of myself… are you POSITIVE its Greg Noll? Im only 19 so im not familiar with pics from that era. I have never seen a surfer magazine pre 1990.
Scott, The surfer is Greg Noll, and the signature looks to be that of the legendary surf photographer John Severson who founded Surfer Magazine. It is unlikely that John shaped the board also. A good deal for $20!
After looking at it again it looks as though it is already properly mounted. If you have any artist friends they should be able to confirm that. What a score. I would love to have that on my wall. Don’t sell it.
Why don’t you donate it to the annual Swaylock’s raffle? It would sell a LOT of tickets and keep Swaylocks in bandwidth for a while…
Heres proof that its the original print… took it out of frame and took pic at angle to show gloss difference btween pic and ink from signature. also shows gloss. Also, my grandmother went on the trip and im guessing shes the one that made him buy it. she was an apraiser and long time surfer. o ya, i cnat stop shaking now.
O ya… if your wondering how I got a hold of this picture, i got into surfing in highschool, and for graduation, my grandfather gave me this picture. he said… “I know you like surfing, so heres something to look at while your not at the beach. congratulation college boy”
LOL! one of the funniest thread title’s i’ve seen! “Old Guy’s I really need your help” ha ha ha ha!
hold on to it man, that thing is real surfing history.
this is hysterical
the truth of tthe matter is all these guys are dead wrong.
this pictire has been passed off as a severson photo for long enough.
Actually the photo is of greg noll’s cousin Dave Fourgtnaught
on the first day of his life long job at the Eagle Rock spiffy wash car wash on Colorado blvd.,
he eventually bought the place and raised a family of seventeen kids at the carwash.[all home schooled by the way]
The Photo was taken by Daves future wife Jane Senionon
this picture was lost and is indeed valuable as this was the period when Jane was stalking Dave
considering dave sold Spiffy to whole foods for their new shopping complex for tons of moughla and dave is looking for places to throw money at…
Just thought you might like to know the truth…
Ambrose, if you did not exist, we should have invented you…
Your encyclopaedic knowledge in world-wide car-washing history makes you an invaluable resource for us all car-washers.
Keep up the good car-washing, man!
Yes, that’s really Greg Noll.Signature loooks real. The framing looks fine, no need to replace it soon unless it just looks bad. Great story to go with the photo. Keep it for sure. And that’s Mr. Old Guy to you, kid.
Like I said before… I’m not getting my hopes up. I will take the picture to an appraiser and find out more about it. As far as the Greg Noll theory of it, I looked into it. the guy in the picture is wearing the same tacky shorts that Noll wore. If ne1 knows a surf historian/appraiser let me know. I will be e-mailing Surfer magazine to see if i can get a re-print of their magazine with the picture in it to see if it matches. As far as your theory on Jane, could you please tell me more regarding her and her husband… i’ll look into it.
again, thanks for your help… just trying to figure out what I have.
well it is a severson but the the bad news is you can buy them still at surfart.com they range from 125-450 hope it is not a bum deal for you but hang it on the wall and enjoy the view
I looked on surfart.com. heres the thing… there sizes dont even match mine. plus, theirs are prints and not signed… the picture I have is 8" x 9" and is signed. any ideas? also, how can I contact John Severson to check?
surf art is his site email address and phone on there
Thanks a lot. I guess ill hold on to it for a while until he cant sign anything. then it will be a true historical piece. too bad he kept printing so many of these pics. guess it doesnt matter if mines old since there are so many more floating around (damn capitalistic attitude). luckily he signed this one.
Hey Scott,
Another verification: I have an original copy of the Surfer magazine in which that picture was first published as a center fold out. I was in high school at the time it came out and it sat on my night-stand next to my bed for months. I had the privelage of having Greg sign that magazine page when I met him at the annual “Wavecrest” Woodie show in Encinitas last September. He told me he had not seen that issue in several years. The photo was taken by John Severson without Greg Noll even knowing John was behind watching him face pipe. I also have John’s book, “Surf Fever” which he signed for me. His signature matches the sig on your photo.
I thought for sure you were joking when you said you didn’t know the surfer/photographer. Have you been surfing for long? Go buy a book on surf history. You should know your roots. I’m not saying this to be mean, but because I think you will benefit greatly from it.