new format - problems and glitches

yep same here no weekend sways,

back now is hard.

now pull on jack purcells

and go sand revolutionary

 ethical stand paddle board.

productive work day to all.


save is the new post

clik save

I receive email notifications about updates for threads I am following now.

I do not receive email notification when I get a Private Message though

My avitar moves! 

But my signature at the bottom of the page is gone.  I get a message that I don’t have access to edit my signature

Also, I get annoying e-mails every time I post on a thread, everytime somebody else posts on that same thread.  I get auto subscribed!  How annoying. 

And Spelll Cheque is gon knoww

“and the hits just keep on a coming”

it’s always something…

nice time to get caught up on my Quiver reading - but man, can I volunteer to delete that spam?  

nice color and much planning went into this - link to worthless site

how much of that can we take???

But wow, lots of cool stuff on Quiver I’m finding by spending a little time there

Huck EZ! the “gun” approach is indeed wicked! Maybe a few waves by intimadation.

Have a look a one of my hero’s 68 something awh surfing thru the line up!!!

 11’-6" !!! Yowza…

09 rhino chaser

You guys are thinking gun, but I’m thinking more like fun gun or just bigger board but with shortboard (pulled in) nose. Those hanalei boards are gunny, yeah, cuz they’re for hanalei! But could go wider tail for calif point break surf, and bit less rocker. 

Btw, since we’re on the glitch thread, anyone know how to reach paler? Haven’t been in touch for over a week and his last pm left me hanging, lol.