new format - problems and glitches

Just noticed, posts are not dated/timed… bit of a pain when catching up on old threads.

hi mike, great work on the site reboot so far. any chance we can recover inbox & outbox contents from the start? plenty good stuff in there cheers,

…ok Mike I´ll wait for those restored things that I mentioned before; also like now other members are saying, day by day appears new stuff

for example the new editor do not let you charge the languages corrector, if you return to the basic editor…well, have all those signs and marks. You cannot write a text then put a picture then write more text UNDER the picture… These and many things that other members are saying, are not whining are stuff that now works worst or this template do not have it.

is it me or does the search function only search google and not related topics on swaylocks?

I seem to have to log in at regular intervals, does not seem to remember that I am logged in.


I cannot read other peoples posts in most of the General discussions. 

Now most posts are blank when I view a thread.  Nice.  Epic Fail.

I’m having the same experience.     Wassup?


Glad I’m not the only one.  Thought there was something wrong with my computer.


Same here. Desperately looking for some answers on a lamination problem I’m experiencing (1st time builder, hence the nick) and find the right threads but can’t view the replies…




I think a fair bit of patience is in order.  Nobody is paying for access which means we’re all guests.  We should behave accordingly.   


All true, but without people reporting back what is happening, how will the problems get ‘‘fixed?’’


altimeter reading seven feet below ground level

but we aint dead yet,flying by instruments

can be tricky.Looking out the window of the cockpit 

can be helpful when not in a fog…


did you see that tree?

that was real close

and the bottom of the fuselage is real shiny

almost as shiny as the seat of our pants,

save is the new post

clik save

and believe…

oh yeah how’s bout a general discussion clik

on at the bottom of each thread,that was so

convienient like back to shopping on ebay

or amazon or brooks brothers or china and 

pottery corral…


oh yeah how’s bout a general discussion clik

on at the bottom of each thread,that was so

convienient like back to shopping on ebay

or amazon or brooks brothers or china and 

pottery corral…


…Frankly, there’s a bunch ****If you have bug reports, problems, requests, etc, the more detail you can provide the better.

Mike (Paler)

I cant get to the general discussion page

I can only get to threads by home page or search but can’t get an overview of forum topics

The site has been unavailable for the long weekend out here in OZ… I honestly thought I would never get back in. 

Makes me wonder if distance still matters over the internets? 

They tell me… size does. :wink: