No,no...hahaha.........I'm just the Garbageman,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Well Chips,

You won’t have to wait for those photos on the Predator II …I cooked it…too hot,too much cat.,too many interuptions,my bad,…

Things were going great…It actually was one of my best eps shapes/paints I have ever done…I know that it would have been the magic eps one for me…

And, all in a few seconds… I made it …at best… a fix-er-upper…I’ve always known when to raise,call or fold,but this one really hurt…I’m sure w/ ALOT OF WORK.and the breath of Jesus…I could,and have the skills and knowledge to bring it up to my standards,

but why…

…I shelved it… where I can’t see it…maybe someday when I can laugh at the situation ,I’ll pull it out and finish it.

This just doesn’t happen to me…rarely…and never this bad…at least not since I lived in Bell and was like 16…

…Man!!!Defeat sucks.

He’s still going to ask you for pictures Herb…

oTay Hicksy,

Now that made me laugh…feels good to laugh right now.

I got some Clark blanks to hack out…a gun and a high performance job … for myself

…Maybe I would have hated the eps board anyway.

I don’t drink booze,and glad there’s no blow around…because,boy it would be easy to get lost in it right about now…

…right to the point of realizing how stupid it would be for my health and how broke it made me…glad those days are long gone.

Maybe I can get/convince Randy French to make 3 of my models…That way I can get off this rollercoaster…and ride the merry-go-round for the rest of my stay.

Like I said…laughing at yourself is good !!!

“Too much cat” (?) Were you using polyester resin on EPS?

" he’s still going to ask you for photos !"

ABSOLUTELY , you betcha !!!

[Yep, ‘Hicksy’ beat me to the punchline !! …]

"…mmmmm… meltdown pitures …mmmmmm "

[Homer WOULD relate ! …did you ever see "that " episode , where he stuck his donut in the reactor , to 'make the donut bigger ’ , and shut down the whole nuclear power plant , as a result !!! hilarious ! go the homer , GO the HOMER !! …“d’oh !!” ]



You guys sure make me feel better that’s for sure…THANK YOU.

No John,

It’s Dow 3840 …3938 something like that.It’s an epoxy.It uses a liquid cat.simular to Polyester resin.The cat. smells like cynide,(burnt almonds).

I should have taken it slower (set the resin off colder).but I don’t/didn’t have much time…it was well into the 90s temp wise here and thinned the epoxy even more plus added a little…okay,okay,okay…a lot of extra cat…half the bottom looks picture perfect ,the best right !..the other half looks like the landscape around the grand canyon…I’m sure in my mind it looks much worse.

It’s not like I haven’t worked with epoxy …infact I have worked more with epoxy in the past 3 years that polyster.

I gambled…

and I lost.

John & Ben,

That reminds me of an eposide of Beavis and Butthead,when they find a dollar and want to buy gasoline with it ,but don’t have anything to put the gas in…

…So they find a styro-cup and pour the gas in it.


no worries mate !

I just wish I still had that photo of my red waterfall [gelled rail curtain] on the bushfire fish …THAT was probably one of the worst stuff ups I had done for a long time .

Hicksy do you still have that photo , please ?

This was the first and only new board I have almost competely destroyed in one fal swoop…

…not a bad average for 35 years of building.

I’ll look for that on my home puter…

cheers hicksy !

I look forward to seeing it again !


I feel your pain Bert! This EPS fish was turning out sweet and then I post baked it to hell!

Sorry for your loss…

mine isn’t nearly that bad…hurts none the less.


Sorry for your loss…

mine isn’t nearly that bad…hurts none the less.

“it’s getting better all the time…better better better… getting so much better all the time”



Finally found it Ben!!!

Here you go Herb, the Bushfire Razorblade…

Came up pretty good after that…

hahahahhhhh [finally I can laugh about it …now , 8 months later , that is !!]

thanks , hicksy !!!

…oh maaan , that was even WORSE than I remembered it ?!

And there was dear young Rachel congratulating me on “a good glass job”…, and me too self-proud / upset to put up that pic …

mate , we can learn MORE from each other’s mistakes , I reckon !

“surf4fins” …that meltdown photo is …incredible ! …you poor guy !!

were you able to rescue that at all ? (or did you scrap it ?)

what happened there , exactly ? [if it’s not too devastating to recount…I know that it took me time to get over the “red resin waterfall” on my “bushfire fish” , don’t worry !]

cheers !


Herb , maybe in a few months time , you can post me the shots of YOUR board dramas , if you like ? [it DOES take a while to go through the ‘grieving process’ , I reckon though , eh mate ?]


Actually,I pulled it out of the hole I stuck it in and started fixing it up…after seeing surf4fins post cookie I figured that it was worth saving…and I’ll take photos for you.

by the way I named it…Supermarine Spitfire.

When I started surfing at around six, the only boards available were super tankers. My dad was ripping the glass off them, cutting them down, and re-glassing them. My friend’s dad was one of the original glassers for Dewey Weber and Hap Jacobs and would help us out.

When we were around ten, my friend Jeff and I made our first board without supervision. We didn’t put enough catalyst in the resin, and it never fully hardend.

We immediately went about making our second board, and didn’t want to have the same problem, so we poured a buttload of catalyst in the resin just to be sure. While I was spreading out the resin, it started to turn yellow harden on me. A few seconds later it was turning brown and making cracking sounds. Small cracks starting happening over the surface, then… the board was on fire! We were running around the yard screaming, and finally got a hose and put the thing out.

I bet that board came out worse than yours. You need some stories of things going bad to make the good ones better.