Nugget based on a McCoy as a thruster.

Hi all not been on here for a while and now looking to venture into experiment with a wide tail thruster style McCoy.

It will be a fat board 22" wide 7’ long with a 18" or 19" tail.

I have made my own single gullwing 6’8" with side thruster fins and that went really well, I sold it last year and now want to try and better it.

The last board had a domed bottom with very soft 50/50 rails I will probably stick to this style as it worked.

My question to you all is the fin position for a thruster setup on one of these?

I am thinking further back than conventional thruster due to tail width.

The nose on the new board will be more of a pointed style with a rounded of safety nose, the sharpe needle noses should be banned!!!

Here are the pics of the last one.

Thanks as always, Gazro.

Nice looking board gazro. Not exactly sure what I would do different than you already have on the beautiful posted board. But maybe add the option of adjustment to feel out the board. RDM and Ripcurl are pretty tune to this type of board, my input would be the for and aft adjustment factor. Looking forward to seeing your new board. Mahalo, Larry

Wow! That’s gourgeous!

I wish I could tell you about the thruster fin positioning immediately, but I did just pick up a used one by Pautsch (well, hopefully: a buddy is making the purchase for me and I haven’t heard yet). Not sure when it will get here but I can shoot the measurements for you if you’ll tell me what you need and how to measure (from rail/stringer, etc). I am no shaper so I would be making a lot of assumptions.

Not sure why your thread hasn’t gotten any attention - loads of avid Nuggety fans out there. So here’s a bump.

Really very nice gazro.

I can measure and send you some dimensions later today (when I get home from work). From memory though I don't know if the layout is that different from a standard thruster set up - but the fins are certainly larger.




Hi all not been on here for a while and now looking to venture into experiment with a wide tail thruster style McCoy.

It will be a fat board 22" wide 7' long with a 18" or 19" tail.

I have made my own single gullwing 6'8" with side thruster fins and that went really well, I sold it last year and now want to try and better it.

The last board had a domed bottom with very soft 50/50 rails I will probably stick to this style as it worked.

My question to you all is the fin position for a thruster setup on one of these?

I am thinking further back than conventional thruster due to tail width.

The nose on the new board will be more of a pointed style with a rounded of safety nose, the sharpe needle noses should be banned!!!

Here are the pics of the last one.

Thanks as always, Gazro.



Great shape job.  Leave it like you have it.   I like that set up.

Nice board and a good name for a thread..ha..ha   A real surf

Thanks for all the kind comments, I would like to know how far for the base of the fins from the tail, 12" - 13" from the tail for a standard 15" tail thruster.

I am guessing 11" for front fins and 2 1/2" for rear to give the fat 18"-19" tail the hold it would require.

This board went great in 3 to 5 foot surf, and came out of a pavel clarke blank with very little rocker, it got so many looks on the beach. This time I will use ECS foam and install my own stringer.

I always go for strange paint jobs on most of my own boards, love artwork.

This is my 8’3" thruster built in 2005 still in really good order.

You would not believe how small my shed is 10 X 7 but I manage.

Check your PM's gazro.



Thanks Rohan, just what I wanted, now I need to get my shed cleared out and start getting things ready to go.


Cheers Gaz

I will be getting a McCoy thruster with similar dims to what you're doing so if you wait a while I could measure where the fins are when I get it.  It will have a 16" nose and be 22" wide but I left the tail dims to him. The Astron Zot I had was thinner in the tail than the nugget's  but didn't catch waves as well as the thicker tailed McCoys and it had an 18" tail . It was the first McCoy that didn't like bigger waves as well (but not due to tail width)

Your right about the sharp noses as a kid surfing the Pass (Byron) last year had to be air lifted to a major hospital to get the nose of his board taken out of his head ...yuck !  Greenough wrote in the local paper after that about using a round jam tin as a template to cut the nose off your needle nose board and stated there were benefits in swing weight reduction by giving it the chop.

Thanks monosurfer, I’m not in a rush to build yet.

Many years ago I was spiked in the calf with a needle nose, it wasn’t bad just bled a lot. Since then I have hated them, they really do nothing to a board performance wise, hell you might as well tie a knife to the front, they are really that dangerous. I use a plastic cup for my noses on thruster templates.


Gazro- as promised.  The rear of the side fins are set at 12 inches to the tail, the rear of the centre is set at 3.5  inches to the tail. the fins are 5.3 inches deep and 5.1 at the base.The board has a 16 inch nose and is 22 inches wide and the tail dims I left to Geoff turned out to be 16 inches ,same as the nose . I should put this board in the egg tread !  Also the fins are glassed in so allow a bit for the rovings if you go with a fin system. I will get some photo's before its waxed .


[img_assist|nid=1053005|title=Nugget style|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640]

Hi Mono,
This thruster is on it’s way to Canada. It’s similar to what you are discussing. Slightly under 16’’ in the nose 22 wide with an 18’’ tail and 3 1/8 thick. 6’8’’ long. Thruster.

Hey Gazro-

I’ve got two friends with permanent metal plates and screws in their faces; one was a spiraling fracture like a rock hitting a wind shield. A third friend had his left eye partially crushed and partly spooned out. Each guy injured in a solo wipeout by the point of a thruster. 7 procedures later, he has pretty good vision again. None of the waves were that big, just about head high beachbreak.

You and Greenough are right about the pointy nose. No need!

hI solo-  I never get to say goodbye to you before a thread get shut down..ha..ha..  I've only been on two other threads and they were both locked so there is still time for this one.  I used a throw away line of yours about Larry Blair's blunt nose board and and incorporated into my new McCoy and as usual when dealing with Geoff himself, its a joy to buy a board from him. (I am sure all his outlets are the same..phew..)  So my two last boards have had some of your influence on what I ordered ,  you should be on the pay roll mate..ha..ha


hI solo-  I never get to say goodbye to you before a thread get shut down..ha..ha..  I've only been on two other threads and they were both locked so there is still time for this one.  I used a throw away line of yours about Larry Blair's blunt nose board and and incorporated into my new McCoy and as usual when dealing with Geoff himself, its a joy to buy a board from him. (I am sure all his outlets are the same..phew..)  So my two last boards have had some of your influence on what I ordered ,  you should be on the pay roll mate..ha..ha



It's been great talking with you mono. Over on magic seaweed also.   You are never going to hurt yourself dealing directly with Geoff.  He is one of the best of all time. That much should never been in question.   I hope you have a blast on it and please post it here when it's done. That other junk is in the past and blowing in the wind as far as I am concerned.  I also love that new board he is working on for thrusterphiles.  I think this thread is great because it's dealing with a home shape.  I also like the other pig thread...  It's actually interesting how much influence the pig has had over the years.  I don't think I realized it until I started posting on this thread and had to begin remembering and thinking about it.   I think the back and forth competiton between Oz and the U.S. back in the day really moved the sport forward.   I think the Aussies completely won with cartoon Icons though.  Wilburn just can't hold a candle to Captian Goodvibes.  ha ha.

Solo, what is your agreement with McCoy for? Are you licensed to sell his boards in the US? Are you licensed to make copies of his designs? Why is there so much negative vibe? Why do you feel so inclined to have to speak for someone who seems to not want you to be doing so?

Funny you mention the pig thread Solo, as that board with the lightning bolt on the deck looks like my board,  and the lines on the bottom of the drawing looks like a dome or the makings of one.   Every one influences every one else with surfboard design, and if Geoff wasn't (influenced)  he wouldn't make thruster's as he doesn't like them.   Always a touchy subject the McCoy threads as any thing you say is seen as an attack on the man and not just pondering the merit of his designs.  I think the design and the man cannot be separated which is excellent marketing, that's for sure.!

Have fun. Go surf. communicate your stoke. Birds fly, pigs squeal Life goes on.

Solo, I asked because you get involved in every thread that has anything to do with the word McCoy or Nugget. I was reading through the industry talk board today and came across an interesting thread that had a photo of a cover letter from McCoy to you about an agreement, but the agreement was not there. Unfortunately that thread was locked even before I saw it.

I wasn’t trying to be negative at all. I just want to know the truth. Seems like I may have hit a nerve here. 

“There is no negative vibe that I can see on this thread other than by dip shits like yourself attempting to stir up trouble. You literally have no clue what you are talking about.  Piss off and don’t attempt to get this thread shut down.”

While most of your comments have been positive about McCoy boards, what you sell is not boards made by Geoff McCoy. It seems that your jumping in on all these threads is really about promoting more of your version of McCoy's designs. My brother has bought 2 boards from you and I've tried them. I don't like them, but that doesn't that mean I won't like a real McCoy. 

You have gone on and on about McCoy's boards, and that you have an agreement with Geoff McCoy. What is your agreement?