Official Lazy Person's Stupid Question Thread

Hayden- On the big flap, I would have glued that same piece back down with epoxy just on the flat spot not the edges. Idea is to get the flap down flat as possible

On the side seam, I would tape off the foam, dampen the crack, and use just enough GG to bridge the gap. Maybe apply horizontal and once it starts expanding set it up vertical so gravity helps pull the glue into the joint. Pull the tape before the glue sets. If it blows out past the foam trim neatly with a hacksaw blade after it sets hard. You could double tape it too, pulling the top tape off while glue is wet and the second tape after the glue is dried and trimmed.  Try it on an offcut first to see how it feels/works.

Use spackle on both of the above to fill in the little stuff. None of this is super ‘ideal’ but you’ll still end up with a board without throwing out the work so far.

Like I said;  interesting thread.

I’ll give the rash guard a try.  I won’t be shaving my body hair although it might be worth it to see the look on my wife’s face…Mike

  As an interisting piece of trivia,  Buzzy Trent used to shave his entire torso, front and back.     If he didn’t, he’d fur up like an Airdale Terrier.     Go ahead and shave, you’ll be in good company.

My first winter I had one of these…and nothing else.  I kept that beaver tail tucked!  Easy to get in and out of. The following winter I got a companiion “long john.”  What a classic set up. Like 1/4" thick too, two layers.


I’ve recently switched back to a back zip westsuit because of the difficulty getting in and out, for me it’s because of a bad shoulder.  I do get the cold drip of water back there despite the “gusset.”

Mike, My 7/5 hooded front zip is a pain to get on and off too. Up here in the dead of winter we have to get the cars running and the heaters going full tilt to melt the ice off the zippers before we can attempt to take them off.

Now one just popped up in my head…


Anyone ever played with pigment and vac infusion?

Hahha. Well if it’s good for Buzzy, then good for…Maybe if my body looked like Buzzy’s. He  had a body like a prize fighter. llilbel, what brand of wetsuit with the back zip if your still here? Mike

jrandy. After reading your response it occurs to me I should just quit my wining and complaining. Mike