photos....the "Chipper Files " ....

thanks to the ben e factor

for allowing me the wherewithall to do this …

cheers !


ahhh yes …SPRING has sprung !! …

fun fun fun !!! …

…the dashboard camera got put to use [thanks , 'ratso ’ !]

12 hours of surfing and sandblasting offshores can make your eyes red [and your brain turn to mush]…i ain’t complaining , but !

ro liked the blue fibreglass fins

welcome back ben , don/t stop posting, pete

Thank you for sharing the stoke

The more I work the more those little 45 min. sessions count.



thanks for those photos…

get that stoke flowing…

good to see you back. you were missed

hi Ben, i really enjoy sways but not all the sometimes bitchyness,your posts and yourself are just good so try and keep posting because you are missed and are needed to counter the balance ,

i think sways does sometimes feel like a comunity and people do try and help each other ,like you have done with your fins etc so it does come around as perhaps with your ben–e-- factor,

where did you live when you were a pom? and do you still think of yourself as english or a true aussie , pete

I don’t know why but seeing you back on Sways the world seems a nicer safer place . Don’t leave us again please .



that looks like heaven…

man i love your 4x4

have 2 get myself something like that when i can drive


THat is just classic.

Nice that you’ve surfaced again Chip.

…thanks for the kind words guys !

i hope to post some more photos [surprise surprise !!] on this thread from time to time.

current projects include kevlar inlay fins [thanks , daz !!] , a 5’ thruster from a snapped in half mal [already stripped and roughly templated] , and picking up a 6’4" gunther rohn thruster from the patient [?long-suffering?] ross at the longboard shop [where i am typing this on an onshore sunday morning]

 thanks to the guys who wrote to me in the last month , too, by the way ! be continued  [hopefully] ......

     cheers !


…22 fin panels to cut out and foil should keep me busy till christmas , too, i reckon ?!

beautiful pics. sweet camp site. wish I was there.

Hey Chip,

Those lonely waves in twilight…thats what its all about. The morning of the earth war’nt jus’ a marketing mans invention.

Surfing and our lives…

No matter how jacked off you get with crowds and on-shores, the adventure spirit of a surf trip will keep you alive…

(Besides, I had my first taste of pussy in a camp tent just like that…)


Good to see you back buddy!

Sways just got healed.

That surf trip is the perfect excuse for not being around lately.

Just got your letter mate. Cheers.

Chipper’s come home!

Welcome back Ben, I hope you can try and stick your head in here a bit more often. We all look forward to your photos and posts.

Nothing like pics of an Aussie surf trip to get your stoke up.


P.s. I love the shot of the guy on that head high righthander.

"where did you live when you were a pom? "

apparently i was born in ‘Croydon’ [wherever THAT may be !]

" and do you still think of yourself as english or a true aussie ?" pete

hiya pete !!

well, i came here [oz] in 1961

i was 6 months old

…? i guess that makes me an aussie ?

[i fnally got ‘naturalised’ [formal ceremony] in 1987 ?!]

…my folks only did that a coupla years ago …i guess they are more “brits” than me [considering they were here in their late thirties , when they got off the boat ]…



p.s. - i scored this [a waterproof digital camera] recently …

you have some really great keeper photos so far, and your campsite/waves, epic… love this thread!

might i say you have a certain resemblance to Skip Frye in the “self-portrait” in your hood/wetsuit… maybe its just the stoke factor???

great post

Good to hear from you again mate.

Being born in Croyden, Sorry to be the one to break the news some one has to tell you - I think that makes you a cockney mate, do you hever have strange cravings for pie mash and gravy?


[i fnally got ‘naturalised’ [formal ceremony] in 1987 ?!]

…my folks only did that a coupla years ago …i guess they are more “brits” than me [considering they were here in their late thirties , when they got off the boat ]…

That sounds painful, is that anything like being neurered? ; )

Chat soon.

My trip to CR Playa Hermosa (La Curva) in March 07’. Every morning was perfect conditions until 9-10 when the winds picked up. We scored waves like this all week. A trip to remember.