Pics of you riding your creations.

hey Ben,

I'm in the Bahamas for the holidays, visiting family and hopefully a little r&d on a new idea.. Australia would be brilliant... someday!


Happy Holidays!

cheers Royal !


  keep an eye out for dutchman Sjoerd  ['rasta'] from here too...


he is currently there , as well...


R and D , 


  nice inlay !


what size and fin setup is that board ?  


  ....and ...


 that looks a fun [if C O L D ?!] wave ,  to be doing your R and D on !


  cheers !



That wave looks really fun Billy!!!


Here’s me riding some longboards I shaped and glassed over the years…





great shots, I especially liked this one…

Thanks Huck.  I’m always stoked when I first take a board I made out into the water for the first time and I can paddle them…when they actually work like I want them to, well…that’s just icing on the cake!  ;)  I’m easily amused…

Thanks fins! That board is a 5’10 with a tri-fin setup…I ride mostly quads these days though.

And YES, that was  a REALLY cold but fun morning a few weeks ago!

cheers r and d !


  do you have a shot of the FINS , please  ? [you knew I'd ask , eh ? :) ]


 tenover ,


  GREAT stuff mate , love the watershots too !


  but ....


  doesn't the fin usually go at the BACK of the board ?  [jokes]



   cheers mate !

