Pics of you riding your creations.

Dredging this one back to the top…

I’m usually with the camera so there are very few pictures of me riding my boards. But a friend took a couple for my birthday, waves were small, but fun on the log anyway.

A few from this year.

Couple of my groms


My 5’9 exposed cork quad, in warmer times this past summer:

very cool - emma?

nice pics Mako and love the grom shots!  keep up the good work  =)

6’8" x 21.5 x 3" round tail quad

Pipe on a REALLY small day with a big tide swing. Only place breaking at that tide…though Stables and point picked up later when the tide dropped. Huck n Stingray, we still thinking of a spring sways ventura get-together?

I think that one got derailed, but hopefully you and I can get together for a surf before winter is over.  Love that longboard - I think my next wood board needs to be a longboard!

Here’s a few, my 5’-9" x 20.5" Tomo inspired shape.

10'0" Pigish Mexican Blanket ith D-Fin.

some real craftsmen on this thread! u guys are making some beautiful boards and putting them to work too! GHOST SHAPER you buried that rail like a champ bra! nice cuttie! mustve felt good!!!

MAKO 224 love the pics of your keiki!!

merry christmas u guys!


Ha awesome pic!, cant believe you can get waterproof ipads:) what will they think of next…

bored, sitting in the airport waiting for warmer water… here’s a couple from colder days…

scotland, 5’9" round pin Twinzer…




testing the 1st gen incut fish, Bossiney UK:



testing the 1st of my Ozzie NR…



dang, now where’s that plane…

merry xmas everyone!


...WHERE are you headed , 'Royal ' ??


AUSTRALIA ,  by any chance ?





thats actually a google nexus 10. consumer reports ranked it as good or better than the ipad in every criteria and is much much cheaper. the hard part was mounting the strap to the damned thing.

jeez, did anyone ever tell u that u could pass for cyril huddy's twin brother? merry xmas shark country!

6’0" Mini Simmons twin fin

dude - that is awesome!

Hey Makakilo, Cyril is quite a bit bigger. We grew up surfing SC in the 70’s.

Saw him about a month ago at Waikele. We were both having lunch at the Kunio restaurant with our families. It was nice to see him because he wanted to buy a board from my brother and they weren’t getting in touch. My brother was with us so, it was a good time to run into each other.

I have a cousin who’s family owned the green house in front of SC and he looks like Cyril’s twin brother. They are actually like clones, look the same and have the same personality.

Mele Kalikimaka, Aloha no.

Hi Makakilo:

Nice position!

Kind regards,
