Pics of you riding your creations.

[if you squint real hard , you might be able to make out the hockey stick shaped tip on the outside fin]



there were some empty waves , this morning .... nice !

( and a surprise , too, considering this was the first offshore day ....for a week ?!)






Sadly not as nice conditions as chippy, but it’s me riding my latest board.


When conditions are good, it is difficult to find a photographer here :frowning:

"  When conditions are good, it is difficult to find a photographer here :(   "



 YEP !  ( likewise here , usually ! ...)


  I was very lucky / blessed to have had my brother staying with me for a week here .


  After riding perfect Indo surf for the last month [including being on a boat in the Mentawaiis for a  month ?!] , he was quite happy to just sit on the beach and take these shots [these waves are NOTHING , compared to the stuff he has just been surfing !]


so , again ...thanks heaps , Simon ,  for taking these  piccies !


[normally , people say "if the surf is good , I'm not going to waste my time taking PHOTOS !" ]


 cheers Hans !



nice pics Chip!

good to see you on the other side of the lens for a change. =)

Hey Ben. Good to see someone getting shots of you - love the "pigdog" you've got going on there.

Here's a couple from a recent session on my 6'4" XPS Stubbie (quad set up on this particular day).


I know this is a pic thread, but I mostly surf alone, or sometime with my cousin (who takes photos when hes not surfing) so I have zero photos of me. However, my friends bought me a gopro as a wedding gift so I could share and get the my kook-on with the rest of whoever does or doesn't give a f*ck....

Please note if you are easily offended by poor/mediocre surfing don't click the link below.

Im "surfing" my 6'5"...and happy.

Ther'e something almost mesmerising about gopro footage shot from that perspective - something your brain isn't quite tuned to visualise maybe.

Good stuff retrothis. I was in Ireland 12 years ago now for about 2 weeks, but didn't get the chance to surf - although that didn't stop me checking every known surf spot along the coast as we travelled. Which break in Cork did you take the footage at ?



nice video Retrothis!

i’d like to use the same disclaimer for my first GoPro video:


Which break in Cork did you take the footage at ?




Many thanks RDM!

PM sent....(incase them hard charging locals get upset....and now that they've seen my


nice video Retrothis!


Please note if you are easily offended by poor/mediocre surfing don't click the link below.


i'd like to use the same disclaimer for my first GoPro video:



I actually stumbled onto your video on a gopro forum...I thought I recognized the screen name....

Then I thought to myself, man I must've did the whole copy and paste technique....the editing is very similar.

I'm looking for Ideas for a new pole rig to change up the filming angle. Cos most surfing gopro footie seems to be the good ole stick it on the nose and film...

Maybe a backback overhead pole rig....or a chase cam would be awesome :DD

yah, the “from the nose” shot gets old quick…

I built something out of PVC and tried it out Sunday. it didn’t work so well, i’ll post a picture of it. it was too cumbersome to try to surf with it and I ended up not getting any footage that was worth looking at. it would probably work well if I was just swimming with fins and shooting other people but, trying to surf with the thing was a joke… I am brainstorming a mount that would hold the camera up off the board about a foot and mount right on the tail. I’d like to get something sussed out before fall/winter so hopefully I can play with it in some better waves…

some of the footage that i’ve seen with the backpack “scorpion” setup looks pretty sweet!

what’s a “chase cam”?

have you seen some of Hodgeson’s videos on youtube? some of the shots with the camera mounted behind the rider look fantastic.


yah, the "from the nose" shot gets old quick...

I built something out of PVC and tried it out Sunday. it didn't work so well, i'll post a picture of it. it was too cumbersome to try to surf with it and I ended up not getting any footage that was worth looking at. it would probably work well if I was just swimming with fins and shooting other people but, trying to surf with the thing was a joke... I am brainstorming a mount that would hold the camera up off the board about a foot and mount right on the tail. I'd like to get something sussed out before fall/winter so hopefully I can play with it in some better waves...

some of the footage that i've seen with the backpack "scorpion" setup looks pretty sweet!

what's a "chase cam"?

have you seen some of Hodgeson's videos on youtube? some of the shots with the camera mounted behind the rider look fantastic."



...hiya Chris ! 

  if you're on 'Facebook'  [? ARE you ?] ,  check out Simon Chipper [my brother ] .... his photos ....He's got a fair few taken with the "go pro" camera , set up on a small pole ...yes , swimming , taking photos of OTHERS ...on reef breaks in Indo . I think the album is called "fish in a barrel" , from memory ?  if i can copy and paste it , i will [dunno if you have to be signed in as a "friend" to see them , though ? .....] 

  cheers mate ! 


here they beeee.....!/media/set/?set=a.417410516218.190296.736151218

hiya Chris !! are some go pro on pole shots [taken by my brother , Simon ] ... enjoy !!/media/set/?set=a.417410516218.190296.736151218


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I'll check back later Chipper, I'd love to see them.




nice video Retrothis!


Please note if you are easily offended by poor/mediocre surfing don't click the link below.


i'd like to use the same disclaimer for my first GoPro video:



I actually stumbled onto your video on a gopro forum...I thought I recognized the screen name....

Then I thought to myself, man I must've did the whole copy and paste technique....the editing is very similar.

I'm looking for Ideas for a new pole rig to change up the filming angle. Cos most surfing gopro footie seems to be the good ole stick it on the nose and film...

Maybe a backback overhead pole rig....or a chase cam would be awesome :DD


yah, the "from the nose" shot gets old quick...

I built something out of PVC and tried it out Sunday. it didn't work so well, i'll post a picture of it. it was too cumbersome to try to surf with it and I ended up not getting any footage that was worth looking at. it would probably work well if I was just swimming with fins and shooting other people but, trying to surf with the thing was a joke... I am brainstorming a mount that would hold the camera up off the board about a foot and mount right on the tail. I'd like to get something sussed out before fall/winter so hopefully I can play with it in some better waves...

some of the footage that i've seen with the backpack "scorpion" setup looks pretty sweet!

what's a "chase cam"?

have you seen some of Hodgeson's videos on youtube? some of the shots with the camera mounted behind the rider look fantastic.


aloha boys! theres a photographer from huntington beach named Mike Moir. did alot of killer stuff in the 70's-80's and is still shooting. he played with the pole cam for a number of years and still shots land stuff with it on occaison. he and i are facebook friends, i could put you in touch if you like? hes very friendly, approachable.


"quantity has a quality all its own."

Brian Conley (sp.?) does some pretty insane shit with that tail mount as well as jet ski whip-ins while simply holding the camera in one hand and pulling in to huge barrels. ive enclosed the most mental trailer youll ever see!



Makakilo, Great video, the only thing it's missing is the real sound. It would be great on IMAX or a big screen. Thanks for posting.

thanks Makakilo, I’ve watched that video I don’t know how many times!

so stoked!


what's a "chase cam"?

have you seen some of Hodgeson's videos on youtube? some of the shots with the camera mounted behind the rider look fantastic.



Hey Chris

Man  work was hectic, so only now getting time to reply. By "chase cam" I meant ewxactly what you are describing about tail mounted pole rig, so its like the camera is chasing you lol....

Will have a look at those vids when I get a chance....


Brian Conley (sp.?) does some pretty insane shit with that tail mount as well as jet ski whip-ins while simply holding the camera in one hand and pulling in to huge barrels. ive enclosed the most mental trailer youll ever see!





YEAAHHHH....thats what Im talking about!!! (S. Vettel 2010/2011)

Thanks makakilo....awsome footage....