Pics of you riding your creations.

[quote] huck, i know its a quote but not sure "whinging" is a word. but i know "whining" is.

im jussayin... [/quote]

Its the Aussie way of saying it - thought everyone knew that... since I saw it on Jeopardy LOL.

really? well i stand corrected! if its good enough for alex trebeck by god its good enough for me!

... So, this is the board belonging to Nathan , the third of the Three Amigos [staff] from Longboards Scarborough.  It's a  5'10" fish , that Ross [ "P-Co" , here ] shaped for him .

 Here he's  set it up as a slightly different quad ..... ( I caught a couple of waves on it ... the bonzer runners felt"squirty"  [ that's more of my high-tech talk , again] )







a clip of Nathan on above board...


 and , photos...





looks like the rear fins have more cant than the front fins?

yes , bonzer runners do ...

looks weird. im such a conservative fuddy-duddy when it comes to exotic bottom contours or fin configurations. been burned a few times. most recently by steve morgans (converter) bottom. what a piece of shit! pushed water like a front-end loader! so i tend to cling to my thrusters.

getting back to this 5'10"... what exactly makes it a "bonzer runner"? if i remember correctly, what i knew to be a "bonzer" was a board with sort of dimples on the bottom of the board. as i recall it was the willis bros. doing those in the late 80's?

hiya Mak !


 bonzers = Campbell Brothers


dimple bottom = different concept altogether !  And , maybe it was the Willis brothers that made those ? I don't know for sure ....


   bonzer runners ...LONG base , short depth , 22 ? degrees cant ,off the top of my head


  [no , I don't cant them off the top of my head ...they go on the bottom of the board , actually , as evidenced by the photos ]


  if you check out


there is some interesting stuff on bonzers there


okay , I hope you're getting waves , and loving life , big mak !


cheers !




[  I wonder how a couple of little bonzer runners would go on your hand boards , for bodysurfing ??]

good thread let’s keep it going… here’s one from Memorial Day in San Diego.


Red guns rule!


 I see it’s still chilly in SD…another 4/3 summer

06/05/11 2-4’ peaks with some bowls. glassy and consistant. pretty small but still fun.

this was my first time using the GoPro. i have since bought some RainX for it so hopefully that will help with the water droplets.

i’m riding my most recent board… 6’ x 19 x 2 1/2" with a poor imitation of GG’s 5 fin setup. Keith Melville just gave me 3 trailers that

were smaller than what i was using and the board goes MUCH better, looser and quicker. thanks Keith!


The first board I ever made was a 5'9" fish. Fun board that really got me stoked on shaping. These are the only pictures I have of me surfing on it, but I thought share anyway. 

5'10" HP Quad shaped for my trip to Peru on 2009 and ridden for the first time at goes fast.

Nother wave


Nother wave


6'6" alaia shaped for this trip and ridden for the first time at goes fast also.

Last winter south of equator in front of the casa. 62 yrs old on one of my 8’ long too wide too thick can’t possibly work specials.

Hi Ace,

You were in the OB shop when I picked up the blank for my board, pictured above. I had ordererd the Ice9 fish blank with custom rocker (more rocker) in the nose and tail to make my quad fish a HP quad fish. You looked at me like I was an idiot. But then we talked about what I was shaping and you looked at me like I was slightly less of an idiot. Good times!


The board worked out pretty well though.

‘‘You looked at me like I was an idiot. But then we talked about what I
was shaping and you looked at me like I was slightly less of an idiot’’

Thanks? Your welcome!? Just kidding. Glad the board work well for you. I am no longer at any "surf shop’’ guess they got tired of me making the customers feel like “idiots”. Not my intentions, I guess I am just missunderstood…

If you need blanks let me know might still be able to help out.

No worries Ace, we have spoken numerous times back when you were in the shop about board design, blanks, etc. and, after your initial skepticism and general grumpiness wore off, we always had good conversations that were meaningful to me. I always came away with a ferw little nuggets of knowledge that have helped my shaping.

Hey Ace,  I’m at the point in my life where’s I’m much more inspired seeing photos of older guys stylin’ than the young uns doing their twirly birds…thanks for the photos…looks like you’re having a good time!

I am at the stage of my life where I am just fine with uncrowded warm waist to chest high  zippers. Fun is the only game in town. My “glory days” are behind me.

Here I am same geographic location a few miles south 34 years ago. Still riding my own creations.

Crappy picture GOOOD wave. Long before this placed turned into a complete zoo.

6'11" Richie West thruster

hockey stick fins [modified fcs 'M7'  templates]



me , surfing at my best .... [photo : SIMON Chipper ...cheers , mate !]