Pics of...

What do you guys think of putting pics of your shaping bays so we can get some new ideas and see what everyones setup is?

Just a thought.

I think thats a tops idea. Only I dont have a bay.

Me to, just be kicked out of mine due to a strange toxic smell

Go check your garage. Cause that is what mine looks like.

Seriously though there is another thread with Cabeto’s rather nice shaping room featured. Go find it man!!!


Check The Pic On The Attachment.

I would hardly call mine a shaping bay but its where I shape in and Im 13 so it works for me.

Whats in it?

  1. Single Fin: i just reglassed but cause i dont have stands i turned over the board to do the other bottom and the table the deck was on stuffed up all my resin. Im gonna buy some stands.

  2. PowerPlaner: what i use to shape. its a Mini Power Planer so I can handle the size.

  3. Drill Sander: what i use to sand.

  4. Jigsaw: for making fins.

  5. Bucket of Resin: for glassing.

  6. Assorted paintbrushes, sanding blocks etc. under all the power tools.

So there you have it my shaping bay/place.

Happy Surfing.


Yeah, it’s a little “ghetto”, but it sure gets the job done! This is everything I keep outside…What you don’t see is all my power tools, resins, etc…John (sohaole) and I have so far shaped 6 boards here and have no complaints. And yeah, I know the lights aren’t placed at the “optimal” positions, but hey, it’s better than nothing!

Right, here’s my setup. Roy

Ha! that’s classic Roy…

Yeah it is, except for when it rains! I notice a lawnmower in your shaping bay, and no grass, just sand. Didn’t you know that shaping with a lawnmower is a toxic petrol fume experience? :wink:

We’ve been using the mower to skin our blanks. If one guy holds the front, and another gets on a ladder and pushes the handle, it works pretty good. We’re stuck with 2" cuts, but it seems to work better than my Black & Decker planer.

i’m divor. and i have the house…sooooo… my living room is my shaping room. those dark painted walls she had done last year really show up the contours and lines really well. and the dimmable recessed lighting helps. but best of all the tile floors sweep up in a second and the air-cond. can’t be beat in the summer! best decision i ever made. i wouldn’t be surfing or shaping today if i hadn’t made it.

i have a house and a computer yeahhhhhhhhh.

Here’s my setup…

always being enhanced…

Pretty slamma jamma…

My portable shaping bay… I live in an apartment in LA. I am just starting my first board. So far so good!

You guys (and girls?) rock!


I’m in the garage and it works out pretty good until it’s time to glass, then the wife starts getting on me to move out to the shed.

I shaped about 1/4 of a board in my garage before my wife came out and went apesh!t…I forgot that the washer, dryer, and laundry were out there too… :wink: I’m lucky that our house has a side yard that was already filled with sand, it’s perfect (for me).


I’m in the garage and it works out pretty good until it’s time to glass, then the wife starts getting on me to move out to the shed.

More of a reason to go to epoxy :slight_smile:

Here is my setup. I am 16 and live on orange county. I was lucky enough and my parents gave me a little less than one half of the part of the 1 car garage(out of 3). I got resin all over the floor becuase i never got plastic so i just used newspaper instead. Dad is pretty mad about that. The 2 boards are my most recent shapes. The one on a rack hanging on the wall is a Mayhem that i snapped.

Hey Bocaj!

I just moved to the L.A. area and would love to shape/talk about shaping with someone. Hit me up with an email, , we should get up sometime for a surf or to shape.



here is a picture of the annex to my shapingroom…I call it the fruits and development center.