Pier board

The use of clear casting resin, to fill your surface voids, is a good solution. Consider sealing the surfaces of the voids with CA glue, prior to applying the casting resin. Overall, it’s quite a project.

Did you weigh it after shaping?

Cracked it, chambered and glued back together.

Didn’t take any chambering photos but any interested parties can pull up my old threads and see my process. This one only took 6 hours to chamber haha. So fun haha.

Down to 28 lbs.

I’d guess when the filling and glassing is done I’ll be about 32lbs.

Weight was never really a concern but the blank was 45lbs before chambers. All the knots in the wood made it a bit of a chalk to chamber as I didn’t want to cut into them so I was unable to take out as much material as I normally would.

Bill - CA glue on the voids may be the call. Good to seal them up.

Nice work!!!

I like that you’ve preserved much of the patina of the old lumber.
Cool project.

New school- thanks

Finished shaping and started to fill. Had some knots leak so I did a good basting of up cure and flashed it before filling with clear casting resin. Worked good.

Then I sanded and sprayed with sealer to check for scratches.

I’ll do one more fill/sand/seal and then start glassing.

Still not sure what I’m gonna do for fins.

I just visited the pier a few days ago and saw some of the old timbers that were stacked. I could see by your photos you had a big job but seriously… I had no idea what you were up against! Great job!!

John - yeah the wood is pretty rough haha. Hope your at the camp out. I’ll bring it down, should be pretty close to finished.

It’s definitely gonna be more art than function but so far I am pretty happy with how things are turning out

I’m actually building two more after this one and see how strong this one is I’m gonna do a lot more chambering on those ones to get them under 25 lbs finished. Not that I didn’t do a lot on this one but I now know I could have done more.

I saw your boards at Plaskett last year. I’m sure this one will be beautiful as well.

Are you going to glass with cloth?

Mark - thanks! Really want to see that red board!

Monk - gonna glass with 4oz. Will help to fill in a bit of the grain warble (is that a thing). With so much grain change it’s been fun keeping it dead flat.

[Quote]At its most basic, wood grain is the variable density of the concentric growth rings caused by seasonal changes, moisture availability and growth environment.

Not uncommon to fight the grain on a wood board. Density varies widely. I seal coat the whole board, then sand most the sealed surface off, sometimes several times, before glassing. The resin impregnated wood surface is much more uniform in density.

Huck - that seems to be the ticket.

I’ve had to do about 5 rounds of fill on both sides.

I’ll do one last skim/fill sand flat and glass.

Could have made 5 foam boards by now with all this void filling haha.

Have I been seeing this same board posted on instagram? When you’re doing the fill, is it straight resin or are you adding any glass/filler?

Monk - I post some aspects of my builds on instagram.

If you follow me or boardporn then yes.

Fills were done by giving a good wipe down with uv resin to seal the wood and then I used clear casting resin on the big voids. I want to be able to see the big voids knots and blowouts.

Yes that is Doug Fir. Not doubt. Lowel

Boardporn, that’s it!

Wow. Been out of the loop and see this. Awesome project. Great skills. Great mentor? Anyway, cedar has a sweet smell. Redwood smells like redwood. Mike

Thanks mike - I’ve been taught a lot of things by many people, some I’ve worked closely with (Bill T, Terry Senate, kazuma has given me some good direction on repetition and measurements - the archives) others I just understand they are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to clean and amazing builds (Gene Cooper, Roger Hinds, Jim philips to name a few), so I study their work (sometimes ask a question or two) and try to push myself and still others may know less than me but there is always something to learn. My builds at this point almost always have flaws (including this build) but I’m always trying to do something more and do it cleaner.

I think the words “self taught” are bogus. I got nothing if it wasn’t for other, directly or indirectly teaching me. At the end of it all, I hope that the people who shared their time with me don’t see it as a waste.

I still have a long way to go and so much to learn.

On a side note I made a little progress today haha.

Laminated the bottom and deck and hot coated the deck.
