PINK resin tint ??

My secret: I ordered a RED tint.  I still call it my “red board”, but everyone laughs at me.[img_assist|nid=1058382|title=It's red, ok|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=427]  (Actually, in this pic it almost does look red, but its not really…)

this guy was ADAMANT , " it's RED mate , not PINK !!" 


...whatever !! [I might be colour-blind anyway , I've never been tested for that ?]


  ...... some hues are borderline , but who CARES , eh ? [matches my sunburn , matches my jocks , matches my blood  , " matches 'P.T's board "...does it really MATTER , in the long run ?  IF the board works well, and you are happy with it , ta dah ! ....maagicc !!]

 'Young Sir Josh ' [ / 'kickten' , who used to post here] is a hairdresser , rides a pink mal ....   yeah yeah , he copped all the 'USUAL' homophobe crap from his mates ?!


  Then , when he got  bigger , he went out and 'ripped all over their heads' [to quote old Lee] ,


  Guess what ??


    Now ,  THEY come snivelling to HIM ,  'MAAAAATE ... can I please  have a go on your board ? '  , etc ....


    hahahah's THEIR chances , you reckon ?!




 And now , the punchline ...


  Our Josh gets ALL the chicks [ and his mates ? well , they have each other , I guess ....]


moral ? there one ?


  well, maybe , something like .....



........'NEVER underestimate the power of being yourself / different / an individual'   [tick whichever one describes you]


maybe she(whitney) knows peta ?


I like pink, but not on my nails.


Tim, Tim, Tim…  What happened to carrot orange???  Ha!