play a dirge...

And Huck, thx for taking care of the heavy lifting here. We do appreciate it. 

It’s mostly the old folks that cause all the problems.  Instead of guys threatening to leave if you don’t do it their way or start wacky sandpaper threads;  A ban on anyone over age fifty should take care of it.  I believe your “problem child” would fit that guideline.  Problems solved.    Lowel

I’d love to read a “how to build a sanding block” thread by Bill. And i’m sure I’m not alone. We need some laughing now and then, after all.

Private warning, then a 30-day time out.  I’m feeling magnaninmous: allow this 2 times.  On the 3rd egregious offense, ban.

I’m curious, is there a programming feature that blocks a user’s IP address, or how do you ensure that they don’t just register a new user name?

     I’m sure there is.      He who shall not be named, made sure  by refusing to go away, that all the rat holes in the system were filled.


“I just ignore him.”

We could all learn from Greg Tate here.

that’s funny, this is what i’m teachin my SIX YEAR OLD.

supposedly, we are all adults.

you can’t punish or ban someone for being annoying.

otherwise, where do we draw the line?

it’s REALLY easy to ignore someone. it’s a simple choice.

I would really like to say what I feel about this subject but that would open me up to a whole lot of abuse , and that is fair enough we all have the right to say what we believe and I am sure others would not share my opinion just as I dont share theirs ,   so I am speaking for only myself here when I say . …  MR SHAPEAHOLIC PLEASE GO AWAY AND DONT COME BACK .  THANK YOU …

I have to come to the defense of Shapaholic. Yes he can be annoying and seems to ask fro advice then do and say the oposit.  on the other hand behind that seems to be a lot of stoke. The board he did wasn’t all that bad. If things get weird with him I simply ignore him. nbsp;

keep in mind this isn’t about saving lives or the planet or anything that will change this world for the better or worse. We are talking about building better toys to go play in the Ocean.

i still feel like folks should ignore who they don’t like.

that said, on Huck’s advice, i have perused the errors and bugs threads.

seems like Shapaholic has derailed countless threads…

i’m gonna shoot a message to Paler and see what he wants to do about it.

private message to Paler has been sent.

in the meantime, those of you calling for Shapaholic’s ban, can you PM me specific instances of RULE breakage?

i see some antagonistic posts but am failing to find clear cut rule breakage.

Seems to me if you get enough complaints about about certain characters then the moderators have a case

I like the  warning, 30 day, out…

Exactly the point.

On the erBB CWB and Stuart Lanning never broke any rules per se and they were kicked out for just disrupting the forum from operating normally.  TMZ/Astrodeck actually broke rules but that was only after he annoyed the shit out of people and got a bunch of handles banned.  Then, due to actually f’ing with the code he got IP banned.

Its less about rules and more about website viability. I don’t care if the rules get broken as much as ruining the website for others.

If at any given time you only have an average of seven users logged on, while your competitor Surfer BB has seventy, something is wrong.

Not to return to Huck’s original topic or anything like that…

What happened to Quiver? Is it being discontinued (site still seems live?) or just become functionally defunct due to the egregious and continous spam comments? I know I stopped posting boards there because I was already getting enough weird ESL spam comments on what I already posted.

I think it was a cool idea…any way to just turn off the comment mechanism instead of killing the site?


On the sideshow…the one of the most enjoyable forums I participate in ( is pretty heavily moderated…and I don’t mind it at all, most of the time (it is a particularly interesting contrast to another forum, Practical Machinist, which often overlaps topic-wise, but also disintegrates into flame wars too regularly). Things generally stay on topic, remain useful and generally friendly, despite a fairly diverse group of users. I’ve excerpted their forum rules…they seem harsh (and hell, I’ve been on the wrong side of them occasionally), but in the end it makes for a more useful forum. The moderators work really hard there.

Your OWWM Membership:

Your membership here is a privilege and not a right. As a member you agree to abide by all the rules of the OWWM Forums. Your membership can be temporarily suspended or revoked at any time for any reason as determined by the site administrators. Excessive rule breaking or egregious offenses will result in a full banning.


Do not post about religion.


Do not post about politics.


Do not post about sex.

Divisive Topics:

Do not post topics that push people’s buttons. Remember, not everyone shares your opinions. If in doubt forward your text to a moderator for review.


No member will berate, belittle, bad mouth, criticize, decry, depreciate, deride, derogate, denigrate, diminish, discount, discredit, disparage, dispraise, downgrade, downplay, dump on, flame, knock, lower, minimize, pan, poo-poo, poor mouth, put down, rap, rip, roast, run down, scoff at, scorch, scorn, slam, smear, sneer at, take down, tear down, underestimate, underrate, under value or write off any member or their machines.


Do not air your dirty laundry here.


Do not post rants.

Loop Holes:

Do not explore loop holes to get around any rules listed here.

Bad Advice:

In the event that you see dangerous or harmful advice given on these forums it is your responsibility to flag the post (triangular button with the exclamation (!) mark) to make a moderator or administrator aware of the posting. Members who post dangerous or harmful advice will be contacted by an administrator and told to stop. Failure to stop these postings will result in removal as a member. This removal will be without recourse.


In the event that you are unsure of compliance contact a moderator or administrator. The adage, “better to ask forgiveness than permission”, doesn’t apply here.

If you guys can’t post about any of that stuff what do you post about?


Perhaps best to start with a private message exchange, Mod to Shopkid, and take it from there.

And Shopkid, have little doubt you’re following this thread, fairly sure you follow each and every one judging by how many you jump onto.

Ask your why you’re currently in this position.  Don’t blame any other member on Sway’s, no one has set you up, there has been no secret meetings of the Black Tribunal.

Just look in a mirror, that is who is responsible.  Probably not the first time you’ve heard this.

So why not make it easy on everyone, us and you included.  When you write something, before you post it, actually read what you just wrote.

See if you can make it about the thread, not about the thoughts racing around your head, just the thread.

And if what you wrote is over 4 or 5 sentences, trim it back until it is.

In your case, less will be more.


i’ve had PMs with him stating pretty much what you just said Icc.

i’ve also told him to ignore those who take shots at him. and, some folks DO take shots at him.

either way, imo it’s a common denominator issue now… what/who is the common denominator?

but, since there has been no clear cut rule breakage, i am deferring to Paler.

hoping to get a response from him soon.

How about anything goes in errors and bugs from sports to rants to politics to religion.  What happens in errors and bugs stays in errors and bugs.  Bring it or any nastiness or trolling into the general discussion furum and you are banned.