play a dirge...

I occasionally visit a music instrument building site and none of this nonsense goes on there.  Everyone is polite and cordial.  You must post by your real name, the moderators are active and remind people of the correct place to post certain topics.  There is no rudeness, bashing or ill feelings.  The place is a bit stiff.  Sways is a bit too loose in regards to what it allows, but after all we are surfers and somewhat rebels.  Shapeaholic has gotten way too many posts about his negative, annoying know it all attitude and perhaps the moderators should step in.  I tend to ignore those that I don’t like, and maybe others should do the same.  One would think that after so many complaints he would just go away, but he is a reflection of the direction that our world is taking.  This use to be a great place to discuss board building.  Let’s get it back on track and stop discussing a person.

Back in the olden days Swaylock’s had a thing called “Photo Archives”. When you posted your board it would stay on the home page until someone else posted a board. There was a little counter that said how many hits your entry got. The first time one of my boards went past 600 hits I was super stoked! Never liked Quiver but I can’t bad mouth the site for trying to expand. I don’t mind the paid adds, dump the classified section and bring back Photo Archive.

I don’t like Stoneburner and I’ve told him to pound sand more than once…But like Chris says…no one is forcing me to read his stuff… so for the sake of Share The Stoke I just try to ignore people that I don’t like. Most people bashing ShapeGuy have broke the rules…but I don’t really care…I  took a long time out…

…to easy to get uptight about building toys? weird


Go surfing…have fun…Stingray


You really stay up on this $#!t. I’m impressed. L

You don’t have to worry! I’m leaving like just about everyone who had any sense. Sorry for not being part of the " buddy system ", and surfing every single day and glassing my own boards to be part of it all…sorry -Bill -T for my Taboo mods to my skil planer…that made you post some VERY RUDE comments. Good luck shaping to those who don’t mind a laugh or two. T c. To the haters: relax, laugh a little, and don’t be taking things too personal. Bye!

You have written people off for less Shap.

Thats the thing, you let loose on people as you please about whatever you please.

Then when anyone says anything back or gives you advice you either disregard it or pull the bully card.

Sometimes you simply do not need to comment or post here, sometimes like you have been told by countless members, it is better and more benneficial to simply READ and ABSORB what is written here.

Those saying to ignore annoying posts etc…

There have been days where there are upto 5 separate threads on the first page of general discussion, ALL posted by the same poster,ALL about either ,the same board, tips on how to do pretty much every step of the shaping process and tips on how to use tools that the poster has discovered…

And the poster bumps these rediculous threads up to the top of the page hourly…

Pushing valuble, informative, and benneficial threads to the bottom or sometimes two pages deep.

I will admit that lately i have been biting, but as i said in another thread, if this poster can make such a mockery of the site,intentionally or not, then it’s either make fun of the situation or call it a day.

Cheers to the guys who do share thier knowledge and take the time to help out.


You are relentless in assigning blame to others, for the concequences of your own actions, I’ll give you that.       It should come as no surprise to you, that if you get in someones face with attitude, you’re going to get  attitude right back.      And you were ‘‘only trying to help.’’         Yes, you will be missed.


I have been following this thread…very interesting.

Have been a member of Sways for a long time. BUT very rarely post here. WHY, well last time I did I copped flack from a certain member (Mr S.Ray) about being a rep for a certain product (which I wasn’t), then he checked out my profile etc. and still went on with S%it.

Only stopped when one of the more senior memebers (Herb S) told him “don’t be that guy”!

I have been shaping for over 20 years, not long for some (all my respect to them), but still think I have a little to offer to the new guys.

What I’m trying to get at is that there will always be someone that you don’t agree with, or that is super enthusiastic (can sometimes be taken the wrong way), but aren’t we here all for the same reason. We all enjoy making toys that make people happy!

We were all that new guy that had no idea once. We all had to ask questions. My ultimate thanks goes to Mike Paler for starting this site.

And as my brother Fins Out says, cheers to the guys that share.

Thanks to ChrisP for stepping up.

Gill - sorry to hear it, and hope we hear more from you in the future.  Herb S was a positive force here in many ways, unfortunately I think he’s shaping less and posting less these days.

FinsOut - love your new avatar.  

cyclo-x thanks for the insight.  BTW I have volunteered to delete spam on quiver numerous times, so far no go (its separate from the forum).  I think quiver has great potential, I still like perusing the boards, but less and less as the spam just proliferates.  Kinda shows what the forum would be like without moderators deleting that stuff.

To the guys who vented on this thread - I have come to the conclusion that sometimes people who love the site for the resource it can be, get frustrated with the many ways it gets de-railed from its purpose, and have to vent.  I get that.  Thanks to the guys who care enough to vent in a constructive way, with the goal of making it better, and not just complaining, criticizing and attacking the ones you blame.  

Swaylocks ain’t what it used to be, so they tell me.  But look around, the world we live in ain’t what it used to be either.  Sways is still a great resource, and everyone of us can make it better / more positive, one post at a time!  

Well said Huck.

Take a break, Shape, and try to use this incident as a growth opportunity to come back in a better personal space.

 Because this isn’t about you vs. Swaylocks, it’s about you vs. yourself,

and understanding a core principal that applies to both surfing and life in general.

show respect, get respect.



I hope he heeds your advice Icc.
Your post is right on imo.

We may never know…, what exactly was in the green box?

So I pissed you off ten years ago and sent you to Lurker Land for the Rest Of Your Life ???   Really?  It’s OK if you think I’m an Ass Hole…Lots of people feel that way…The more post I see from SurfDing the more I like him…Independent guy…I have quite a few friends that do not like Bill T…I like Bill…whatever… Ghettorat called me ThinSkinRay…I did not like that…3 weeks latter we were surfing together like we’ve known each other our whole lives… egos clash…chests bulge…for what? …pool toys…

White , upthight , and out of sight !!!                       Go surfing


I smoked all the stuff in the green box…Heavy shit man.

I think that green box is just for the unmodified Hitachi “pp” that featured in 43 separate threads a couple of months ago and was the ducks nuts!

It has since been shunned for the new “modified” skil “pp”


55 posts .


 make shapea holic a moderator

dont give anybody a warning or 

a time out,make em a moderator

and publish their phone numbers ,home and mobile.

swaylaholix anonymous…?

twelve steps…

computer webforum rehab

kick the habit,try six months off,

it will change your life.


ro got kicked 

he just sold a board for a million bucks

talk about a suckcess story.

I cherish the comments I made to roy in the heat of debate.

If I met him in the supermarket wearing his helmet

I would give him a good hearted horselaugh.

there are some others I would hold a grudge forever.

The forum is over moderated . Too many threads about whats wrong , has created something that’s wrong… The first few years I was here , I didn’t know who the moderators were , but they were all doing the job pretty good , I thought . Some alien form of online political correctness has snuck in the back door while no one was watching. Real stoke has been diluted down to half strength stoke , and sold in bulk at a cheap price . Someone has developed a formula to create synthetic stoke , and is flooding the market with the stuff…those that still have some real stoke , should use it wisely.