Please Critique my first brd file

I couldn’t figure out how to change the brd to txt like the thread here suggested. So its on my dropbox here;

Direct link.

Please Critique it. Don’t be afraid to hurt my feelings this is my first go at a self made brd. I used boardcad since aku is weird to me…

If it looks like its a good board im going to build it. The idea would be one single fin in a fin box, and 2 Bilateral side fins (one on each side with something like 1/4inch toe in and 4deg cant

… Sound like it would work?

I really appreciate the input!

Looks like a fun board.  Don’t change a thing.  2+1 fin set-ups are ideal for that kind of shape.  I would install a long center box and spend some time fine tuning the fins.  I’d also drop the rails in the nose so it could be nose ridden more easily.

4 1/4" NR and 2 7/16" TR sound just about right.

Shoot, the more I look at it, the more I like it.

Easier to save a screenshot as an image file and have users download that.  For some reason your .brd file locked up my computer 3 times whilst trying to read it.  


With respect to your design, it looks (TO ME) like you have a bump in tail section and a flat spot just ahead of center due to the “ears” on your nose section.  


only thing I would look at is … only 2" thick?

I’m guessing that you aren’t going to cut this file to make the board.  Your just using the program to pre-build the board to see how it will look.  If that is correct and you will be using the “create outline” to make a template, use the horizontal line tool that is listed under the show/hide tab.  You have a dip in the center of the outline.  If you check the curve against the horizontal line you’ll see the dip.  Also you’ve got a slight break in the curve near the tail.  

An easy way to check the flow of curves is to zoom into an area with the zoom tool.  To make incremental changes change the point movement size to 0.1mm, highlight one of the nodes that control the curve and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to alter the curves slowly.  

Once you feel that the outlline is clean you can place your design into the 3d bay and check the flow of the rocker, rail, thickness, etc.  By placing the design into the shaping bay you can easily zoom, flip, and analyze the board from just about any angle.  It will also show any weird bumps or flat spots.  

If your just screwing around with the program and aren’t going to use it for an outline then forget everything I said, build the board and ride it.  The big wing at the tail is going to really loosen up the board.

Looks fun to me, but then again, they all look fun to me. I just wish I got to ride them more.

As far as the outline goes, I find I get smoother curves with fewer points. I’d probably delete that point along the rail behind the bump and see if you can still get the shape you want. That way you won’t have to worry as much about flat spots.

I’d also play around with the red point on the rail. It looks to me like there is a slight inflection between the wide point and the nose. If you pull the red point back towards the wide point a teensy bit you might smooth it out.

That said, if you’ve got the skills to have to worry about such small details as that, you don’t need my advice. the first board I made is a complete mess with bumps and flat spots up and down the rails but its still one of my favorite boards to ride. just build it and have fun riding it.


on second thought, I might mess with the yellow point on the nose instead of the red point on the rail. it looks like it hangs slightly below the wide point, which I think makes that point of inflection on the rail inevitable.

as I said before; just build it and have fun.

Hey all! Thanks for the advice, Yes I am not going to be cutting this board (I presume you mean CNC cutting etc…) this will be a hollow chambered wood board that Im going to trytouse hollow board template maker (program) to print the ribs etc… 


This is the board I am trying to emulate pictured below…

7’ 9" x 22" x 2 13/16  


I looooooved how this board worked!


I will print this thread out and fool around with the file again in boardcad to work some of the inconsistencies out, I had not even noticed there was a flat spot or bump but this is literally the first time I ve used boardcad with any intent of purpose . No idea what Im doing just experimenting!


I really want this to be my next board though!



What do you think they did as fas as toe-in on the side fins? now that I look at the pic again it looks maybe more like 1/2" toe in instead of 1/4 inch?


Is there a typical set of numbers that works best with this type of board (by the way what type would you call this…funboard?)


Thank you all so very much for your input! keep it coming!


okay i tinkered a bit and changed some things around… had to start from scratch because I was also experiencing the cpu freezing stuff every time i tried to render any model. no idea why it did that… maybe a java hiccup… in any case, what do you think of the changes (or can you even notice any?)


One thing I noticed is that in the shaping bay, the wings on the tail create a bit of a dip, is that the flat spot you were all talking about? is there a way to fix that or will it really matter?


Im going to be using this template to make a HWS using frames and cedar etc… I noticed that boardcad has an option to print hws frames, does anyone know anything about that or should i use hollowboard template maker?


Whats the best way to go from file to frames?


Here is the dropbox link for the .brd again:




Also…For the fin placement, based on the above photo how much toe-in for the side fins would be sufficient? it looks like they are using a little more than the 1/4in toe-in I was originally thinking about…


Thank you all for your help! I really appreciate it!


I think you might like it with a little bit less wing for a RPT.  Might try a deep bump more than such a deep wing.  The combo board with a wing pin will ride stiff. You need to either narrow the board down in the last 1/4, or widen the tail slighty in the last 1/5, but the idea will work fine.


And it looks like you have a Mr. Peanut shape going on. pick a wide point and stay with it. My recommendation, narrow the back half or quadrant 2, the area with the shade.  Make it organic, don’t force it.

Whats RPT stand for? pardon my nubility. 

I will probably opt for narrowing the board down in the last 1/4.

i dont see the Mr. Peanut shape reference you are talking about, do you mean one part or the whole board when looking from above?


I love tinkering with this stuff! I am determined to learn this ! Please keep the honest feedback coming! I greatly appreciate it!

Its your blue mid way point. You have a pronounced  flat spot in your shape slightly ahead of your wide point. RPT is the term for Round Pin Tail.


Aha! i see what you were talking about now! I think I need glasses or something but thank you so much for pointing that out!! Will fix it!!


Thank youuuuu!

hws with ribs is different from hollow chambered, just saying

Hollow chambered would be like what people do when they get a fat piece of balsa and then mill out chambers in it to make it hollow and then glue it all back up …correct??


and then hws with ribs…is what i do with the frame…


correct me if Im wrong! :slight_smile:


Yeah sorry I just noticed in post 9 u said hollow chambered with ribs so that’s why I was clarifying hollow chambered doesn’t have ribs


Yeah That would be my noob mistake :slight_smile: I appreciate the clarification. I think I was thinking of chambered as in each space between the ribs being a chamber. I love the wealth of knowledge here! 

see below

Does this look any better???