plywood chambered board

Its been a long cold winter here in New jersey, and my dad’s shop has been too cold to finish my hollow board …so out of boardum i decided to try and make a blank out of old construction plywood A friend gave me from house. I originally wanted to make skate ramps with it but so far i like this better. here are some pictures…

this part took forever and 2 bottles of gorilla glue

Hi Ken,

          Why don't you Stick your board to a sled' parallel to the centre line that way you can push it through the saw without any hassle.Use a piece of 3/4" shuttering or similar say 2ft wide ,centre a line stick board to top on centre line and away you go .If your all parallel you only need to set the saw fence twice to cut the board into the five pieces for chambering.Add your stringers to suite blade dims' and you should have exactly the same size board without trimming your finger nails!

                            Hope you catch my drift p.m.if you need more.



drawing the template on…


now thats gonna look trippy when its done

Man, seeing this makes me think I wasted my winter down time.

How are you going to “chamber” it?  Looks like you glued everything together tight…or it it glued up loosely every few plys?

yeh i glued everything real solid, but i was gonna try running it through a table saw into 5-6" strips and then glueing back together. im only worried about the width of the saw blade being too much and messing up the shape. but if anyone has any better ideas i would be open to them


After seeing a plywood sculpture I started to make a fish like that. But I got side tracked when I broke some boards and needed to make some HP ones.

Modern Art Board!

Carefully and slowly part a couple of glue joints with a 2" wood chisel.  Work your way along the joint all the way around the board a little at a time.  Good luck.

Nice work ,I would try to snap a line down the center and carefully rip it with your table saw (watch your fingers) then run it through a jointer so you you can have a square piece to work with.  what you loose from cutting  or the kerf of the blade you can replace with a solid stringer??? I look forward to your progress.  Rockfish

ya like rockfish said


replace the cuts with a nice wood stringer/s

Just cut it into pieces with a jig saw. It doesn’t matter if you wobble a bit because the same pieces are going back together. With all the lines from the plywood you wont see the new glue joints.

thanks for all the input…hopefully i will have pictures of the board sliced to show soon

oh man i’m lovin’ the “grain” hmmm will probably try this approach if i can’t get me the right cuts for a solid alaia

looking forward to your next pics, f’dog



Like Rockfish said..Pop a string line from the buttcrack to the tip of the nose.. then split those sections one more time. ..Jointer will straighted out the wiggles... add three stringer which will set off all those crazy wood grains you have going on. .How much rocker did you get in the nose? Cool project!

Excellent from my perspective. I’d probably table saw or jig saw it but another option is leaving the rails flat and grabbing a chunky long drill bit or two and plunging in to the stringer, then cap the perimeter when your done. Might not want too much caffeine in your system though.

Have fun n keep the pics coming.

ps I bet we will be seeing a few more of these.

hey mudybech, i used a template i got from akushaper for my rocker and it isnt too steep on the nose…ill put a picture of a sideways view up so you can see it

today I worked on the board and was putting some wood fill in all the air pockets in the plywood, because it was low grade ply there were alot of cracks and air pockets…now im just waiting for it to dry so i can sand it

heres a nice rail shot

Clamp a straight edge to it,cut it with a good skillsaw like a makita.Offset the straight edge so that the saw table can use it as a guide.Put a good blade on the saw like a Diablo or a Dewalt.Check the saw table with a square and make sure it is square with the blade and not cutting on some sort of bevel.

Jigsaws do not cut true and square,if they hit a hardspot in the wood the blade will bend and cut on a bevel,you might get a straight cut on one side of the board but not so much on the other.As far as the table saw I have no idea how you would feed a rockerd board with a cur ved outline through a tablesaw,if somebody does this pleas video it so I can learn something new…or LMFAO.

I hate jigsaws. Use the yellow machine then the orange tool. Next time glue with strips of paper between here and there and you can break it over your knee. JK don't try that knee part.


Two screws through piece a of plywood into your centerline. Start bandsawing off pieces from the outsides. You will be cutting through the blank and the ply wood. You might put some shims between the ply and the board to keep it stable. Then remove the screws from the middle for the center cut as you won't need them anymore.

Or you can cut it with a fuking chainsaw.Why are people so damn scared to use a skilsaw?fuk it I give up.If I had the time and gas money I’d drive to jersey and cut the fucker freehand and let you take video.